White logistics driver assessment

Hi all I’m new to the forum as a recently passed hgv driver I passed my class 2 last month and have since been looking for a job :slight_smile: one company I got a call back from was white logistics I’m going in tomorrow morning for a chat and a driver assessment so all I wanted to know really is if anyone has any experience with or working for this company and what they are like and what shall I expect with the assessment? Shall I just treat it as a more relaxed driving test or what? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

These assessments vary widely. But if you plan for:

Document checks (licence, DQC)
Interview (smart casual is the normal way to go for this)
Tacho test
Road sign/Highway Code test
Routing exercise
Walk round check of the vehicle
Ask for explanation of any unfamiliar controls - it’s a fluke if it’s similar to your training vehicle
Don’t drive as if you are on test - drive properly and with purpose. Don’t mess about. Get on with it - safely.
Reverse the vehicle as requested - get and and check if you want to.
Ask any questions about the specifics of the job rather than leave it to guesswork.
Make sure you fully understand what the pay rate is and how it’s calculated. eg some pay breaks, some don’t.

From the list above, you may only get some of the things listed. But you’re not likely to get a lot more. So best prepared.

Don’t leave anything to hope and maybe. Employers are not generally out to screw the driver, contrary to popular belief, but you must ask exactly what is required, when it’s required and what the income is.

Make sure you turn up smart and presentable; you are often the only physical contact the customer has with the company. You will do well to have protective boots and hi-vis as a minimum. I’m impressed by folks who turn up at 10 - 15 minutes early and who have researched the company. You need to know what they do so far as you can find out.

Good luck with it, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

I got the job! :smiley: thanks very much for the advise mate!