Where am I, solved by Lonew errrr Wheel Nut!

Here we go then chaps, my turn to take the flak. Which road is this then?

A66 ■■?

A59 near Skipton

Nope sorry guys.

on the A169 :question:

Not the A169

A6 Cat and Fiddle

How did the top of that telegraph pole sprout branches■■?

A629 ?

LOL hadn’t spotted that.

No to both sorry :frowning:

I hope somebody gets this soon cause that looks like a good place for a motorbike ride.
Now I’ll get slaged off for mentioning motorbikes again. :unamused:

Ooooh no motorbikes are good. Hold on to that thought. Elaborate.

Clue time. Knight is a hell of a lot closer than he thinks.


B1257 Helmsley to Stokesley

Yes we have a winner lol the famous B1257 Helmsley TT.

And yes Knight its a hell of a biking road, I use it regularly.


We rode this for the first time last year after visiting Rievaulx abbey, ridden it about four times this year. It’s a good ride even keeping to the speed limit, heavily policed though.
So I should have recognised it :unamused: .