where was I? Solved by Lonewolf

Try this for size :smiley:

OMG, ur having a laugh,!!!

I forgot to add if you click on the image you can enlarge it! I thought the boss was kidding when he sent me there. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

somewhere in Scotland? :open_mouth:

But guessing would say something like the Shetlands

You are very close mate! try south a bit :smiley:

Orkney by any chance

South west. :smiley:

Isle of Lewis?

Isle of Lewis?

Getting there! :smiley:

Well it must be Sth or Nth Uist then? Or have i gone to far?

Well it must be Sth or Nth Uist then? Or have i gone to far?

You’re right :smiley:

Which one then?

Which one then?

None of them,you were right, to far south :smiley:

You’re on Harris, somewhere in the Aird Mhighe or Finsbay area.

Lonewolf Yorks:
You’re on Harris, somewhere in the Aird Mhighe or Finsbay area.

Bang on Lonewolf, i don’t know how you do it! Just outside of Finsbay,stole that away from grahamA.