Where am I ? ...24 [ANSWERED]

That ones too easy for me. I drive it on the way too n from work, so I’ll leave it till next w/e. Give you all a chance.

A985 near high valleyfield heading from Dumfermline toward’s Kincardine bridge :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No help was given :laughing: :laughing:

Apart from the fact the bloke sat next to you has just told you :unamused: .

Rob K:
Apart from the fact the bloke sat next to you has just told you :unamused: .

Eh i was out in car smart arse :wink:

That’s where I thought too, but as I said, I drive that road on my way to work every week, so thought I’d give you a chance KK :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: .

Why Rob was on that road when he had drops at Dundee, Dunfermline and Perth (in that order), I don’t know.

Why Rob was on that road when he had drops at Dundee, Dunfermline and Perth (in that order), I don’t know

He was doing Dundee,Dumfermline then going into Stirling and finally Perth as that is how the company wanted Rob to do the drop’s.He would be going across the bridge and off into Stirling i presume Simon.He tend’s to venture Simon. :laughing:

That explains it then KK. When I spoke to him in the chat room he didn’t mention Stirling, only the other three, maybe he didn’t want to give me any clues :laughing: :laughing: .

PS, did you find the shop you asked me about OK?

That explains it then KK. When I spoke to him in the chat room he didn’t mention Stirling, only the other three, maybe he didn’t want to give me any clues :laughing: :laughing: .

PS, did you find the shop you asked me about OK?

Yes he found it ok m8 thank’s :wink: