Where's Limeyphil?

Is he locked up somewhere for smuggling contraband or illegals ? Anybody know ?

bald bloke:
Is he locked up somewhere for smuggling contraband or illegals ? Anybody know ?

He’s an echo on here :laughing: :open_mouth:


bald bloke:
Is he locked up somewhere for smuggling contraband or illegals ? Anybody know ?

He’s an echo on here :laughing: :open_mouth:

I know, answers on this thread please. I’m sat in the sun at home and couldn’t really see what keys I was pressing :blush:

You could have answered your own question!

With his open and blatant disregard for the law and authorities he could be “doing time” somewhere in Europe, many European countries legal systems could have him banged to rights just using the evidence from these forums :unamused:

You could have answered your own question!

With his open and blatant disregard for the law and authorities he could be “doing time” somewhere in Europe, many European countries legal systems could have him banged to rights just using the evidence from these forums :unamused:

December 14th last post, strange he suddenly disappeared after always being a regular contributor to the forum.

I suspect he is now going by the username of “Dozy”!!! :open_mouth:

Heard he got a contract running “livestock” from Italy back to calais for a trailer change :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s quite a few peeps that haven’t been around for a while.

My monies on abducted by aliens in some far away mysterious land

He got a bit lost when they added Lytham St Annes to his Heysham meals on wheels round. His TIR plared Berlingo has been parked outside the National hotel (Blackpool) for weeks since he knackered the clutch. The hotel owner says he keeps popping in asking if there’s a telex for him so he knows when Wheelnut and Carryfast will be there with a new thrust bearing :grimacing:

My monies on abducted by aliens in some far away mysterious land

My money is on him languishing in some Eastern European jail. :smiley:

now now come on he obviously got a new magnet for xmas and hasn’t stopped for a break yet :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

He’s disappeared off face ache too. Last post was in April. :confused:

He’s gone into business with desypete, (the one that pete “never talks about” as it’s Top secret :wink: :smiley: ) Heard they were trying to Head-hunt dozy to complete it.

There’s quite a few peeps that haven’t been around for a while.

Haven’t seen irishlorries for a while to name but a few.

He’s gone into business with desypete, (the one that pete “never talks about” as it’s Top secret :wink: :smiley: ) Heard they were trying to Head-hunt dozy to complete it.

:laughing: :laughing:

Dozy’s side locker? I’d put nothing past that bloke, capable of anything, intentional or not

Rob K
Smashed Crab Face
Boss & Driver■■? :laughing:
Who was the young Scottish lad with the tattoos ?

Where are they?

Rob K
Smashed Crab Face
Boss & Driver■■? :laughing:
Who was the young Scottish lad with the tattoos ?

Where are they?

They aint gone anywhere, they’re still on here under different names :bulb: most you can tell by their posting style. (Or in B&D/McThick’s case lack of it. :smiley:)

Rob K
Smashed Crab Face
Boss & Driver■■? :laughing:
Who was the young Scottish lad with the tattoos ?

Where are they?

Robk packed up driving after he got the zb frightened out of him by all those loony stobart fridge driver blasting past him on the limiter through the fog on the race for home on there last shift :laughing: :laughing: :frowning: think he took there numbers )
That night spooked him ,esl drivers on the limiter ,poor old rob doing 40 mph on the A1 and he still couldn’t see a foot in front of his truck :laughing: :laughing: ,super trucker my ■■■ .
N.b but he was alright apart from taking our numbers and apparently going to report us :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: ,did have some laughs though ,good days on here