Where was i

Wish I was there now…

Looks like Blackpool on their sunny day each year :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

In the pictures, watching Lawrence of Arabia ?

On a donkey with a hump at Weston Super Mare.

I was about to give a clever answer but thought better of it.


Dubai or Spain.

bald bloke:
Dubai or Spain.

could be Oz


the flying foden:

Check out the big brain on Brad!!!

Tangiers Beach!

Your prize in in the post: a Royale with cheese!

Skegvegas Lincolnshire !!

Sorry, the competion is now closed. The winner won a trip in a Foden.

Rules and conditions apply.

Second prize is tramping all year in a Volvo FL 10 Wendy House coffin cab.
Third prize is given a Erf with an Eaton twin splitter.
Day cab.No bunk on European work.