Wheres Wolfie Solved md1987

Where was I yesterday?

Tenby I’d hazard a guess at :joy::joy:

Nope, not Tenby :crazy_face:

It was probably this on the bottom left that lulled me into a false sense of security :joy:

Haha I always change the file name, I thought everbody knew that by now!

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There is a ferry port a couple of miles behind me.

We’re not in Wales

I’m nearer to Edinburgh than I am to London

port william

No, but very close indeed.

Still lurking and waiting for a clue Martin :joy::joy:

Ok, here you go…

I’m nearer Belfast than I am Edinburgh


No, but you’re scorching hot

A77 heading into Stranraer then?.

Hurrah we have a winner. I didn’t expect that to cause so many problems