Which set up is best to do my class 1 in

Hello I have held my class two licence for 7 months and I feel I am ready to move up too class 1 now and I am ready to book up but there something bothering me

The company I did my class two with were good but they use a wagon and drag for the class one which I would imagine would be a bit easier to pass In since its just the same truck I did my class two in with a trailer on the back but then would I be okay to go from that too the normal setup as the pivet point is different when reversing and I would have no experience reversing under the trailer to hitch up

I am currently working full time as a class 2 driver and would be looking to drive class one for the same company but I just don’t think I would feel confident going from a wagon and drag to the “real thing”

Am I being daft or do I have a point here advise please
Cheers Kyle

The company I did my class two with were good but they use a wagon and drag for the class one which I would imagine would be a bit easier to pass In since its just the same truck I did my class two in with a trailer on the back

I would recommend the W&D in your case then going elsewhere for half a day artic training - perhaps a saturday morning for 4 hours

Although the pivot points are in different places the principals are exactly the same

If your company have artics then forget the 4 hours training elsewhere but get one of their experienced drivers to take you out etc during some free time - that can be done now as you have CE provisional - L plates and insurance to cover that required

Cheers ROG that’s coverd things nicely !

Personally I’d do whichever is more use to you in your job. If you’re going driving W&D then do your training in that with an artic refresher. If your firm is mainly artic obviously do the opposite.

Most firms will give you an opportunity to train for specifics. like backing under demounts, it’s in their interest really.

Good luck with the C+E

Personally, I’m choosing to do my class 1 in a conventional artic as I feel it is the vehicle that I’m more likely to drive in the real world and I reckon it would be easier to adjust to w&d from an artic rather than the other way round. But then again you mentioned that the company you passed your class 2 with were good, so obviously it is worth bearing that in mind.

Whatever you choose, all the best and let us know how you get on!

OMG - not again!!!

Pete :laughing: :laughing: