Wheres my post gone?

I tried putting a post in THE DRIVERS HOUR GUARD TECHNICAL SUPPORT FORUM and got message ‘will need to go before board before being allowed’ got the confirmation email and saw my post in there, just went to see if I had any replies and the post has gone, checked via the email link and it says ‘The requested topic does not exist.’ it wasn’t abusive or adult nature just a simple question about working hours, was it the wrong forum?

I tried putting a post in THE DRIVERS HOUR GUARD TECHNICAL SUPPORT FORUM and got message ‘will need to go before board before being allowed’ got the confirmation email and saw my post in there, just went to see if I had any replies and the post has gone, checked via the email link and it says ‘The requested topic does not exist.’ it wasn’t abusive or adult nature just a simple question about working hours, was it the wrong forum?

We’re 1-1 on mistakes mate…

Your mistake was to post in the wrong forum, which deals with a specific topic.
That kind of mistake is really no big deal cos I only needed to move it to a forum where it could be discussed.

My mistake was that I hit “delete” instead of “move.” :blush:

If you re-post it in the main PDF forum or the Safety & Law forum, I’m sure it’ll get the answer and discussion you’re looking for.

Sorry. :blush:

Thanks for the explanation Dave my fault really for putting it in the wrong forum.

My mistake was that I hit “delete” instead of “move.”

That’s it Dave… I am docking your bonus this month :slight_smile:

so poor dave gets a choice then mince pie and no brandy butter or brandy butter with no pie :wink:


My mistake was that I hit “delete” instead of “move.”

That’s it Dave… I am docking your bonus this month :slight_smile:

Oh dear, and after I’d worked so hard to get it all the way up to zero. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

so poor dave gets a choice then mince pie and no brandy butter or brandy butter with no pie :wink:

I’m more of a steak and kidney pie type of guy, cos those others might make me fat. :wink:

I’ll be OK if they leave my tea-bag allowance alone though. :grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue:

What! A mod admitting a mistake, wonders never cease

Oh dear, and after I’d worked so hard to get it all the way up to zero. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

PMSL Lol :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: