Where was dieseldave? [Solved by brit pete.]

Time for two more pics from my Euro travels.:grimacing: (1983-4)
The clues are after the pics :wink:

I’m in a queue to get through a border.
:open_mouth: This is what’s in front of me…and I’m still a couple of miles from the border post. :frowning:

Soon after my arrival at the tail end of the queue,
this little lot had built up behind me:


  1. This place was notorious for delays, my record here was 30hrs to cross this border, with all paperwork already filled in and correct. :open_mouth:
  2. I’m on my way out of the EU. (EEC as was.)
  3. Your paperwork also needed to have a green postage stamp placed on it, in box #42, otherwise you weren’t going anywhere.
  4. All vehicles had to queue for a single weighbridge at this border.

So, where was I and which countries are involved :question:


brit pete:

Hi brit pete your score is one out of three. :grimacing:

:laughing: :smiley: If I told you which bit you got right, that would spoil my fun :smiley:


brit pete:

'Fraid not Pete :frowning:


brit pete:

'Fraid not again Pete :frowning:
At Schärding, the mountains weren’t as close as in my pics. :wink:

You’ve still scored 1/3 though.:grimacing:

Italy and the BRENNER grenze??

Well D.D,
you have got me bafflad. I know its not the Dutch Mountains and I could not disclose the name of the border anyway. :slight_smile:

I would of said Austria to Yugoslavia at Spielfeld, where I spent over 10 hours on a few occasions. However, I dont think Austria was in the E.E.C. in 1984, but the green postage stamp rings a bell.

I must take my hat off to you Dave, ( it’s the cone shaped one with the letter D on the front.) :frowning:

brit pete:
Italy and the BRENNER grenze??

3/3 We have a winner.:grimacing:

:grimacing: CONGRATULATIONS brit pete :smiley: :smiley:

Well D.D,
you have got me bafflad. I know its not the Dutch Mountains and I could not disclose the name of the border anyway. :slight_smile:

I can.:grimacing:
The name of the popular Dutch border was Boschboschenbosch. :wink:

I would of said Austria to Yugoslavia at Spielfeld, where I spent over 10 hours on a few occasions. However, I dont think Austria was in the E.E.C. in 1984, but the green postage stamp rings a bell.

You’re spot-on there mushroomman. The postage stamps were made of ever so thin (almost see-through) paper and cost OS 0.40 (40 groschen) apiece. If you weren’t TIR with a GV60, the stamps had to be stuck in box 42 on the back of each T form for transit.

Agreed mushroomman it does look a bit like Spielfeld, but I used to go via Loibel into Yugo to miss the ‘tourists.’ :wink:

I must take my hat off to you Dave, ( it’s the cone shaped one with the letter D on the front.) :frowning:

Hey mate, it was a long time ago and human memory is a strange thing. Isn’t it odd what bits we can remember and which bits we lose. A bit of a lottery methinks.:grimacing:

Back then, you wouldn’t have done many trips if you needed a cone-shaped hat, so I know that doesn’t apply to you. :wink:

Now I’ll have to have a rummage for some more pics. :smiley:
:open_mouth: I may be gone for some time… :laughing: