Where has norfolk newbies job posts gone

seen loads of jobs other day now all disapeared :confused:

There was a disagreement over terms of use of this forum and they have been removed.

Back to the Jobseekers website where they came from.

I’m sure he posted them in good faith, although a job available in a certain area is really only relevant to a very small number of users, so it tends to flood the forum a bit. Best thing is for any individual member to do is to check the DWP website for vacancies local to them, although the best jobs never get advertised.

big brother britain at its best again

And he thought he was doing something to help people and gets his posts removed, yet the site seem to think it’s more relevant to have topics on ■■■■! 3 topics last week, what bottle you use!! FFS now they are taking the ■■■■ with that one :exclamation:

^^^^^^^^^^ +1 :imp:

yet the site seem to think it’s more relevant to have topics on ■■■■

The site doesnt… it doesnt post topics, its a software programme… the staff dont… this is not a magazine written by journalists who decide the content … the members do… other truck drivers like yourself write the content. If you have a problem with whats being written then add what you think are more pertinent discussions, if people want to discuss them they will.

What this forum is not is a jobs board, what it is, is a discussion forum. Jobs and vacancies are part of our business model and that is seperate from giving you all free discussion space.

You may not like that decision, but nothing in life comes free, and in the case of these free to use forums that cost is that we do reserve the right to protect our business and our revenue streams. becuase without that business and revenue streams the simple fact of the matter this site will cease to exist.

Road Transport Media Ltd is not a charity, its is a business with employees to be responsible for, bills to pay and shareholders to keep onside. Giving away our assets for free would simply mean this site would no longer be viable.
I am not going too apologise for the fact we are part of a business, or that our goal is to provide a service, while making money to pay our employee’s. Simple fact is that if we hadnt become part of RBI , and now RTM this site would have folded a long time ago.

Over the years we have ploughed back a lot of money into this site, adding features members wanted, Such as attachments uploads, image gallery… all that extra bandwidth costs each and every month. For quite a while we suffered from over use and the server could not handle the traffic, and members screamed about slow load times, or the site simply being down. We invested so we are now on a dedicated server on a dedicated T1 Line that costs each and every month, having tech guys on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week to resolve issues with the site costs.

the legal fees each year are scary, because some members dont understand what they post on here is not the same as having a chat with a mate over a cup of coffee …

This site maybe free to you, but it is not free to us… and we have to fund it somehow

The job vacancies forum was always intended to be a perk of being a member here… to get a bit of inside knowledge, as we all know the best jobs are never advertised and go by word of mouth. It was not to be a free for all advertising forum… We did over look the odd vacancy that was posted from the job centre as we know times are tough. But 70 over 24 hours was a bit much.

What was worse is some of those adverts came from sites where the advertiser had paid to have it included, but they were posted here for free… if they want to reach drivers and are willing to pay let them pay to keep this site running - no way are we going to give that away for nothing

I believe the person posting all those vacancies, did so in all good faith, but he didnt know the implications of doing so.

Without breaking forum rules on PMs… I became aware of concerns that agencies were advertising on TN and this was pointed out to me by more than one person.

I also believe that NN posted the job vacancies in good faith, however…

… some of the vacancies were quite skilfully worded, but were actually from agencies.
Now I’ll repeat that I believe that the vacancies were posted in good faith.

This is on the forum index page on the Vacancies section:

A Post and Read only forum listing current job opportunities notified to TruckNet UK
Also for drivers to advertise themselves as available for work

Within the Vacancies Forum, there’s a sticky (dated 2003) which I’ve copied exactly:
Source = Guidelines for this forum (updated 23/1/2015) - DRIVER VACANCIES (Members Only) - Trucknet UK

The vacancy must be genuine… not a generic appeal for drivers…

NO TEMP Agencies
All Ads must have
The company name
Area in which the driver is required
The Wage paid (By the hour… or weekly)
Type of work
Contact Name and Number/E-Mail

Failing to comply with ALL of the above will result in the advert being deleted without notice

All ads will be deleted after 14 days, if the vacancy is not filled it will have to be reposted

Looking for work
Drivers are also able to advertise themselves as available for work.

We strongly suggest you do not post personal e-mail or contact numbers, but instead ask to be contacted through e-mail or private message via a members profile page on this website

All ads will be deleted after 14 days, and will need reposting after this time if you are still looking

Please can you make it clear in the subject line if you are a company looking for a driver or if you are a driver looking for work

:bulb: Let’s be fair here, NN only did what he thought was an honest effort to help out-of-work drivers, but the forum rules were unwittingly breached. IMHO it’s done and dusted and probably doesn’t need to become a big deal.

There’s a whole other debate in the main forum about agencies filling their books and not having any ‘real’ work etc, etc without allowing the sneakier ones to get free adverts on here. :imp: