
Anyone know these chaps? I can account for the one in the middle.

does anyone have any photos of said company???I have asked before but no one seems to have any :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

This is my motor, with co-driver :wink: ,
taken at Aosta in about '84.


Truckerash sent me some too, including one of some drivers, but imageshack seems to have gone bellyup for the time being. :cry:](http://imageshack.us)

cheers dave be nice to see some more :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

DREVA who hasn’t been paying attention then? :blush: Best you go through the “Truckin in the 80’s” thread and keep an eye out for the Whitetrux pics :wink:

Heres some more just for you :wink:

i went through all 30 pages last week the dow pics have gone i didnt notice the white trux 1s but i did notice the a one pic ash :blush: but you have come up trumps again :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hi Dreva

I have a article about White Trux from 1976 that was in Commecial Motor
which has got a couple of nice pics.I will try and get a copy posted on

Dave did you know a driver called Alan Wartnaby as hes mentioned in
the article ?

cheers dean :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hi Dreva

I have a article about White Trux from 1976 that was in Commecial Motor
which has got a couple of nice pics.I will try and get a copy posted on

Dave did you know a driver called Alan Wartnaby as hes mentioned in
the article ?

No mate, I wasn’t there 'till '84, but I’d be interested in seeing the article nevertheless.

My dad ivan derricott worked for these back in 1989/90

Reg the article in Commercial Motor, look very closely and you will see two different Volvos with the same number plate, whats all that about■■?.

Can someone scan the article and put it up?
I’d love to see it,as I think it may be the same article that I remember reading all those years ago when I was a lad.
Is there a pic of an F89 up on the ramps in the workshop?

Yes KW thats the one there is a pic of a F89 in the workshop i have a copy
of article which i will ask another member to post on here.

Mark R:
Reg the article in Commercial Motor, look very closely and you will see two different Volvos with the same number plate, whats all that about■■?.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I know of a Dutch firm that got clobbered quite a few years ago for running two trucks on one set of plates,in actual fact only half the fleet were kosher.
Talk about ‘Ghost Drivers’,these were ‘Ghost Trucks’! :wink:

Here you go then chaps this was sent to me by DEANB for you all

Very interesting read,I can remember reading it at the time it came out,and being born and bred just a few miles from Canterbury it makes it even more enjoyable.
I think they were originally at Aylesham,just outside Canterbury,there was certainly a Volvo dealer there at the time anyway.

nice article - did his general manager go on to be very sucessful in the take away coffee game too? :grimacing:

nice article - did his general manager go on to be very sucessful in the take away coffee game too? :grimacing:

I met Brian Starbuck in Whitetrux Jeddah office when I worked for Chapman and Ball.I had shipped out on a milk run with 5 drops,first one Amman Customs.Did that,second drop,two crates for Jeddah.
All I had for an address was a PO box number.At Jeddah post office,it was suggested I write to them and await for someone to collect their mail from the PO box!
Instead,I went round to Whitetrux compound after seeing some of the lads outside the docks building trailer dollies for road trains,and Brian Starbuck suggested I leave the crates with them and they would contact the consignee and get the stuff delivered.What a gent!
I was able to spend the night with the lads before pushing on to get my other drops off,which included delivering to a shop in the middle of Dammam,and the last drop was a set of curtains to the house of a professor at Dammam university!

Very interesting read,I can remember reading it at the time it
came out,and being born and bred just a few miles from Canterbury it makes
it even more enjoyable.
I think they were originally at Aylesham,just outside Canterbury,there was
certainly a Volvo dealer there at the time anyway.

Those offices look familiar to me. If so that was Aylsham.
It was certainly true that we were expected to keep ourselves running, but I
don’t remember being asked for loads of refs or if I was a fitter when I took the
job, mind you it is surprising how good you get at mending wagons when you
have to. :wink: :laughing:

Perhaps there was a shortage of drivers in '84. After being made redundant I
bought myself a taxi and was sitting on a rank in Nottingham when the wife
rang me and said Michael White wanted me to catch the 9pm boat from Dover.
This was around lunchtime, but before I went to bed I was on my way to
Italy. :unamused: :laughing:


Very interesting read,I can remember reading it at the time it
came out,and being born and bred just a few miles from Canterbury it makes
it even more enjoyable.
I think they were originally at Aylesham,just outside Canterbury,there was
certainly a Volvo dealer there at the time anyway.

Those offices look familiar to me. If so that was Aylsham.
It was certainly true that we were expected to keep ourselves running, but I
don’t remember being asked for loads of refs or if I was a fitter when I took the
job, mind you it is surprising how good you get at mending wagons when you
have to. :wink: :laughing:

Perhaps there was a shortage of drivers in '84. After being made redundant I
bought myself a taxi and was sitting on a rank in Nottingham when the wife
rang me and said Michael White wanted me to catch the 9pm boat from Dover.
This was around lunchtime, but before I went to bed I was on my way to
Italy. :unamused: :laughing:

Think you’re right David,it must be Aylesham,but I only remember it from the mid 70’s,by 1979 I’d moved away from the area.

Mate of mine who drove for Astran said he had to take a basic course in Astran’s workshops on how to keep a Scania mobile before they let him loose.