Whats wrong with doing 40 mph?

We are all adults, as long as people are prepared to live with the consequences of speeding then crack on!.


Personally, I stick to the limit because I work for money and a speeding ticket is a good few hours work earnings gone for nothing, but I don’t care if others want to speed.

Makes me laugh how many pass me on the dual part of the A5 and then I pass them on the motorway. Also how many pass me on the dual part of the A5 and then are slowing me down on the single parts :unamused:

there’s some right nancy boys in this game nowadays.
one reason this country is on its arse is because of people that read the rule book, and if the rule book dosn’t have the relevent rule, then they make a new rule.

I’m on day rate, I don’t want to be in the truck longer than I have to, I have a life outside of the truck.

I have been busted once in 13 years, got flashed on Lincoln bypass in a rigid doing 60 running on down the hill.

Proves you can make progress without risking your licence if your smart and do it where and when appropriate.

You guys who like cruising along at 40 crack on, I will be home with my feet up cuddling my little’un while your still going along enjoying the scenery.

there’s some right nancy boys in this game nowadays.
one reason this country is on its arse is because of people that read the rule book, and if the rule book dosn’t have the relevent rule, then they make a new rule.

Me and a ‘flat to the mat’ style driving mate both left the Liverpool area at the same time one day heading for Southampton, both had to stop on the A34 for a break, he was in single figures on his break by time I’d stopped behind him, put my tacho on break, put my kettle on and walked to his truck… Single figures, and I was doing IRO 50mph on the motorway too, the vehicles could do 55mph.

That many traffic lights caught him out, where as I just pootled along and sailed through them.

I agree on roads like the A75 where there’s not many lights and it’s a long single, but for a good portion of UK roads, the limit isn’t going to cost you badly.

Phantom Mark:
I’m on day rate, I don’t want to be in the truck longer than I have to, I have a life outside of the truck.
I have been busted once in 13 years, got flashed on Lincoln bypass in a rigid doing 60 running on down the hill.

Proves you can make progress without risking your licence if your smart and do it where and when appropriate.

You guys who like cruising along at 40 crack on, I will be home with my feet up cuddling my little’un while your still going along enjoying the scenery.

Same, I’m salaried, no matter what I do and how long it takes. I’m salaried to 11hrs a day, and it’s rare I’m ever done in that 11hrs never mind under it. But for £92 per day, I don’t want to fork out £60 + 3 points or £80 and a day off to go on a speed awareness course.

I went down a road near my house the other day, it’s a road I use regular and a road that many people speed on, there was 2 bike cops in 1 side road, a police scoob in another and god knows how many cops had a hell of a lot of motorists pulled into the old Grampian Foods carpark ‘processing them’. Never seen a cop there before.

there’s some right nancy boys in this game nowadays.
one reason this country is on its arse is because of people that read the rule book, and if the rule book dosn’t have the relevent rule, then they make a new rule.

I don’t stick to 40 to be honest but I don’t think that they are nancy boys if they do. I did have 12 points on my license at one point and did stick to every speed limit, but there’s so many coppers wanting to extract that speeding fine from you and also no way out of it (like there used to be) that if someone wants to stick to 40mph on a single track road then so be it. The thing what I do is find sit behind a truck driver who is happy to do the 50 or whatever, that way he sees the camera first ! I was behind a Stobart doing 52/53 on the a5 yesterday and no problems. I was behind another McBurney in Cannock a bit further up, he was doing 30mph and I was thinking why is he going so slow, turned out he was looking for a delivery point but there WAS a camera van sitting in the 50mph (for cars) zone at cannock (a5 Watling Street) pointing his gun at us who were in a 30 zone.

I just get bored doing 40 to be honest, can’t do it.

No cut it down to 20 or maybe 10.

I can stop before I run over a bloody hedgehog and give it a drink of nice warm milk and see it onto the pavement.

Roads are roads not bloody play areas for kiddies,cyclists, horse riders,gerriatrics in shopping trollies or other such bloody imbeciles.

Do like they do on the continent 30 in towns and villages and national speed limits everywhere else.

Soon it will be quicker to carry 24 pallets of crap by wheelbarrow than to deliver them by truck if the “speed kills” brigade get their bleedin way.

The thing is though every single carriageway is different. When your loaded sometimes you can’t even do 40 because the road is thin and every bend blind, and there is others where effectively you could get 4 trucks abreast it’s that wide and straight. Government is just lazy saying we’ll slap a limit of 40mph on every SC in the country when they should just asses every road separately and assign a speed limit fitting for that particular stretch of road.

Me and a ‘flat to the mat’ style driving mate both left the Liverpool area at the same time one day heading for Southampton, both had to stop on the A34 for a break, he was in single figures on his break by time I’d stopped behind him, put my tacho on break, put my kettle on and walked to his truck… Single figures, and I was doing IRO 50mph on the motorway too, the vehicles could do 55mph.

That many traffic lights caught him out, where as I just pootled along and sailed through them.

but for everyone of this type of story, how many stories are there were the flat out fella got there a lot quicker?

everyone remembers the dodgy overtake someone pulls on ya when ya catch them up ten minutes later at the back of the next que, the ones you never see again rarely get a mention!!


Me and a ‘flat to the mat’ style driving mate both left the Liverpool area at the same time one day heading for Southampton, both had to stop on the A34 for a break, he was in single figures on his break by time I’d stopped behind him, put my tacho on break, put my kettle on and walked to his truck… Single figures, and I was doing IRO 50mph on the motorway too, the vehicles could do 55mph.

That many traffic lights caught him out, where as I just pootled along and sailed through them.

but for everyone of this type of story, how many stories are there were the flat out fella got there a lot quicker?

everyone remembers the dodgy overtake someone pulls on ya when ya catch them up ten minutes later at the back of the next que, the ones you never see again rarely get a mention!!

Quite possibly true, but I’m happy to plod and don’t care what others do, as long as they don’t come on here whinging and whineing when they’ve got a speeding ticket

Phantom Mark:
I’m on day rate, I don’t want to be in the truck longer than I have to, I have a life outside of the truck.

I have been busted once in 13 years, got flashed on Lincoln bypass in a rigid doing 60 running on down the hill.

Proves you can make progress without risking your licence if your smart and do it where and when appropriate.

You guys who like cruising along at 40 crack on, I will be home with my feet up cuddling my little’un while your still going along enjoying the scenery.

If you choose to take the risk and any consequences without moaning then fine - as long as safety is not compromised

I think viewtopic.php?f=2&t=94424 is relevant in this case

Im only 19, and guessing i have 47 years ? maybe longer till i retire ?

I’m not gona be sticking around long in the industry if i think im rambo on the foot pedal :grimacing:

I always stick to limits and what doesn’t get done tough :wink:

Surprising when im going 50 along duel carriageways, i feel like im driving a moped with all the rest of the lorries flying past :smiling_imp:

Better safe than sorry, if i get 3 points… i may as well go stack shelves for next 5 years lol.

What a great attitude from a guy of your age.It is just a shame we can’t pass it on to some of the older generation!

ive been nicked for speeding about 10 times,but currently have a clean license...i just cant be bothered any more.
42 on sc…52 on dc and 53 on m/way


Im only 19, and guessing i have 47 years ? maybe longer till i retire ?

I’m not gona be sticking around long in the industry if i think im rambo on the foot pedal :grimacing:

I always stick to limits and what doesn’t get done tough :wink:

Surprising when im going 50 along duel carriageways, i feel like im driving a moped with all the rest of the lorries flying past :smiling_imp:

Better safe than sorry, if i get 3 points… i may as well go stack shelves for next 5 years lol.

do the A9 run, the 40 limit causes more deaths and accident on that road. and you can bet the [zb] sat at 35mph put there foot down so no one can get by when you get to the dual carriageway :unamused:

No it is not the 40 limit for trucks that causes the accidents.It’s the bad driving.Only the other week I traveled down the A9.Not very far in front of me were a string of about 8 trucks all traveling far too close to each other which meant there was also a string of about 12 cars behind them who were also far too close to each other.The result being nobody could overtake safely.
All very pathetic really.



Im only 19, and guessing i have 47 years ? maybe longer till i retire ?

I’m not gona be sticking around long in the industry if i think im rambo on the foot pedal :grimacing:

I always stick to limits and what doesn’t get done tough :wink:

Surprising when im going 50 along duel carriageways, i feel like im driving a moped with all the rest of the lorries flying past :smiling_imp:

Better safe than sorry, if i get 3 points… i may as well go stack shelves for next 5 years lol.

I always do 40 on singles too however on a duel I’m flat out as ours are set at 83kph so there is not much difference. 40 is plenty fast enough. Makes me laugh when you see some loony doing 56 on a single crazy

why go flat out, even if it is only 83kmph, on a DUAL? the limit is 50 mph or 80kmph. Don’t worry that some of us “loonies” do 56 on a single. We aren’t ‘rambo on the pedal’ and we arent stacking shelves. Sorry to fetch this up, but some us regularly drive long A roads such as the A9 and A75 and we like to make some progress. and before you come back with the old ‘but it only saves you minutes’ argument, think about say three hours in a day of doing 40 instead of 55, and that can be as much 45 miles. difference between a decent parking area/home or a tiny wee layby for the night.

Nothings changed in the last 40 years, the A75 still inhabited by nutters.

Safety is everything Rog, I work lates, first half of my shift is spent at or close to the speed limit ( any time of the day I always adhere to 30’s and 40’s regardless ) as the traffic lessens my speed adjusts, the one thing which always keeps it real is remembering if something goes wrong then what speed was I doing, regardless of whether it was my fault or not.

Some really good comments on here and as usual the ignorant and arrogant ones.You can almost pick out the good and bad drivers from some of the comments.

there’s some right nancy boys in this game nowadays.
one reason this country is on its arse is because of people that read the rule book, and if the rule book dosn’t have the relevent rule, then they make a new rule.

A bit puzzled mate, do you mean the 56mph men are the nancy boys, ie they read the rule book see it’s 40, not relevant to them so make a new rule to do 56■■ … or the 40MPH men on A roads who want to keep a clean licence, are they nancy boys??.. just curious :neutral_face:

The hardest thing to teacher a driver is a safe attitude towards himself his passengers and other road users.



do the A9 run, the 40 limit causes more deaths and accident on that road. and you can bet the [zb] sat at 35mph put there foot down so no one can get by when you get to the dual carriageway :unamused:

This, and its usually the same folk from TK MAxx/Boots that are doing that. pain in the japsy and so annoying.its just annoying that it can take nearly 3 hours to do 110 miles thats why folks dont do 40 on the singles on that road.

I cannot ever remember driving that road so … are there places for those doing 40 with very large queues behind them to pull in for a few seconds ?

yeah rog there is laybys every 3 - 5 miles and there is intermitent duel carriageway as well but the minute the 40mph club hit the d/c there off like scalded cats then at the end of the d/c there braking like there life depended on it back down too 40 mph again