Where were the Hippies? Tango Boy gets it!

Name that Festival

Cornwall :open_mouth:

Not in Cornwall

Not in Cornwall

Devon maybe :wink:

Not Devon either.

Reading ?

Not Reading… no no no no.

Weston Park

Leeds.,who that rolling a spliff :question:

seth 70:
Leeds.,who that rolling a spliff :question:

Sorry ,shes opening a bag of green :wink: :wink:

cream at runcorn

Not Weston Park, Leeds or Runcorn. It’s not a spliff but chapattis for the curry on the open fire, which may be a clue in itself. As we all know spliffs come after curry.


Not Glastonbury

Isle ofMan

Not the Isle of Man

Not Weston Park, Leeds or Runcorn. It’s not a spliff but chapattis for the curry on the open fire, which may be a clue in itself. As we all know spliffs come after curry.

I wouldn’t say a splif comes after a curry :wink:

T in the park

Not T in the Park, more like beer in a field really!

Showground Shepton Mallet ?