Who goes where w/c Mon 15/01/07

So where is everyone going this week :question:

nowhere! on hols for a week :smiley:

im moving one of my cars moday to a spray shop, not sure about tuesday and wednesday yet, thursday off, friday manchester load out friday night overnight to london

nice easy start to week going to reading & farnboro for 8am and eleven then who knows where.
up and down country like a yo-yo.
or if like this week doing it with a 45 ’ tilt,and saving wear on tyres.

im on agency but working all next week on standby hehehe 8 hours for sitting in canteen chatting with other standby drivers.

another week on the bleak season so “who knows where” just waiting for the phone to ring

5am start going to scot co ponty, carlsberg tingley, clipper rotherham and bookers derby (last one booked in for 1030)


Load Market Deeping for 1100. That’s a cream job for us, so god knows why I’ve got it, I’m pondlife. TM probably sent the text to the wrong driver… :blush: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Stay in Etten-Leur

But I wish I was … :wink:

On DHL all week again. Another week like this week would be good, maximum shift was 5.5 hours, didn’t need a break any night as the maximum driving was 4 hrs 25 mins and 8 hours paid each night. That’ll do me. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

loading bletchley monday for rumo, kings lynn site/crane meeting tuesday, and orchies near lille thursday - as long as the tunnel is open/working

Monday is a Federal Holiday,Martin Luther King day.

Loading mid-day for Friendlies ice cream,Wilbraham MA, 6pm drop then who knows.

Belgium :cry:

usual beer drops,lincs,notts,south yorks, maybe a run to the melbourne brewery.its all so nice and easy.

Monday to Wednesday moving site cabins from Gravesend to Croydon"oh the glamour of it all :wink: " Thursday 27ton of cable down to Exeter night out then back to Kent empty(unless Triple A have something). All for the same construction company they pay an excellent day rate(lots of waiting around) so should be good and god knows the bank balance needs it. :slight_smile:

southampton to load tilbury then on to thamesport,nice easy day :laughing:

No idea exactly apart from tuesday afternoon when I’m being hauled into the office (again).

I should imagine otherwise it’ll be Yarmouth and the Broads most of the week maybe a trip to Lowestoft or Norwich sometime.

Possibly some sawmill work when there are no deliveries, unless I get handed a broom. :frowning:

Kinross and then a few locals(glasgow) and a pick up in glasgow as well job done

dont you just love job and finish altho the wages are crap the now with no OT !

Monday and Tuesday night I’m working on M1 in the roadworks between 15 and Watford Gap. Somewhere. 1900-0700 max

Wednesday no doubt a rest day,

Thursday somewhere on Days and then Friday-Monday inclusive long weekend away. Out driving with some friends in Wales in an ancient Landrover :laughing: :laughing: