Where did I drop my trailer?



Where did I leave it?

Can’t you remember where you left it… :unamused:

Well Boss…

Try Birkenhead docks as my opening gambit

Good but its not the one.

Oh the fat git winding the legs down aint me.

Pembroke dock, whos that winding the legs down then ?
Is a h/s issue that you cant do it yourself anymore!!
:laughing: :laughing:

Did you let Richard Hammond drive the truck ? if so it could be anywhere :smiley:

Q. Where did I drop my trailer ? A. ON firm level ground, but I dont know where that ground is :blush:

Thought the 2 clip would give it away.

Errrrr where did I drop it? :confused:

Oh yes I remember …

washington services?

from reading another thread, i’d like to try Holyhead :slight_smile:

Well done shuttlespanker

Do you know which terminal tho :laughing:

in the words of the great Alan Brazil

“i’ve never been” :blush: