When is TruckNet Management going to do something about

ROG ■■? :astonished: :astonished:

This guy virtually lives on the forums with his finger poised over the “reply” button for when a n00b makes a post and there is no question that his knowledge of anything driver tuition related is second to none (although don’t mention brushing kerbs :stuck_out_tongue: ) along with his infinite amounts of patience :smiley: .

So why hasn’t TruckNet recognised this and made all his Guide-To’s sticky threads in the n00b forum so that they can be quickly referred to and save the poor old bloke from repeating himself on a daily basis when a new n00b asks the same questions??

DervDave has been given these privileges on the ADR forum so why not ROG ?

Is TruckNetUK using its ‘one rule for one’ methods again?? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Good idea Rob, seeing as how you seem to have plenty of time on your hands , and are so concerned by this issue, :wink: :wink:

Why dont you write a complete guide compiled from the posts , with links to all the relevant posts and submit it to Krankee for inclusion in the frequently asked questions forum.

This is a READ ONLY forum,containing articles designed to explain some of the most common questions asked on TruckNet UK.To submit an article please e-mail it to the moderator|

Good idea Rob, seeing as how you seem to have plenty of time on your hands , and are so concerned by this issue, :wink: :wink:

Why dont you write a complete guide compiled from the posts , with links to all the relevant posts and submit it to Krankee for inclusion in the frequently asked questions forum.

No problem.

I charge £25/hr. Let me know.

Thats a coincidence :open_mouth: :unamused:
I just spent this morning on a tidy up of the link in my signature which now has links to most of the other info :smiley: :smiley:
This means that all I have to do is refer to that signature link.
Just got one more post to make and link to it which will be the one about the stages to go through before doing the on-road training.

No problem.

I charge £25/hr. Let me know.

Guess its not that important to you after all :wink: :wink: :smiley:

Thats a coincidence :open_mouth: :unamused:
I just spent this morning on a tidy up of the link in my signature which now has links to most of the other info :smiley: :smiley:
This means that all I have to do is refer to that signature link.
Just got one more post to make and link to it which will be the one about the stages to go through before doing the on-road training.

Thanks Rog. :smiley:


No problem.

I charge £25/hr. Let me know.

Guess its not that important to you after all :wink: :wink: :smiley:

Clearly is another case of ‘one rule for one’ after all then. :unamused: Nothing changes does it. :unamused:

Nothing changes does it.

No it doesnt does it Rob :wink: :wink: :smiley:

You have been told if you want a FAQ then you could do what everyone else who wanted one has done, thats compose one.

No-one else has ben paid for composing them so your not going to be either… so thats everyone on the same rules :smiley: :smiley:

If you dont want to , then fine, but dont complain too much . people might think your just whinging for the sake of whinging, and that wouldnt be fair at all would it :wink: :wink:


Nothing changes does it.

No it doesnt does it Rob :wink: :wink: :smiley:

You have been told if you want a FAQ then you could do what everyone else who wanted one has done, thats compose one.

No-one else has ben paid for composing them so your not going to be either… so thats everyone on the same rules :smiley: :smiley:

If you dont want to , then fine, but dont complain too much . people might think your just whinging for the sake of whinging, and that wouldnt be fair at all would it :wink: :wink:

But DervDave created his own set of threads about anything ADR and was given sticky’s straight away. Rog has done plenty of the same but driver tuition related and yet you just let all his slide down the list until they’re long forgotten history. Why don’t you give Rog sticky’s ■■?

Like I say, one rule for one. :unamused:

And why do you keep bringing me into it? It’s Rog that wants one, as per the convo in the chat room a while back but still nothing’s been done for the poor bloke. :angry:

Edit - articles 23857 and 28308 in particular.

And why do you keep bringing me into it? It’s Rog that wants one, as per the convo in the chat room a while back but still nothing’s been done for the poor bloke.

thats funny it seems to be you posting about it…
As was said, but I will say it again as you still seem to have trouble , if anyone wants to make a single post with all the relevant links and information it . and submit it , to the moderator of the FAQ section then all well and good.

Or we could simply sticky every single excellant post in each forum and no-one will be able to see new posts at all.

Now your question has been answered (twice) I am off to do something more interesting…(Like bang my head against a brick wall) :wink: :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

Quoting myself from another post…

This has been discussed before with site admin but there is a slight hiccup which I agree with. :smiley: The hiccup is that these are my personal views and ways of doing things and other instructors may do things differently.
I agreed that a ‘sticky’ formulated by a few instructors that shows a good broad training regime along with different ideas would be the proper way to do it.
The last thing anyone wants is for a trainee to go along to a LGV school and to be saying that the instructor is training them the wrong way :open_mouth:

Until the above occurs, I shall be happy to refer newbies to the link in my signature which then leads to most of my other posts :slight_smile:

To both Rob K and Rikki-UK (Please read carefully. :wink: )

I’m writing impartially as an ex-LGV instructor AND current DGSA and ADR instructor to provide info for consideration by either party to this discussion. I’m not taking sides or expressing an opinion as to who should/shouldn’t have a sticky, but having done both jobs I’m merely stating some facts as I see them. (And I am prepared to be wrong :sunglasses: )

Comparison seems to be being made between the ADR “sticky” in the H&S forum, and the lack of a sticky for the excellent and very relevant info provided by ROG on all things LGV tuition-related. Please bear in mind that I’ve written a couple of LGV tuition-related posts, which are equally left to slide down the newbies’ forum. :cry:
Please also bear in mind that I’m relatively new to forums and have very little idea as to how they are run.

Subject area and people involved.
IMHO, as a subject, driving tuition is largely a matter of E.D.I.P (Explanation, Demonstration, Imitation and Practice,) whereas ADR at DGSA level (the subject of the sticky) is just pure law, so direct comparison of the subjects might not be fair. I’m NOT saying that one is more important than another, I’m merely pointing out that they’re VERY different, IMHO. One thing I’ve noticed is that there are a number of LGV instructors on this site, so I ask whether, if one was given a “sticky” would the other LGV instructors object and/or also want one as well :question:
That’s a genuine question, and I don’t know or need the answer. For my own part and as far as I’m aware, I’m the only ADR instructor and DGSA on here. A DGSA did once ask a question, and I was able to give him an answer, but AFAIK, he hasn’t been back. Also AFAIK, there’s also one ex-DGSA and one ex-ADR instructor.

It might very well be that, in terms of posts made and the actual stuff that he’s posted, ROG could be seen by some as the “leading poster” amongst the LGV instructors. Having said that, it also could be argued that giving ROG a sticky of his own would constitute a kind of favouritism and therefore unfair, depending on a person’s point of view.
IMHO, that’s not a straightforward decision, once you weigh it up… :confused:

Another distinction is that ROG very clearly has stated several times that he describes his way of teaching, which contrasted with what I do is chalk and cheese IMHO. My sticky is answering specific questions referenced in law.

Almost everybody who drives an LGV these days has been to an LGV training school, so the working methods of LGV instructors are known to most people. However, ADR isn’t compulsory for every driver so it’s usually only taken by those who need it. To help with some hard facts, here’s just a few of the principles involved with ADR:

ADR principles.
Hopefully, In order to help and for the purpose of comparison, there are approx 3,200ish dangerous substances and articles approved to be transported by road. Clearly, some are far more dangerous than others. That’s where the excruciating legalities come into play. Some “stuff” immediately requires full application of the Regs, whereas some other “stuff” can be carried without limit. If it were that simple, it would be wonderful. However, there are considerations given to the method and size of individual packagings. Still more consideration is to be given to the quantities to be carried per vehicle. Therefore, the number of ADR questions that could be asked are almost limitless.

Again, if it were only as simple as what I’ve put so far… :unamused:
Add to that that there’s UK dangerous goods law; 92 Regs and 9 Schedules (75 pages,) and a book of British tanker and bulker marking requirements (195 pages,) which must be interfaced with the 1,300ish pages of ADR. Now you’ll begin to get an idea of WHY I thought a direct comparison of subject matter might be somewhat unfair. It’s because it exceeds the mere 145 pages in the current Highway Code.

Given that the guys’ questions frequently need clarifying by me asking a question before I’m able to answer, I’m not sure whether this degree of interactivity could be achieved in a read-only forum such as the F.A.Q forum. As I said, I’ve no idea how forums work, so I’m expressing NO opinion of how this discussion should be resolved, or even whether it needs to be resolved. :sunglasses:
The whole of the above are just a few of my thoughts on the topic, which I hope are helpful to the discussion. :smiley:

Good post Dave.
I think the difference is that the ADR regs are set in stone, where as as has been proved many times driver training and the test can be down to the particular instructor and examiner.
I dont disagree with Robs request at all, but to be fair and usable it needs a single post explaining all the different training options and idealogies and linking the the excellant posts made by Rog and others. that we can put in the FAQ and when the same questions are asked time and time again we can link to as the “informative post”.
As much as I would like to write that post, I am not informed enough or expeirenced enough in that field to write a correct and impartial article that could be included. If anyone feels they are then submit a piece, work with Krankee to create it. I am sure it would be a great benefit to not only the newbies, but to those who are repeating the same message time and time again.
With forums like this, the content is not writen by journalists or those with no idea of the industry, it is written and published by those who actually do the job. If anyone fels strongly something needs to be written, then write it, cos there is no-one else to do it for them, if they dont want to write it, dont expect someone should do it just because they want it.
/end rant :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

An FAQ would be pretty much a waste of time as very few people ever read the FAQ’s on any forum or web site. This is equally true on here where questions are still posted on things which are covered in the existing FAQ’s. On any forum many posts begin with the words - "I’m not sure if this has been covered before but I was wondering… " Translation - “I can’t be arsed to look so I’ll just ask.” :wink: :smiley:

I agree neil but is a lot quicker to link to a single post with the answers to questions that have been asked many time before than too write the answers all out yet gain.

I agree neil but is a lot quicker to link to a single post with the answers to questions that have been asked many time before than too write the answers all out yet gain.

Well that’s pretty much my point. With all due respect to Rog, 90% of what he writes is a word for word repeat of what he wrote the week before :laughing: and I struggle to understand why this doesn’t bother him :confused: . Maybe he likes hearing the sound of his own voice? :wink: :wink: :smiley: :blush:

And Neil, as for your arguments about no-one reading the FAQs, I agree, which is why on another site I run (not transport related), new members are activated on a read-only basis for a period of 7 days before being allowed to post. During that period they are specifically instructed to read through the several long FAQ posts I wrote along with being able to read through the thousands of archive posts if they so wish so that when they are allowed to post they already possess all the basic knowledge they need to get started.

It was a drastic measure, but it works.