Who goes where w/c Mon 04/07/05

carlisle trailer swop

anyone at the golden fleece on sunday or monday night im the one making the noise in the blue scania


carlisle trailer swop

anyone at the golden fleece on sunday or monday night im the one making the noise in the blue scania


i always stopped there for my diesal but those pesky jocks always have a 15 min break on the pumps fill up and have a coffee while on the 15!!!

Class 1 training and test :smiley:

Good luck with the training & test, Convoy. It’s about time!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

4.30 start monday, off to Felixstowe to pick up box for Birmingham.


Class 1 training and test :smiley:

Good luck with the training & test, Convoy. It’s about time!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

4.30 start monday, off to Felixstowe to pick up box for Birmingham.

Cheers theghostofcain :smiley: It as been a long time coming
and now it’s almost here I am like :open_mouth: :open_mouth: and
excited to :smiley: :smiley:

Good Luck Convoy :slight_smile:

I will write to companies see if they have any jobs going, as now all my exams are over :smiley: :smiley: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

just come back after a new half knee,and will be away to a rehabilatation
clinic for the nexr 3-4 weeks as of the 6th july, if they have a PC set up for the internet i will try to get on line ,if not then be back at the end of july,

Good Luck with the exam results MAD28 and finding a job :smiley: .
Also good luck with the knee rehabilitation brit pete :smiley:

brit pete:
just come back after a new half knee,and will be away to a rehabilatation
clinic for the nexr 3-4 weeks as of the 6th july, if they have a PC set up for the internet i will try to get on line ,if not then be back at the end of july,

I hope they do have a PC because there might not be much else to do, I mean the Hokey Cokey isn’t going to be part of the evenings entertainment, now is it?.

coffeaholic, they do allow you out , only problem is that the nearest pub is
quite a far distance for some one on crutches so it looks like a beer free
3-4 weeks, thats if i survive they daliy routine of torture they have planned,

what you trying to say jess dad that im an old fogie :laughing:

Good Luck with the exam results MAD28 and finding a job :smiley: .

Cheers Convoy :sunglasses:

going back to paisley, job was supposed to be completed last week, but as normal it went ■■■■ up so off we go again another wide load up the m6 and as theres no rush aint got to be there until mid tuesday morning, i,ll be in carnforth,if anyone fancies buy me a pint :laughing: :wink:

12pm start at nampak in consett (co durham) then trunking down to haydock trailer swap and back home again …easiest 9hrs of yer life !!! going via a66/m6 giz a flash if ya see me !!! .ill be the one pulling the 16ft step frame

9.15 to fracture clinic about my broken arm, followed by several weeks unpaid enforced holiday while it heals.

will post the story of how it happened in the newbie’s forum in the next couple of days

all the best semtex andhopefully the time will pas quickly ,so that you can get back on the road mate,