Whats the point of a forum

whats the point of a forum if you have your question deleted because somone doesnt agree with your point of view?thats a dictactorship and it ■■■■■ me off,byebye trucknet


:laughing: fair enough, all the best.

See ya.

whats the point of a forum if you have your question deleted because somone doesnt agree with your point of view?thats a dictactorship and it [zb] me off,byebye trucknet

What’s the point of this post? Was it referring to the tarmac laying gang who are related to their spouses before marriage?

I’m guessing he might be referring to his post on this thread which hasn’t been deleted but was merged, according to the moderator logs, into the linked thread instead of remaining in a new thread. I assume it was done as it is all related to the same subject and both threads had the same title.

Anyhoo, bye. Missing you already.

Thanks for that, I did notice 2 threads with the same title…

Bye bye strongbow. :smiley: :laughing:

bald bloke:
Bye bye strongbow. :smiley: :laughing:

Be seeing you!


Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:31 am

I am number 2 :stuck_out_tongue:

whats the point of a forum if you have your question deleted because somone doesnt agree with your point of view?thats a dictactorship and it [zb] me off,byebye trucknet

I will just mail the dummy you just dropped to you yer ? :unamused:

To be fair there should be some way of automatically notifying people when there posts are moved, this problem has arisen a few times before and is likely to arise again.

byebye trucknet

Strongbow looking at the above disgusting comments some people dont think your worth being here as you are only a new member some of the moderators on here are little and big hitlers im sure hteres maybe one thats ok though.

I rarely post on here nowadays which im sure pleases a lot of people.

Please be aware that if anyone has mentioned the same subject within the last few years people will always say been said beforte and then point you to the part of the forum it was last discussed on you need to come up with something new all the time.

If you find the forum uninteresting dont worry you can read all the adverts theres plenty of them shoved up your nose as you try to read the forum apparently by advertisers for drivers.

Strongbow looking at the above disgusting comments some people dont think your worth being here as you are only a new member some of the moderators on here are little and big hitlers im sure hteres maybe one thats ok though.

I rarely post on here nowadays which im sure pleases a lot of people.

Please be aware that if anyone has mentioned the same subject within the last few years people will always say been said beforte and then point you to the part of the forum it was last discussed on you need to come up with something new all the time.

If you find the forum uninteresting dont worry you can read all the adverts theres plenty of them shoved up your nose as you try to read the forum apparently by advertisers for drivers.

Well said Jammymutt!!

If you find the forum uninteresting dont worry you can read all the adverts theres plenty of them shoved up your nose as you try to read the forum apparently by advertisers for drivers.

Dont have any adverts on mine :unamused: as you can block them if you want

He has only posted 20 time in a year that he has been a member :unamused: :unamused: Maybe he should read a bit before posting but it is upto him weather he comes back

is the forum’s success becoming its own demise? seems lately i get the feeling of a change in perception from comments made throughout whats your thoughts?

Enter stage right my favourite lady!


Strongbow looking at the above disgusting comments some people dont think your worth being here as you are only a new member some of the moderators on here are little and big hitlers im sure hteres maybe one thats ok though.

I rarely post on here nowadays which im sure pleases a lot of people.

Please be aware that if anyone has mentioned the same subject within the last few years people will always say been said beforte and then point you to the part of the forum it was last discussed on you need to come up with something new all the time.

If you find the forum uninteresting dont worry you can read all the adverts theres plenty of them shoved up your nose as you try to read the forum apparently by advertisers for drivers.

Not my point JM.

whats the point of a forum if you have your question deleted because somone doesnt agree with your point of view?thats a dictactorship and it [zb] me off,byebye trucknet

That was the thread opening line, the question wasn’t deleted, the dictatorship doesn’t delete threads if they are within the forum rules, and even then they are mainly only locked.

With 20 posts it should be a fairly simple process to find one that someone wrote. After all I can revive one of mine over the last 6 or 7 years from a post count of 19500

I am sure the only moderator to answer the question succinctly was coffeeholic who explained where the elusive thread had gone.

whats the point of a forum if you have your question deleted because somone doesnt agree with your point of view?thats a dictactorship and it [zb] me off,byebye trucknet

i said the other day, i think theyve actually gone quite soft on here,none of the attack the post,not the poster stuff,if you dont like it zb off, you can pretty much say wwhat you want,do what you want as far as i can see, cant remember ever having a post deleted, posting right stopped.
cant see much wrong with it to be honest


whats the point of a forum if you have your question deleted because somone doesnt agree with your point of view?thats a dictactorship and it [zb] me off,byebye trucknet

i said the other day, i think theyve actually gone quite soft on here,none of the attack the post,not the poster stuff,if you dont like it zb off, you can pretty much say wwhat you want,do what you want as far as i can see, cant remember ever having a post deleted, posting right stopped.
cant see much wrong with it to be honest

Watch ya mouth Ady !!! :smiley:

is the forum’s success becoming its own demise? seems lately i get the feeling of a change in perception from comments made throughout whats your thoughts?

