Whats wrong with doing 40 mph?

Well that is exactly what I mean about being smart with it, I would probably suffer the 40mph if I had 6 points on my licence, a stupid risk to take by going to 9 or above, with a clean licence I can afford a very small but carefully considered risk, all about driving to the conditions of not just the road & load but also your licence surely ?

You’re dead right there. We train all our drivers. And i need to know if the new boy is good enough ASAP.
The training takes about 3-5 days depending on the driver. If it takes longer, then that’s the way it goes. But we don’t waste time with know it all screwdrivers.

Does your definition of “know it all screwdrivers” include the" stupid nancyboys" who insist on being radical :unamused: , and drive according to the law, and refuse to bend the rules as you put it, if so I reckon they have had a lucky escape working for your firm, you seem to confuse stupid nancy boys with professional drivers.

WHY don’t all you numty’s of so called drivers get it into your heads , that now that most big fleets are now tracked , every moment of any journey can be tracked back to a particular time , should any accident or whatever happen then the driver can and WILL be sacked depending on the circumstances and the AVERAGE SPEED that he has been doing on any particular road will be taken into consideration, then if this is out of the companys scope that driver WILL BE SACKED, and i speak from experience, so now any one who wishes to SPEED past me can do , I will give a flicker of the indicator to help along, but, DO NOT THINK SITTING UP MY ARSE will make me me go faster by intimidating me, or help your ego by showing what speed you can do, you will just need to hang on pal till you get a SAFE passing place. After all is YOU that is breaking the law and YOU that will collect the points NOT ME.

Above post.

I have an Isotrak system in my truck and office will know if i have gone over 40mph


You’re dead right there. We train all our drivers. And i need to know if the new boy is good enough ASAP.
The training takes about 3-5 days depending on the driver. If it takes longer, then that’s the way it goes. But we don’t waste time with know it all screwdrivers.

Does your definition of “know it all screwdrivers” include the" stupid nancyboys" who insist on being radical :unamused: , and drive according to the law, and refuse to bend the rules as you put it, if so I reckon they have had a lucky escape working for your firm, you seem to confuse stupid nancy boys with professional drivers.

Sounds like a cowboy outfit to me

Above post.

I have an Isotrak system in my truck and office will know if i have gone over 40mph

from my experience of companies with isotrak, Tesco & Stobart, I have often/always broke the 40mph speed limit at times and never once been brought to task on this. Not much of an argument really…it would appear that you think that big brother is constantly watching?

So fileep, did you have an accident ?, I presume not otherwise the company would have tracked your journey , and, if you were speeding , THEN they have every right to sack you , and you have no rights what so ever, if they deem that speed was a contributing factor to the accident

I’m only agency.

So, needless to say:
a) I get paid less than dirt.
b) I stick to 40 rigidly and drag the job out for all it’s legally worth. I’ve learned it’s not worth breaking a single ounce of sweat for anyone in this ■■■■ game… and I don’t.

As a matter of fact, I’d be quite happy if the speed limit were actually lowered to 35 or even 30. A half decent wage packet at last. :sunglasses:


Still want to go faster, 40 mph is plenty for me.

from my experience of companies with isotrak, Tesco & Stobart, I have often/always broke the 40mph speed limit at times and never once been brought to task on this.

So fileep, did you have an accident ?, I presume not otherwise the company would have tracked your journey , and, if you were speeding , THEN they have every right to sack you , and you have no rights what so ever, if they deem that speed was a contributing factor to the accident…

…which, if over the prescribed limit, would be deemed as a contributing factor to the accident, (and not only by your employer). In the event that someone was killed or injured, your employer would be the least of your worries.

…and to those who think “I’m alright, I ain’t got no tracker”; remember that little black box you put a card/disc into at the beggining of every shift?

…and who said truckers were thick?

I hope this helps.


Speaking as one of the aforementioned “nancy boys”, I should point out that a lot of us don’t have any choice in the matter. we are on live satellite tracking, the company (which does EVERYTHING 100% by the book, one of the reasons we NEVER get stopped by VOSA)) is onto us like a ton of bricks if we start breaking the speed limit. they know exactly where we are and what the limit on that road is at all times.
We also get paid on the hour, so driving faster is counter productive.
going back about 5 years one of our vehicles was involved in collision on a single track section of the A5 going towards magna park. (google it, if you want) the car coming the other way was doing about 80, went onto the wrong side of the road and had a head on with one of our trucks doing 56 (illegally). Maybe our driver wouldn’t have been able to avoid her if he’d been doing 40, I don’t know. she may have survived if he had, though. still at least he wasn’t holding up any of you non-nancy boys, eh?
do your company image a world of good with one of your sign written vehicles that has a mondeo embedded in the front grill with a body being cut out, wouldn’t it?

So you basically the office is driving the truck and your just sitting behind the wheel, you don’t think for yourself, your office tells you when to have your breaks, what speed to do, what route to take, and I bet you even get a piece of paper to tell you how to reverse when you arrive at your delivery? Is this right?

And of course It was the truck drivers fault, not the fault of the women travelling at 20mph over the limit way beyond her capabilities of controlling a motor vehicle and on the wrong side of the road■■

Car 20mph over the limit, truck 16mph over the limit… :unamused:



Speaking as one of the aforementioned “nancy boys”, I should point out that a lot of us don’t have any choice in the matter. we are on live satellite tracking, the company (which does EVERYTHING 100% by the book, one of the reasons we NEVER get stopped by VOSA)) is onto us like a ton of bricks if we start breaking the speed limit. they know exactly where we are and what the limit on that road is at all times.
We also get paid on the hour, so driving faster is counter productive.
going back about 5 years one of our vehicles was involved in collision on a single track section of the A5 going towards magna park. (google it, if you want) the car coming the other way was doing about 80, went onto the wrong side of the road and had a head on with one of our trucks doing 56 (illegally). Maybe our driver wouldn’t have been able to avoid her if he’d been doing 40, I don’t know. she may have survived if he had, though. still at least he wasn’t holding up any of you non-nancy boys, eh?
do your company image a world of good with one of your sign written vehicles that has a mondeo embedded in the front grill with a body being cut out, wouldn’t it?

So you basically the office is driving the truck and your just sitting behind the wheel, you don’t think for yourself, your office tells you when to have your breaks, what speed to do, what route to take, and I bet you even get a piece of paper to tell you how to reverse when you arrive at your delivery? Is this right?

And of course It was the truck drivers fault, not the fault of the women travelling at 20mph over the limit way beyond her capabilities of controlling a motor vehicle and on the wrong side of the road■■

Car 20mph over the limit, truck 16mph over the limit… :unamused:

Yes. But the car was on the wrong side of the road.

Car 20mph over the limit, truck 16mph over the limit… :unamused:

Or as the plod and courts would say… car speeding by 33% truck by 40% :wink: Assuming my late night semi hammered maths is right :laughing:

m.thisislincolnshire.co.uk/story … d=17671303

Speed is definately taken into account. If the 4mph in the above instance had meant the difference between injury and death, the driver may well have been looking at serious charges despite the fact he really did nothing contributory and could not have avoided the collision :unamused:

Happysack, if your 40mph boys are missing collections and deliveries then your work isn’t planned properly. Either that or everyone rushing has skewed the planners idea of what is doable.

Some of us work for firms who like to be legal and insist on it. We have Microlise in our trucks and if they do route analysis (which they do regularly) they check for speeding.

I do agree that speeding up to tge limiter on a dual is ■■■■■■■■ If its only a short stretch I just stay at 40 and let everyone past.

It doesn’t matter how fast you go, there will be a sizeable amount of car drivers who want to go faster and will break their necks to get by you. If you are doing 50 then it makes it more dangerous for them.

I should mention that years ago I did work for a firm of hell drivers, and being on what was effectively trip money, we didn’t ever stick to 40- couldn’t afford to. So whilst I am now in a different job where I don’t need to speed (and 40 does my nut in too- I’d rather just get it there and back ASAP. the company doesn’t want that. they want it legally and economically.) I can perfectly understand why others do, and I WILL make every endeavor to make it easier for you to get past- can be very frustrating on roads like the A361 to Barnstaple where the only overtaking lanes are going up hills. so I tend to stop every so often.
I’ll even pull over for Evans or conway bailey wagons, even if they don’t ever say thank you for flashing them back in on the motorway. :angry:


from my experience of companies with isotrak, Tesco & Stobart, I have often/always broke the 40mph speed limit at times and never once been brought to task on this.

So fileep, did you have an accident ?, I presume not otherwise the company would have tracked your journey , and, if you were speeding , THEN they have every right to sack you , and you have no rights what so ever, if they deem that speed was a contributing factor to the accident…

…which, if over the prescribed limit, would be deemed as a contributing factor to the accident, (and not only by your employer). In the event that someone was killed or injured, your employer would be the least of your worries.

…and to those who think “I’m alright, I ain’t got no tracker”; remember that little black box you put a card/disc into at the beggining of every shift?

…and who said truckers were thick?

I hope this helps.

Say it was raining and the roads were wet. I am in my truck doing 52 in a 40mph and i have a smash with a dopey car driver. Now the Police will pop along and have a look and do there bit but the company will also do there bit to by looking at the system to see what speed i was going at. Now if i was doing 52 when i should be doing 40 they will see that as me not driving to the conditions of the road


Above post.

I have an Isotrak system in my truck and office will know if i have gone over 40mph

from my experience of companies with isotrak, Tesco & Stobart, I have often/always broke the 40mph speed limit at times and never once been brought to task on this. Not much of an argument really…it would appear that you think that big brother is constantly watching?

My firm monitors it.

Two lorry drivers die in 'head-on' crash on A9 at Calvine - BBC News

Still want to go faster, 40 mph is plenty for me.

yes they were speeding but speed wasnt the factor that caused the accident, the driver falling asleep behind the wheel was the factor. even if both had been doing 40mph the outcome would probably have been the same

Granted an impact at 80mph would likely have killed either or both drivers.

Perhaps someone not quite so mathematically challenged might like to work out, how far apart the vehicles would have been if each had been going at 40mph, instead of the 56 they were actually doing when the driver fell asleep.