Where's the "My pet hate thread"?

Has it been took off the forum?? Can’t find it anywhere.


Did you mean this one?

No mate it was the one where the OP said he hated the reg plates that drivers have in the cab window and it was his pet hate 6 month before :unamused:
There must have been some bullying going off on it or something as it was on here yesterday at about 18:00.

It would have been taken down because its only purpose was to wind people up :unamused:

It would have been taken down because its only purpose was to wind people up :unamused:

But they’re the good threads, I love seeing people getting all wound up. :smiley:

bald bloke:

It would have been taken down because its only purpose was to wind people up :unamused:

But they’re the good threads, I love seeing people getting all wound up. :smiley:

So do I…to a point, but this started off in an abusive manner, so it was always going to be on a one way trip to the bin.

Pick a rule :wink:

Will no longer be tolerated- if in the view of the admin team your posts are simply one line trolling and not posted to contribute/ add value to a discussion they will be removed… the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Random crap
Posts that do not make any sensible contribution to the forum will simply go
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Baiting other members
Posting simply to get a rise out of another/other members will simply lead to the poster no longer being able to post without their posts being scrutinised first no warnings- it will just happen. any such posts will be removed
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

The OP posted the same thing 6 months ago ( he said so in the post) It wasn’t a success then either

Careful Denis, the op has stated that he did Thai red curry or something for 6000 years! He’ll be along with his wok shortly.