Disclaimer: Yes, I work for an agency and my profession is acutely frowned upon, however I’d like to think there’s no harm in asking for some insight from the people that know best. My inbox is open for you to tell me how 'orrible agencies are, although I sincerely appreciate any information offered. Thanks!
Given that job boards are flooded with agency postings and the ever-present ‘non-jobs’, common sites seem to be becoming somewhat defunct. There’s also a conflict in distinguishing the legitimate roles being advertised against said non-jobs. Further to that, I’m pretty sure people are about as annoyed as reading the ‘same’ ads as much as I am with posting them! (Before anyone jumps on this, no, I don’t post non-jobs - purely by my own choice) If it’s beneficial to the forum, I may write up something about what to look for in agency ads that will point out the difference between the two.
I do keep an eye on the other boards within this forum and the traffic in ‘Driver Vacancies’ is somewhat limited, with a higher proportion of posters seeking work as opposed to offering. How successful this route is obviously I have no idea given that conversations take place privately (and rightly so), but given the traffic the site generates, I half-expected there to be a little more activity and would generally encourage it. Nothing like someone else having first hand experience of a company and being able to refer another poster etc.
My question is, where do you guys look for work, and where do you notice adverts and such the most? Are your local burger vans plastered in agency pamphlets, and have you ever bothered to contact them? Do you always look to the local papers, and if so, had any success via these, be it direct or agency?
Cheers gents, and as mentioned above, if you have any queries about legitimate vs. non-job or anything agency & advertising related, please ask away - either here or via PM.