Where do you find work?

Disclaimer: Yes, I work for an agency and my profession is acutely frowned upon, however I’d like to think there’s no harm in asking for some insight from the people that know best. My inbox is open for you to tell me how 'orrible agencies are, although I sincerely appreciate any information offered. Thanks!

Given that job boards are flooded with agency postings and the ever-present ‘non-jobs’, common sites seem to be becoming somewhat defunct. There’s also a conflict in distinguishing the legitimate roles being advertised against said non-jobs. Further to that, I’m pretty sure people are about as annoyed as reading the ‘same’ ads as much as I am with posting them! (Before anyone jumps on this, no, I don’t post non-jobs - purely by my own choice) If it’s beneficial to the forum, I may write up something about what to look for in agency ads that will point out the difference between the two.

I do keep an eye on the other boards within this forum and the traffic in ‘Driver Vacancies’ is somewhat limited, with a higher proportion of posters seeking work as opposed to offering. How successful this route is obviously I have no idea given that conversations take place privately (and rightly so), but given the traffic the site generates, I half-expected there to be a little more activity and would generally encourage it. Nothing like someone else having first hand experience of a company and being able to refer another poster etc.

My question is, where do you guys look for work, and where do you notice adverts and such the most? Are your local burger vans plastered in agency pamphlets, and have you ever bothered to contact them? Do you always look to the local papers, and if so, had any success via these, be it direct or agency?

Cheers gents, and as mentioned above, if you have any queries about legitimate vs. non-job or anything agency & advertising related, please ask away - either here or via PM. :slight_smile:

All the good jobs will never be advertised.
It’s either a personal contact or drive into a company where you think you would like to work and present yourself and your CV.

Something I have often wondered why some agencies both to add for these ‘non jobs’? Surely if all the hype is to be believed and there are plenty of drivers needing work, then post real jobs as they happen and people will be jumping at them. Surely it costs money to add jobs that you could fill anytime? I understand you may not do this- but most do… Lol

Clients bid for my services.

Race Trucker:
Something I have often wondered why some agencies both to add for these ‘non jobs’? Surely if all the hype is to be believed and there are plenty of drivers needing work, then post real jobs as they happen and people will be jumping at them. Surely it costs money to add jobs that you could fill anytime? I understand you may not do this- but most do… Lol

Glad I get to put this to bed early, thanks for asking :smiley: I’d like to express that although I’m opening as to why non-jobs exist, it doesn’t mean I agree with the process, nor do it myself. Probably best explained in a hypothetical situation…

I’ve lived in Kent my whole life, worked in Essex for a bit. My boss decides he wants to open an office up in Newcastle, Tyne and Wear. Say I’ve volunteered to go and start a ‘cold desk’ (i.e. no current clients, drivers etc) up there - I’m pretty much running my own business except it has my employer’s branding, marketing material and so on (that and all the other necessities that aren’t important in this scenario!). The first question is, where do I start?

Obviously I need to get to grips with the area in question, do some research about the big players in both terms of rival agencies & the main operators in the area. If there’s a DC around for the big supermarket chains, haulage firms and so on, chances are they’re the first people I’m going to want to do some more extensive research on because it’s almost guaranteed they use agency drivers. Aside from that however, what am I selling? My service is completely ineffective and I can’t sell all of the benefits that my company offer because I don’t have drivers readily available and looking for work to start immediately.

This is where non-jobs come in. Most consultants will have a ‘pipeline’ of prospective clients, and one of the best ways to approach them, is to offer them something they want. Funny thing is, they want drivers. By advertising for “10x Class One Drivers”, I’m hoping to pull in those 10 drivers, if not more (the probability of this happening is incredibly slim btw). I now have a slowly rolling influx of drivers becoming available to speak to my prospective client and say “He’s done XYZ, seems like he’d be a really good fit for you” - all being well, driver starts working, new client is on board, and I’ve just started making a little bit of money for my boss. Everyone’s happy.

The problem is however, these non-jobs then become the ‘norm’ process for everything. I might pick up on the fact there’s a ton of work to be had in South Shields, so before I’ve even been over there, non-jobs start arising for South Shields. Not content with that, I start working on Gateshead. So now I’ve got non-jobs in Newcastle, South Shields, Gateshead… I’m sure you can see the pattern forming.

Hope this explains why there are non-jobs and for as long as there are agencies, probably always will be.

I found my current work on here from the vacancies forum.


Race Trucker:
Something I have often wondered why some agencies both to add for these ‘non jobs’? Surely if all the hype is to be believed and there are plenty of drivers needing work, then post real jobs as they happen and people will be jumping at them. Surely it costs money to add jobs that you could fill anytime? I understand you may not do this- but most do… Lol

Glad I get to put this to bed early, thanks for asking :smiley: I’d like to express that although I’m opening as to why non-jobs exist, it doesn’t mean I agree with the process, nor do it myself. Probably best explained in a hypothetical situation…

I’ve lived in Kent my whole life, worked in Essex for a bit. My boss decides he wants to open an office up in Newcastle, Tyne and Wear. Say I’ve volunteered to go and start a ‘cold desk’ (i.e. no current clients, drivers etc) up there - I’m pretty much running my own business except it has my employer’s branding, marketing material and so on (that and all the other necessities that aren’t important in this scenario!). The first question is, where do I start?

Obviously I need to get to grips with the area in question, do some research about the big players in both terms of rival agencies & the main operators in the area. If there’s a DC around for the big supermarket chains, haulage firms and so on, chances are they’re the first people I’m going to want to do some more extensive research on because it’s almost guaranteed they use agency drivers. Aside from that however, what am I selling? My service is completely ineffective and I can’t sell all of the benefits that my company offer because I don’t have drivers readily available and looking for work to start immediately.

This is where non-jobs come in. Most consultants will have a ‘pipeline’ of prospective clients, and one of the best ways to approach them, is to offer them something they want. Funny thing is, they want drivers. By advertising for “10x Class One Drivers”, I’m hoping to pull in those 10 drivers, if not more (the probability of this happening is incredibly slim btw). I now have a slowly rolling influx of drivers becoming available to speak to my prospective client and say “He’s done XYZ, seems like he’d be a really good fit for you” - all being well, driver starts working, new client is on board, and I’ve just started making a little bit of money for my boss. Everyone’s happy.

The problem is however, these non-jobs then become the ‘norm’ process for everything. I might pick up on the fact there’s a ton of work to be had in South Shields, so before I’ve even been over there, non-jobs start arising for South Shields. Not content with that, I start working on Gateshead. So now I’ve got non-jobs in Newcastle, South Shields, Gateshead… I’m sure you can see the pattern forming.

Hope this explains why there are non-jobs and for as long as there are agencies, probably always will be.

Thats ok for your hypothetical example, but we are talking about this being done by long standing agencies with long standing contracts!!

As for your op, when I need driving work I either go back to an agency that I have used over the past 6 years, or use my contacts from my years of driving.

Hoping that neither will be needed again though, as found alot better work outside the industry

Henrys cat:
Thats ok for your hypothetical example, but we are talking about this being done by long standing agencies with long standing contracts!!

Unfortunately the pattern I described is an unending one.

Agencies will consistently want to expand their client base and ultimately sell more. The more drivers out in more clients means salary increases, bigger bonuses and increased commission. Doesn’t matter if you’re a self-employed start-up or a recruitment giant, so to speak.

agencies need shutting down they are leeches and parasites that need to be rid of nothing good comes out of them i know as i use one who has been fairly good to me and all others have used me but i cant get full time work im looking for but have bills to pay so no choice

Starting a new job soon (going back on tippers again) and I found said job by emailing my cv. Sent cv at 8pm, had a phone call at 8am next day. They rang a subbie who I’d worked for last year and rang me back asking when do I want to start. It was one of several cvs’ I sent out, after getting fed up with trawling through endless “Company Confidential” and non-job agency ads infesting theDirectgov Jobs website.
I wonder if FreddieSwann can explain why so many ads are “company confidential”?

Clients bid for my services.

word of mouth is the best advertising. treat your drivers right and they will tell other drivers. treat your drivers like robots and they will tell other drivers

drivers talk to each other :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Clients bid for my services.

I bet you must be a really good driver, you certainly come across on here as being almost a fountain of knowledge. What do you charge, Its got to be upwards of a £1 an hour and a mars bar surely?

word of mouth is the best advertising. treat your drivers right and they will tell other drivers. treat your drivers like robots and they will tell other drivers

drivers talk to each other :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Companies not drivers :wink:

Not many luxuries for drivers to pick and choose these days

Disclaimer: Yes, I work for an agency and my profession is acutely frowned upon . . .
My question is, where do you guys look for work, and where do you notice adverts and such the most? Are your local burger vans plastered in agency pamphlets, and have you ever bothered to contact them? Do you always look to the local papers, and if so, had any success via these, be it direct or agency?
Cheers gents, and as mentioned above, if you have any queries about legitimate vs. non-job or anything agency & advertising related, please ask away - either here or via PM. :slight_smile:
There is a secret job website that only bona-fide drivers & employers know about, I could tell you the URL but several of our ex SAS drivers will then have to kill both you & me.
Why do you need to know? Are you not happy now that you have ruined just about every other job site?
Qu’ 1. The 2 worst culprits in my area to spam the jobsites are posting upwards of 30-40 non jobs a day each. What demographic is a potential recruit that they need to see 30+ adverts when only 1 is needed?

My boss decides he wants to open an office up in Newcastle, Tyne and Wear. Say I’ve volunteered to go and start a ‘cold desk’ . . . If there’s a DC around for the big supermarket chains, haulage firms and so on, chances are they’re the first people I’m going to want to do some more extensive research on because it’s almost guaranteed they use agency drivers.

Agency’s are already supplying drivers into these companies, so what leverage would you use with the prospective client to enable your office to supply drivers?


agencies need shutting down they are leeches and parasites that need to be rid of nothing good comes out of them i know as i use one who has been fairly good to me and all others have used me but i cant get full time work im looking for but have bills to pay so no choice

You’ll be knackered then if they shut down the leeches and parasites AKA the agencies that you use, to get money, to pay the bills etc. lucky that you’ve found one really

I bet you must be a really good driver, you certainly come across on here as being almost a fountain of knowledge.



What do you charge, Its got to be upwards of a £1 an hour and a mars bar surely?



Went round most in area phoned sent cv out e mailed cv out

Since April I have been offered 7 full time jobs

Have used agencies in the past & would again if had to dont like them think they are a evil necessity have there uses but should be regulated with so code of conduct & non of these non jobs dont need them any more