Where is this?


Rob K:

Alas not :frowning: And you were doing so well :smiley: :smiley: Well, you got the Norwich one :astonished:

Coventry college

Coventry college

Coventry City College? New site or Old site? Perhaps Coventry University?

Let me save you the bother John, neither :smiley:

I was thinking it looked like the car park behind the new site in Harnall Lane. But obviously wrong lol

You mean where your friend in Alfa Trading used to be? Nooo.

Although that particular place is quite an interesting design with the corner attributes of the wing that has been repeated in new buildings across the area. They’ve gone for an arty type of side panelling and some darkened glass on the inner sections…

I really should get around to taking a fot of it. It’s only been there a couple of years :astonished:

A npc car park lol

Northern boy:
A npc car park lol

Actually, whilst it is a Car Park it is NOT an NCP one :wink:

Anyone else before I reveal all? :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I was thinking it looked like the car park behind the new site in Harnall Lane. But obviously wrong lol

This is the carpark you mean Dean



'fraid not. It is in England, however :wink: