Who make's the decision?

As the it say’s who decide’s a post isn’t relevant to a particular forum :question:
Is it down to ‘mods’ or ‘admin’ :question:
And what criteria do they use to shift a post into an unwatched forum :question:

Dave Penn;

As the it say’s who decide’s a post isn’t relevant to a particular forum :question:
Is it down to ‘mods’ or ‘admin’ :question:
And what criteria do they use to shift a post into an unwatched forum :question:

Dave Penn;

Mods or admin are one and the same in most cases, they both have the buttons to do it. This one will probably end up in the cryptic file.

Thanks Wheel Nut, I’m just feeling very ■■■■■■ off that my post about my wife’s death in Feb; was shunted off to the Health & Family forum within 24hrs for no-one to see or comment on. I’ve had a 6mth legal fight to keep legal residency of my stepson and have just got it on Friday but have nowhere to post it coz it does’nt link to anything I’ve posted. I have had to hang my key’s up for good now to be there for him and wanted to let people on here know but I’ts doesn’t seem that this is something that is relevant to TNUK anymore :imp: Maybe I should be asking about things like when do I have a shower :unamused: :unamused: FFS

Dave Penn;

Thanks Wheel Nut, I’m just feeling very ■■■■■■ off that my post about my wife’s death in Feb; was shunted off to the Health & Family forum within 24hrs for no-one to see or comment on. I’ve had a 6mth legal fight to keep legal residency of my stepson and have just got it on Friday but have nowhere to post it coz it does’nt link to anything I’ve posted. I have had to hang my key’s up for good now to be there for him and wanted to let people on here know but I’ts doesn’t seem that this is something that is relevant to TNUK anymore :imp: Maybe I should be asking about things like when do I have a shower :unamused: :unamused: FFS

Dave Penn;

i am sorry to hear that, but I think the Health and Family forum is more suitable myself. I don’t suppose you want compassion from strangers, but neither does it want to be in Bullys bar. Just my opinion of course, and not a mods.

Is that right WN :question: well just have a look at BV1 post about his son Kenny’s death, It’s still there in the PDF and no one has said well yeah it should be in Health & Family not even you who has put condolences on it just as I have, but my anger is that my wife’s death was totally unexpected and has turned my life completely upside down and has meant me having to finish driving probably for good now. I really thought TNUK was about drivers for drivers but as most of the real supportive people on this site have now gone or only post infrequently it looks like this site is heading down the drain.
BTW I have always respected everything you have posted, you have been there and done it and got the T shirt but I cannot help feeling very ■■■■■■ at how things have been done.

Dave Penn;

My apologies Dave.
We usually leave such sad posts on the main forum until they drop of the main page, then move them to the Health and family forum where they tend to stay noticeable far longer. As happened with yours, Big Verns post not being moved once it slipped of the main page was an oversight.

I often read the Health & family forum & would say that is where the post belongs or the Memorial forum ( although that is normally for forum members who have died )

As you say post in PDF then move to Health & Family room where you can quite easy update if need be like you with your 6mth of trying to keep your stepson

I hope you dont stop posting as have enjoyed your banter a well as the info you give

You have only hung up your keys for now as you never now what the future holds

Good luck

Apology accepted Rikki, I have thought really hard before posting about this but in the end I just felt I had to do it. My original post hadn’t slipped off the first page before it was moved, and neither had BV1’s, until very recently and it is still in the PDF and as a far as I’m concerned it should stop there, just as my post should have :exclamation: We have people posting about when & where they should shower at the moment :unamused:
We are seeing deaths from members of the trucking industry daily reported on this site and maybe my experience of losing my wife so unexpectedly and having to change my life immediately, from being away all week, to being a single parent and making sure that my stepson attended school, was fed properly and supported through such a traumatic event might have been useful to some members. It has been a very very tough time and has cost me over £5000.00 in solicitors fee’s at this point in time but has been worth every single penny to be given permanent residency of my son, especially as this was a fight against his biological father and maternal grandmother and I have also not been paid any statutory sick pay since Feb; so I’m having to to take legal action against the company for illegal deduction of earnings, on advice of ACAS. The last 6 mths have been a real struggle, as I had the time to my retirement all worked out with this company, but it all changed more or less overnight and I’m sure I’m not the only driver it has happened to or will happen to in the future.

Dave Penn;

Good Luck Dave, i really hope that the future will be all in your favour.

Thanks mate ‘49er’ Just feeling that people are on your side and giving you some kind of support really does help. :smiley:

Thanks & Regards
Dave Penn;

The Professional Drivers Forum is a bit like the truckstop bar, many varied work related conversations going on, covering every spectrum of driving for a living. In the virtual world , as in the real world when something deeply upsetting happens it stops for a while and focuses on that, words of sympathy and condolence are said and genuinely meant, but then the conversation does move on.

Thats where the family forum comes into play, its where those who wish can have a quieter word away from the hubbub and background noise of the main forum, and without the raucous nature and laughter that may be upsetting given the nature of the issue, and also away from those who may be somewhat insensitive and make what they feel is a flippant comment which can be deeply upsetting. the family forum is watched far more harshly than the main forum, due to the nature of subjects discussed there.

Please believe me I understand you are upset over this, but this way of helping members has worked for over 10 years - it is not ideal and we wish we could do more, There are many good people who take time to look into the family forum and support those in hard time either publicaly or via e-mail/PM and it is those members that you need behind you.
Think as the professional drivers forum as the works canteen where anything goes- work related, and the family room as taking a trusted mate to a quiet corner and telling them how you feel.

Good luck Dave, you are having a crap year, I hope things improve for you.
How’s your Stepson coping? Must be real hard on him as well.

Thank’s Steve, life is getting better and being given permanent residency also give’s me parental responsibility, which I didn’t have before, so that’s the biggest hurdle over with. My lad seems to have coped well with all this but maybe coz I’ve done everything possible to protect him and keep a stable home life for him has helped, he just want’s thing to get back to the way they where before Michelle’s death and we are getting there one day at a time.

Thanks and Regards
Dave Penn;

Hi Dave, I feel for you mate. I never asked for mine to remain in the public eye for so long!
I was overwhelmed by the show of support that I received. But I never asked for it to remain where it did. I’m glad you got a result and can move on. I wish you all the very, very best.
Ade. :smiley: