Who gives a flying f..k what others earn

As what the title says.
All you seem to see on here,
I wouldn’t get out of bed for that
I earn that for half the hours
I get double that
Who gives a monkeys what others earn or what hours they work to earn that wage.
At least they are working and not sponging off the state.
Everyone has their limits that they want to earn. They probably don’t want to earn too much because of things like the higher rate of tax or because of a disgruntled ex partner that’s screwing for child maintenance. It’s doesn’t matter that you might be earning more than them, they are probably just grateful that they are earning. So wind your ■■■■■■ necks in you pleds and let people earn what they want, when they want or is it because you are jealous that you can’t earn that amount. Either way, it’s got sod all to do with you. And before anyone asks, no I don’t earn a fortune, but I’m comfortable with what I get for the hours I work.

Sent from Platform 9 3/4

I agree that being judgemental is disagreeable.

However people are by nature both curious and competitive, hence their desire to see how they are doing compared to others.

On a wider scale it gives you trends. I find that my pay is average on an hourly rate and my conditions are above average by reading the forum. I had little to copare with before.

+1 I’m happy with what i get, each to there own I suppose :sunglasses:

It matters when your local postman ■■■■■■ all over your wages for simply putting letters through a slot in the door :neutral_face:

It matters when your local postman ■■■■■■ all over your wages for simply putting letters through a slot in the door :neutral_face:

Then to add insult to injury, runs off with your misses or even worse doesn’t actually run off with her.

It matters when your local postman ■■■■■■ all over your wages for simply putting letters through a slot in the door :neutral_face:

Cant complain ref my own net pay but…as long as drivers accept low paid work its always going to be generally a low paid job…


It matters when your local postman ■■■■■■ all over your wages for simply putting letters through a slot in the door :neutral_face:

Then to add insult to injury, runs off with your misses or even worse doesn’t actually run off with her.

I’ve been trying to get mine to take Mrs B for years mate. He gives me the same response every time.

" I’ve told you Beaver, I don’t carry big stuff " :frowning:



It matters when your local postman ■■■■■■ all over your wages for simply putting letters through a slot in the door :neutral_face:

Then to add insult to injury, runs off with your misses or even worse doesn’t actually run off with her.

I’ve been trying to get mine to take Mrs B for years mate. He gives me the same response every time.

" I’ve told you Beaver, I don’t carry big stuff " :frowning:

I have told my posty my Mrs is good with fridges hoping that would entice him more, no such luck he just keeps propositioning me.

It matters when your local postman ■■■■■■ all over your wages for simply putting letters through a slot in the door :neutral_face:

Then become a postie


It matters when your local postman ■■■■■■ all over your wages for simply putting letters through a slot in the door :neutral_face:

Then become a postie

Would do mate if the waiting list wasn’t so long :frowning:

We could make similar aguments about Uber drivers.

An Uber driver can afford to work for less than £5ph because they get such heavy benefit top ups.

NO one could tell me they could afford to live on that kind of money otherwise.

You’d have to work 20 hours per day every day - just to take home the kind of wages you can get for supermarket or C2 multidrop work these days - 40 hour week monday-friday. :unamused:

I am inclined to agree with OP in that “People choose to earn less for a variety of reasons”. Another reason would be “It’s easier to do debt walkaway when one earns a pittance wage” - but I guess CSA-style payments from the limpet baggage who was quite happy to leave, but not happy to lose the income.

As what the title says.
All you seem to see on here,
I wouldn’t get out of bed for that
I earn that for half the hours
I get double that
Who gives a monkeys what others earn or what hours they work to earn that wage.
At least they are working and not sponging off the state.
Everyone has their limits that they want to earn. They probably don’t want to earn too much because of things like the higher rate of tax or because of a disgruntled ex partner that’s screwing for child maintenance. It’s doesn’t matter that you might be earning more than them, they are probably just grateful that they are earning. So wind your [zb] necks in you pleds and let people earn what they want, when they want or is it because you are jealous that you can’t earn that amount. Either way, it’s got sod all to do with you. And before anyone asks, no I don’t earn a fortune, but I’m comfortable with what I get for the hours I work.

Sent from Platform 9 3/4

It’s not that simple though, is it?
I DO give a monkey’s what others earn - because if some drivers are willing to do class 1 work for £8 per hour, then it becomes a race to the bottom, i.e. employers expect us all to work for the lowest possible rate.
I started driving about 10 years ago and was earning money which was only just “ok”. Unfortunately 10 years later the rate of pay stayed the same, but inflation didn’t . CPC was the last straw, about £400 every 5 years (plus 5 days lost wages to go and fall asleep in a classroom somewhere) so I decided enough was enough. Now getting a better hourly rate, for changing light bulbs and gardening at a care home! Steady hours, and no commute to bother about either.
I sometimes miss the driving, and it still annoys me that it was because of people willing to work for sweeties that I had to give it up.

Lol! That’s one way of putting it :smiley:

I can tolerate being on a couple o’ grand a week … but only do 26 weeks so half that over the year !!

I can tolerate being on a couple o’ grand a week … but only do 26 weeks so half that over the year !!

If you did 25 weeks, and spent 27 weeks working in some bar in a med resort - you could be a non-dom… Just think! :stuck_out_tongue:

It matters when your local postman ■■■■■■ all over your wages for simply putting letters through a slot in the door :neutral_face:

That same Postman is the one who stands up for himself and is prepared to go on strike to defend his pay, pension and terms and conditions.
We have recently been balloted for industrial action and I’m confident of a huge yes vote tomorrow.
I spent quite a few years on delivery, it’s hard work and takes it’s toll later in life. There’s no way I’d go back, what I do now is far easier.

Knowing what other drivers earn is really important, as it creates resistance in the labour market against (even) lower wages. Do you think that all of our employers would pay us whatever rate they do if they knew they could pay us minimum wage, tell us we were lucky and because nobody will talk money, we all accept it?

What individuals do with that knowledge is largely irrelevant, since real unions were squashed, but it still does create some upward pressure against employers wishes as a general movement.

All the guff that goes with it on here, whenever you strike up conversation with an agency driver etc etc is just drivers being drivers. You could offer two-grand a week and a ■■■■■■■ on payday and you’d immediately collect a couple of agency guys who can top it, a couple of older drivers who were on double the money and double the ■■■■■■■■ 20 years ago. Then up would pop someone else moaning about how they could get the same deal for half the hours stacking shelves (except they don’t go and do it), then immigrants get blamed then finally automatic gearboxes, until it’s time for the next thread.


I can tolerate being on a couple o’ grand a week … but only do 26 weeks so half that over the year !!

If you did 25 weeks, and spent 27 weeks working in some bar in a med resort - you could be a non-dom… Just think! :stuck_out_tongue:

Being so close to so much alcohol would see mee dead in a month or two …

We do compare ourselves to others in all sorts of ways. We look at what other drivers are earning in similar work for another company, we look at what others are earning in our company doing in a different role, we look at how much the boss is taking out. Any disparity will make us ask questions.
And there will always be someone better off somehow or other.
Most of us can respect any individual who choses to earn less than us to get a job better suited to their circumstances?
We all know money isn’t everything. Good bosses are like that too. All give paid time for hols, that’s law. Good ones pay for more by better contracts. Some even pay above what their contracts say. Working for them does make for a better job. I’m in pretty hood health but seeing a colleague get full pay whilst off work makes me feel a little bit happier.
Trouble is in most big firms manager’s hanfs are tied. The bean counters can’t account for the goodwill generated like this. Their responsibility is, by law, to shareholders. Shareholders, be it Mr Big or the holders of our own pension funds (ultimately you’n’me) are so remote they don’t care about paid time off when your kid is in hospital.
When the owners of big companies become too far detached from workers as is happening now throughout the country then dissatisfaction will increase. A richer remote boss makes for an unhappier worker and so a less productive one.
Things aren’t looking to good on the transport employment front at the moment to me. But there are very few places that need labour at the moment. Any suggestions? And I do think automation will take a bigger role soon. But as soon as a sector finds a need for an increase in workers what happens?
Firstly wages rise.
Secondly the job becomes a target for automation. If your wages increase a robot looks cheaper and if they need more robots they become really cheaper.
There are niches but by definition they will never be big employers.
I can’t see any likelihood of truck driving being a well paid job for the majority of us in the future. Society is starting to need a fundamental reset and I sure don’t know where it’ll end up.

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That’s a good post (as usual) Franglais. I know I am stating the obvious here, but the main reason for drivers wanting to know each others wages, is so that they know where they are in the scheme of things.

The real issue is this; How much compared to other occupations are truck drivers worth?

The technical difficulty/skill involved in driving an artic is minimal in my view. I know this because even I can do this with ease. However, the risk and exposure within the job and the potential consequences of driving errors are huge. So what kind of financial ’ reward ’ is an acceptable level?

Personally I believe that being paid less than many completely unskilled and ’ risk-free ’ occupations is simply ridiculous, and the more educated amongst our ranks (certainly on here at least), have discussed the reasons why the pay within the haulage sector is so low.

My view is that we need to change tactics within our discussions to anyone who will listen, we need to start focussing on the responsibility required within the role and also the consequences that follow when our job is not carried out correctly.