Who pressed self destruct?

what a weekend for trucknet uk, stooped to new lows in my opinion and started banning anyone who dares mention robk or start a new thread about it. I always thought this site was “by drivers for drivers” well it appears it should be “by drivers for certain drivers”

an absolute ■■■■ up in my opinon and if anyone else agrees try this link but im sure it will be removed as we cant be advertising other sites now can we.


bloody hell that was quick :unamused:

There is one thread for discussion of Rob K’s departure…
feel free to use it.

Creating 10’s of seperate threads is just plain disruptive, and they will be moved and locked, folks who INSIST on repeatedly doing despite being asked not to will have their posting privelages suspended for a short time to allow them to calm down

folks who INSIST on repeatedly doing despite being asked not to will have their posting privelages suspended for a short time to allow them to calm down

Possibly you may want to include yourself on that list?

started banning anyone who dares mention robk

have we■■?
I wasnt aware of anyone who has been banned for mentioniing Rob k’
we have suspended accounts who insist on spamming the other forums/creating new threads /polls,

I dont see anyone who is discussing Rob K in the thread in this forum for that purpose and who isnt spamming other forums/creating new threads getting suspended.

But why let a little thing like facts get in the way of a good old manure stir ■■? :wink: :wink: :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Well there’s the globally applied “Yellow Card” you issued this weekend.

simply because I couldnt be arsed (yes arse is allowed :wink: :wink: ) to PM evryone seperatly… and a warning is not a suspension, and a suspension is not a ban. and also everyone now knows that there is a thread in here where they can express their views

what a weekend for trucknet uk, stooped to new lows in my opinion and started banning anyone who dares mention robk or start a new thread about it. I always thought this site was “by drivers for drivers” well it appears it should be “by drivers for certain drivers”

an absolute [zb] up in my opinon and if anyone else agrees try this link but im sure it will be removed as we cant be advertising other sites now can we.


wot a weekend indeed.i wonder wot the money men will make of it
after all thats wot the sites all about now aint it.
dictators running the site,being banned for airing your views on a certain subject,being told wot we can and cannot say on the forum.

deary me wot next?

wot a weekend indeed.i wonder wot the money men will make of it
after all thats wot the sites all about now aint it.
dictators running the site,being banned for airing your views on a certain subject,being told wot we can and cannot say on the forum.

deary me wot next?

You could of course , instead of muck raking have your say in an honest fashion :wink: :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :smiley:

No-one has been banned for saying Rob K shouldnt be banned, a couple of folks have decided to spam the forums with new threads and polls despite being asked to keep the discussion in the thread there for that purpose. because thety decided to carry on sopamming the forums they cannot post for a short period to allow them to cool off and to stop the spamming.

Still , why let facts get in the way eh■■? :wink: :wink: :wink:

exactly rikki, why let facts get in the way.
no matter how you dress it up its a farse. you know it, i know it and do the rest of the members.

Yes i agree its stupidity in its highest degree.

deliberatly breaking the rules despite being on a last chance and warning is not the act of a sensible person.

Spamming the forums with multiple posts instead of using the thread that is open for the conversation and then claiming that some folks are being denied freedom of speech is almost pitiful.

But i am sure fun is being had by all those who enjoy a little muck raking :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Talking of muck raking Lucy hasnt said much on this one.