White coat hypertension ( syndrome)

Any one suffered from this ?

Any one suffered from this ?

Yes I have, and I think a lot of people do. Basically it’s anxiety; you get it into your head that your reading will be high and guess what!

Get yourself a BP machine to use at home and also whilst you are at work. Keep a diary of the readings and show them to your “white coat” when you visit

Trouble is, the doctors tell you that you have a certain condition and then your head runs away with you. It happened to me 5 years ago when they found out I had a blocked artery. I then spent several weeks thinking I was going to have a heart attack every time I stood up until they eventually fitted me with a stent. After that everything was fine - instantly! Thousands of people have this sort of thing every year and most end up fine - yet there was I panicking.

Similarly many thousands of people have diabetes and dodgy prostates etc - yet you only ever hear about those who die. Nobody ever tells you about the overwhelming majority who are successfully treated

Try and relax - you’ll feel better for it


And not just when they strap you up for the blood pressure test but from as soon as i step inside the doctors office.

Not having the issues as bad / much now , getting used to hospitals now , not keen on them , but not getting so worked up