Who is this utter cock?


If the merc driver had taken another 30 seconds to clear the pile of snow off his bonnet he would probably missed being in the situation he was in regardless of blame!

I think in this case the best advice would be to ignore the idea of using lane discipline within the section where the road planners have ( idiotically ) turned it into a 4 lane section of motorway through the junction and just treat it as a continuation of the 3 lanes. :bulb: IE if the truck in lane 1 had stayed in what became lane 2 and the truck in lane 2 had stayed in what became lane 3 the situation definitely wouldn’t have happened.

I think you should stop worrying about nobs driving cars, and start worrying about the amount of nobs driving trucks!



If the merc driver had taken another 30 seconds to clear the pile of snow off his bonnet he would probably missed being in the situation he was in regardless of blame!

I think in this case the best advice would be to ignore the idea of using lane discipline within the section where the road planners have ( idiotically ) turned it into a 4 lane section of motorway through the junction and just treat it as a continuation of the 3 lanes. :bulb: IE if the truck in lane 1 had stayed in what became lane 2 and the truck in lane 2 had stayed in what became lane 3 the situation definitely wouldn’t have happened.

I think you should stop worrying about nobs driving cars, and start worrying about the amount of nobs driving trucks!

I think exactly the same thing would have happened in that case if it had been two decent car drivers using correct lane discipline at that point with the nutter driving the Merc trying to overtake using lane 2 just the same.The only difference being that the speeds could have been a lot higher.The fact is the Merc driver is a liability on the roads regardless of vehicle type and as I’ve said if the law are too stupid to act on the video evidence provided the next time the nutter tries the same stunt things might not turn out so well.



If the merc driver had taken another 30 seconds to clear the pile of snow off his bonnet he would probably missed being in the situation he was in regardless of blame!

I think in this case the best advice would be to ignore the idea of using lane discipline within the section where the road planners have ( idiotically ) turned it into a 4 lane section of motorway through the junction and just treat it as a continuation of the 3 lanes. :bulb: IE if the truck in lane 1 had stayed in what became lane 2 and the truck in lane 2 had stayed in what became lane 3 the situation definitely wouldn’t have happened.

I think you should stop worrying about nobs driving cars, and start worrying about the amount of nobs driving trucks!

Fair point Weeto, If Mr asda had knocked her back a couple of clicks he could of tucked in behind and saved himself some stress.




If the merc driver had taken another 30 seconds to clear the pile of snow off his bonnet he would probably missed being in the situation he was in regardless of blame!

I think in this case the best advice would be to ignore the idea of using lane discipline within the section where the road planners have ( idiotically ) turned it into a 4 lane section of motorway through the junction and just treat it as a continuation of the 3 lanes. :bulb: IE if the truck in lane 1 had stayed in what became lane 2 and the truck in lane 2 had stayed in what became lane 3 the situation definitely wouldn’t have happened.

I think you should stop worrying about nobs driving cars, and start worrying about the amount of nobs driving trucks!

Fair point Weeto, If Mr asda had knocked her back a couple of clicks he could of tucked in behind and saved himself some stress.

Why would he have wanted to do that when he was overtaking the truck in lane 1 that the Merc driver was behind and who was therefore obviously to all intents and purposes running at a slower speed than both trucks. :unamused:


Rob K:

Na, don’t believe that for one minute, the fastest I’ve ever seen an Asda truck go on a motorway is 48mph.

^ Explains why you are acting like a ■■■■ throughout this thread : you have 0 truck driving experience.

What ever ■■■■, and just to add, I’ve probably done more miles in reverse than you’ve done going forward in a truck!

So that makes you a nob driver too then! :smiling_imp:

All this talk of ■■■■■ and nobs is getting far too many hits on search engines from the other bus community now. :open_mouth:

…at least that’s the sort of thong… thing that this American software thingy “Prism” is supposed to do when examining in-transit comments between internet users. :confused:

Ever thought of being less belligerent Weeto ( more people might be persuaded by your view )



Rob K:

Na, don’t believe that for one minute, the fastest I’ve ever seen an Asda truck go on a motorway is 48mph.

^ Explains why you are acting like a ■■■■ throughout this thread : you have 0 truck driving experience.

What ever ■■■■, and just to add, I’ve probably done more miles in reverse than you’ve done going forward in a truck!

So that makes you a nob driver too then! :smiling_imp:

Not biting, nob.





If the merc driver had taken another 30 seconds to clear the pile of snow off his bonnet he would probably missed being in the situation he was in regardless of blame!

I think in this case the best advice would be to ignore the idea of using lane discipline within the section where the road planners have ( idiotically ) turned it into a 4 lane section of motorway through the junction and just treat it as a continuation of the 3 lanes. :bulb: IE if the truck in lane 1 had stayed in what became lane 2 and the truck in lane 2 had stayed in what became lane 3 the situation definitely wouldn’t have happened.

I think you should stop worrying about nobs driving cars, and start worrying about the amount of nobs driving trucks!

Fair point Weeto, If Mr asda had knocked her back a couple of clicks he could of tucked in behind and saved himself some stress.

Why would he have wanted to do that when he was overtaking the truck in lane 1 that the Merc driver was behind and who was therefore obviously to all intents and purposes running at a slower speed than both trucks. :unamused:

Did you actually watch the video CF?

Express Pete:
Ever thought of being less belligerent Weeto ( more people might be persuaded by your view )

Can’t be help when your dealing with people who are as thick as pig ■■■■, and can’t see further than the end of their nose, but then than would explain the amount of nob tailgating truck drivers.

If tailgating is going on in any lane other than 1, sometimes you need to ask why.

Done a bit.

Incidentally, I’ve done loads in cars.

And I’ve never, ever, ever been tailgated by a truck.

Ian G:
If tailgating is going on in any lane other than 1, sometimes you need to ask why.

Done a bit.

Incidentally, I’ve done loads in cars.

And I’ve never, ever, ever been tailgated by a truck.

Same here, neither have I ever been overtaken by a truck, been “stuck” behind a truck in lane 2 on a motorway, cause a truck to move or brake when I’m joining from a slip road etc etc Funny that.

Ian G:
If tailgating is going on in any lane other than 1, sometimes you need to ask why.

Done a bit.

Incidentally, I’ve done loads in cars.

And I’ve never, ever, ever been tailgated by a truck.

You must be lucky then, had one tailgating me, right up until the rear fogs on my car came on, cue one irate nob driver brake testing his truck.






If the merc driver had taken another 30 seconds to clear the pile of snow off his bonnet he would probably missed being in the situation he was in regardless of blame!

I think in this case the best advice would be to ignore the idea of using lane discipline within the section where the road planners have ( idiotically ) turned it into a 4 lane section of motorway through the junction and just treat it as a continuation of the 3 lanes. :bulb: IE if the truck in lane 1 had stayed in what became lane 2 and the truck in lane 2 had stayed in what became lane 3 the situation definitely wouldn’t have happened.

I think you should stop worrying about nobs driving cars, and start worrying about the amount of nobs driving trucks!

Fair point Weeto, If Mr asda had knocked her back a couple of clicks he could of tucked in behind and saved himself some stress.

Why would he have wanted to do that when he was overtaking the truck in lane 1 that the Merc driver was behind and who was therefore obviously to all intents and purposes running at a slower speed than both trucks. :unamused:

Did you actually watch the video CF?

Yes I did and as I’ve said even Stevie Wonder could see that the Merc was following a truck in lane 1 and both vehicles were being overtaken by the Asda truck in lane 2.The truck in lane 1 then increased speed for obvious reasons considering the location which meant that the truck in lane 2 had to wait until things levelled out again.

What happened next was all about the results of what happens when idiot British road planners add a lane on the nearside and the equally idiotic Merc driver who was following the truck in lane 1 then deciding to ignore correct lane discipline in not returning to lane 1 behind the truck the zb had been following up to that point and instead decided to overtake both trucks ( particularly the Asda truck ) using the wrong lane,considering the position of the Asda truck.It’s no suprise what then happened next possibly to the point where,as I’ve said,the whole thing was a crash for cash scam on the part of the Merc driver. :unamused:

You must be lucky then

Not at all - I drive a car in a considerate manner and if a truck wants to come past, I let him past.

And I expect other people to afford me the same courtesy, something which is sadly very rarely reciprocated.

And if one wants to change lane and I’m in a car which is easy to manoeuvre, I give him the lane and I make my own arrangements to choose the lane I want.

And if I’m in something bigger and I want to change lane and some nob in a car stays there, I question their skills as a considerate driver.

Nothing to do with luck.

had one tailgating me, right up until the rear fogs on my car came on, cue one irate nob driver brake testing his truck.

I can only assume you’ve never actually driven professionally. Games like that just make you look a nob as well as that guy in the Merc.

That’s not personal btw, a lot of people on the road don’t see it either. Not sure whether its a lack of education or people just like being inconsiderate, but you’re not alone in your poor attitude to other road users.

Talking of tailgating, I was coming down a single carriage way yesterday (A412 as it so happens) with the usual stuff behind me including a blue artic. Anyway some pulled off and assumed the artic had too but wasn’t convinced. I was still quite shocked to see it in my mirrors as I negotiated a round-a-bout! First time I lost a whole artic in my mirrors and made me realise just how big that blind spot is.