Whats happend to ROG

Missed him has he won lottery

He doesn’t like us anymore.

He went on pre mod and threw a hissy fit :open_mouth:

Look on the feedback forum, you can read through page after page about the whole affair, or you can stick pins in your eyes, if you want my advice, option 2 is far less painful :laughing:

He has recently joined the LDF :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: so he’s doing ok for now!! :laughing: :laughing:

He posted the other day.

He has recently joined the LDF :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: so he’s doing ok for now!! :laughing: :laughing:

The LDF? :open_mouth: I know he’s got a thick skin but, Jesus Christ…

he is still posting on truckersworld drivers forum :laughing: :laughing:

He went on pre mod and threw a hissy fit :open_mouth:

Look on the feedback forum, you can read through page after page about the whole affair, or you can stick pins in your eyes, if you want my advice, option 2 is far less painful :laughing:

Wish I had taken your advice :grimacing:

He posted the other day.

He is still reading and commenting on posts, through PM’s :blush:

As RobK is on sabbatical at the moment, kindly allow me to do the honours…

Am i the only one to notice that ROG had gone when someone asked why he had gone? :blush: :blush:

He was becoming bigger than t/net so they had him gagged and removed? :open_mouth:

He was becoming bigger than t/net so they had him gagged and removed? :open_mouth:

No, this is why he went.

He used to post legal advice that was completely and totally wrong. His advice could have cost a lot of drivers a lot of trouble and money. When wiser people pointed out what the correct legal situation was, supporting what they said with hard evidence, he would simply argue with them and gainsay them.

He was asked to stop doing it but he didn’t. He was put on pre-mod so that what he said could be checked by a team of experienced drivers- and don’t forget, ROG was an instructor, not a driver- and because of this he chose not to post any more. He wasn’t banned and he isn’t banned now, he is completely free to post with the proviso that any legal advice he provides is checked out before it can appear on the board, to save you and your fellow truck drivers coming to grief.

I think that’s just about covered it.

that is a out and out untrue statement
and if he can not take the heat then he
should not be in the kitchen, as one says
sorry even i get the proverbially taken but
I,m still here,people make mistakes
we are human and must be willing to
learn from these mistakes

He posted the other day.

Hi tachograph,

That’s correct mate, he did indeed post just the other day.

Just for the OP and anybody else unsure of the situation, ROG has chosen not to post.


He posted the other day.

Hi tachograph,

That’s correct mate, he did indeed post just the other day.

He did, I had been fishing for him to post for a week or two, following a bet* with another TN member that I could make him post, and finally he couldn’t resist the bait any more. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses:

*I am enjoying the bottle of red wine the bet one me as I type this. :wink: