What's eerie to you during these times?


This is nothing compared to whats to come. Businesses could well be on lock down till the end of the year. The economy is rapidly heading towards complete collaspse, likely much worse than any depression let alone recession we have ever seen in modern times. Today the markets held abit of ground but the trend is worse than anything seen before.

Even if a vaccine is deployed tomorrow the damage will still be significant but a safe vaccine anytime this year is a slim hope. Humanity has survived pandemics before. So we will get through it but society isnt gonna bounce back anytime soon likely for many years. The great plague took out 70% of all human life…oh and guess where that started yep china and eerie enough it first entered europe in… yep Italy lol

Whats really scaring governments around the world IS this virus has already mutated once and has 2 active strains. One more deadly than the other. It would only take 1 mutation for a more deadly strain to adapt to human hosts and this could very well send us back to the dark ages.

This is being compared in economic terms to WW2 . It took Great Britain until 31/12/2006 to pay off the last of its war debts

I can see that this may well be the biggest economic problem since WW2. But, if managed correctly, it should be smaller.
It is valid to compare it, but not necessarily to say it will be as bad.

im lovin the quiet roads and feel im gonna keep workin even if “ordered” not to. Who takes orders you just got to think of a way to go around em. got a plan or 2 up my sleeve . might have already had the virus so far not read of one ordinary joe who has died from it. i bleve id need a copper to point a gun at me to make me stop thatd only hold me up for that day in fact we need to fight back . we will see

iv noticed theres a quiet resolve NOT to lockdown . Sure the sheep already closed up even before theyve been told to ,no guts . i cant understand greggs closing on Sundays you could start delivering Sundays from a bike cart or open a huge outdoor seating area all 6 ft apart you could easy do it

I’ll tell you what IS eerie…

, I’ve never heard the word ‘Brexit’ for ages :smiley: , after months of it being used to blame every ■■■■ thing in the world that went wrong, whether it really was to blame or not. :laughing:

So when all this crap is over, I look forward to the word ‘Corona’ being used to blame everything from the weather to Man Utd’s crap performance for the last 2 seasons. :laughing:

So RIP Brexit at last, after being totally ■■■■■■ off by the belly aching remoaners who have finally shut up…,
So at least one good thing has come out of it however trivial and minor that is. :smiley:
#Glasshalffullrob. :smiley:

Tell you what IS eerie…

, I’ve never heard the word ‘Brexit’ for ages :smiley: , after months of it being used to blame every [zb] thing in the world that went wrong, whether it really was to blame or not. :laughing:

So when all this crap is over, I look forward to the word ‘Corona’ being used to blame everything from the weather to Man Utd’s crap performance for the last 2 seasons. :laughing:

So RIP Brexit at last, after being totally ■■■■■■ off by the belly aching remoaners who have finally shut up…,
So at least one good thing has come out of it however trivial and minor that is. :smiley:
#Glasshalffullrob. :smiley:

Dont fret RobRoy. With this virus doing the rounds post Brexit trade negotiations will likely be put on hold, and we will trundle along for a while yet as if nowt happened. Bit like the footie maybe? Newcastle dont get relegated… yet.
UK gets to keep solvent…for a while.

This is nothing compared to whats to come. Businesses could well be on lock down till the end of the year. The economy is rapidly heading towards complete collaspse, likely much worse than any depression let alone recession we have ever seen in modern times. Today the markets held abit of ground but the trend is worse than anything seen before.

Even if a vaccine is deployed tomorrow the damage will still be significant but a safe vaccine anytime this year is a slim hope. Humanity has survived pandemics before. So we will get through it but society isnt gonna bounce back anytime soon likely for many years. The great plague took out 70% of all human life…oh and guess where that started yep china and eerie enough it first entered europe in… yep Italy lol

Whats really scaring governments around the world IS this virus has already mutated once and has 2 active strains. One more deadly than the other. It would only take 1 mutation for a more deadly strain to adapt to human hosts and this could very well send us back to the dark ages.

Scaring governments indeed,jesus do you think those gilded creeps are going to suffer.Get real they’re in position purely and simply to do their masters bidding.People need to truly comprehend this uncomfortable fact and pronto.


Tell you what IS eerie…

, I’ve never heard the word ‘Brexit’ for ages :smiley: , after months of it being used to blame every [zb] thing in the world that went wrong, whether it really was to blame or not. :laughing:

So when all this crap is over, I look forward to the word ‘Corona’ being used to blame everything from the weather to Man Utd’s crap performance for the last 2 seasons. :laughing:

So RIP Brexit at last, after being totally ■■■■■■ off by the belly aching remoaners who have finally shut up…,
So at least one good thing has come out of it however trivial and minor that is. :smiley:
#Glasshalffullrob. :smiley:

Dont fret RobRoy. With this virus doing the rounds post Brexit trade negotiations will likely be put on hold, and we will trundle along for a while yet as if nowt happened. Bit like the footie maybe? Newcastle dont get relegated… yet.
UK gets to keep solvent…for a while.




This is nothing compared to whats to come. Businesses could well be on lock down till the end of the year. The economy is rapidly heading towards complete collaspse, likely much worse than any depression let alone recession we have ever seen in modern times. Today the markets held abit of ground but the trend is worse than anything seen before.

Even if a vaccine is deployed tomorrow the damage will still be significant but a safe vaccine anytime this year is a slim hope. Humanity has survived pandemics before. So we will get through it but society isnt gonna bounce back anytime soon likely for many years. The great plague took out 70% of all human life…oh and guess where that started yep china and eerie enough it first entered europe in… yep Italy lol

Whats really scaring governments around the world IS this virus has already mutated once and has 2 active strains. One more deadly than the other. It would only take 1 mutation for a more deadly strain to adapt to human hosts and this could very well send us back to the dark ages.

This is being compared in economic terms to WW2 . It took Great Britain until 31/12/2006 to pay off the last of its war debts

I can see that this may well be the biggest economic problem since WW2. But, if managed correctly, it should be smaller.
It is valid to compare it, but not necessarily to say it will be as bad.

Quite correct, if managed correctly. The only thing that’s going to spoil that are people!

Quite correct, if managed correctly. The only thing that’s going to spoil that are people!

I started work at 5am on monday and finished at 4pm on saturday. I decided to stop off at tesco on the way home for next weeks supplies but couldn’t even get in the car park. I parked a few streets away and walked back, past people with trolleys packed full of stuff. Far more than a couple of weeks worth. Inside I watched as people just scooped shelves worth of product into their trolleys. I just turned around and walked back to my car.

I have never been more disgusted in my life at the people of this country.



This is nothing compared to whats to come. Businesses could well be on lock down till the end of the year. The economy is rapidly heading towards complete collaspse, likely much worse than any depression let alone recession we have ever seen in modern times. Today the markets held abit of ground but the trend is worse than anything seen before.

Even if a vaccine is deployed tomorrow the damage will still be significant but a safe vaccine anytime this year is a slim hope. Humanity has survived pandemics before. So we will get through it but society isnt gonna bounce back anytime soon likely for many years. The great plague took out 70% of all human life…oh and guess where that started yep china and eerie enough it first entered europe in… yep Italy lol

Whats really scaring governments around the world IS this virus has already mutated once and has 2 active strains. One more deadly than the other. It would only take 1 mutation for a more deadly strain to adapt to human hosts and this could very well send us back to the dark ages.

This is being compared in economic terms to WW2 . It took Great Britain until 31/12/2006 to pay off the last of its war debts

I can see that this may well be the biggest economic problem since WW2. But, if managed correctly, it should be smaller.
It is valid to compare it, but not necessarily to say it will be as bad.

Oh it’s being managed all right,bang on cue,pretty much to our detriment I’d wager :open_mouth:

Whats eerie to me, is the crowds of people around the back of my trailer waiting to grab bread, milk, toilet rolls and flour, as I unload cages of food for Tesco express stores.

Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk

Exactly this, and sometimes before the shop has even opened!

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk

I find it really strange that we have been here before.

No one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space. No one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinised as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets. And yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly, and surely, they drew their plans against us…

Wheel Nut:
I find it really strange that we have been here before.

No one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space. No one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinised as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets. And yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly, and surely, they drew their plans against us…


Not as far fetched as it seems, my lot on the planet ‘Tribin’ located just inside the clunge nebular have been planning to take over earth for a while.

We saw the mess the Mars lot made of it falling victim to the common cold and deceided to send in a virus first, don’t worry the human race is still the planets most destructive virus.

The trick was creating a species jump, for that we had to choose a mammal you lot don’t come into contact with a lot, natural immunity and all that so we chose Bats. To be fair it’s took a while to leap as we had to wait for someone daft enough to kiss a bat, but eventually a drunk man in China helped us out.

In a nutshell mankind’s destruction of your planets environment causes other species to overlap into your own areas, whether it’s the urban fox or the bat that had to fly out of its reducing natural habitat to find food into an area it shouldn’t normally be, sort of a spillover effect whereby virus’s that have a symbiotic relationship with one species have the potential to wipe out another, bit like the common cold and those triffids or was it Mars f-uk knows the vodkas kickin in now and I’m wafflin…

Now unfortunately your atmosphere/environment is a tad to toxic for us but our envoy: agent ‘Greta’ and mankind being locked away will allow the atmosphere to clean itself.

The invasion has already begun and to be fair earthlings wont notice it apart from a much better quality of life and more p-orn.

Never said we where the bad guys…

Wheel Nut:
I find it really strange that we have been here before.

No one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space. No one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinised as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets. And yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly, and surely, they drew their plans against us…

Driving about this week, I was reminded of a line from war of the worlds where the narrator is amazed at life going on as normal, even though something terrible was about to happen. Reading your post, I reached for my copy and looked for it, but couldn’t find it. I did however see this paragraph.

To say it was written 120 years ago, it’s not that far off the mark today.

Not as far fetched as it seems, my lot on the planet ‘Tribin’ located just inside the clunge nebular have been planning to take over earth for a while.

We saw the mess the Mars lot made of it falling victim to the common cold and deceided to send in a virus first, don’t worry the human race is still the planets most destructive virus.

The trick was creating a species jump, for that we had to choose a mammal you lot don’t come into contact with a lot, natural immunity and all that so we chose Bats. To be fair it’s took a while to leap as we had to wait for someone daft enough to kiss a bat, but eventually a drunk man in China helped us out.

In a nutshell mankind’s destruction of your planets environment causes other species to overlap into your own areas, whether it’s the urban fox or the bat that had to fly out of its reducing natural habitat to find food into an area it shouldn’t normally be, sort of a spillover effect whereby virus’s that have a symbiotic relationship with one species have the potential to wipe out another, bit like the common cold and those triffids or was it Mars f-uk knows the vodkas kickin in now and I’m wafflin…

Now unfortunately your atmosphere/environment is a tad to toxic for us but our envoy: agent ‘Greta’ and mankind being locked away will allow the atmosphere to clean itself.

The invasion has already begun and to be fair earthlings wont notice it apart from a much better quality of life and more p-orn.

Never said we where the bad guys…

Slackers, Ozzy Osbourne was chomping on bats nearly 40 years ago!

Nope fake news
But if true wonder how he doing now :sunglasses:

Nope fake news
But if true wonder how he doing now :sunglasses:

Probably fine, he developed an immunity to covid 19 many years ago when he was touring. I saw it on Facebook.

Sorry been a way a bit need to recompile list of hysterical believe all they read posters.

Nite Owl:
Driving about this week, I was reminded of a line from war of the worlds where the narrator is amazed at life going on as normal, even though something terrible was about to happen. Reading your post, I reached for my copy and looked for it, but couldn’t find it. I did however see this paragraph.


To say it was written 120 years ago, it’s not that far off the mark today.

I read that last line as “■■■■■■■■■ my wife” lol.

Nite Owl:
Slackers, Ozzy Osbourne was chomping on bats nearly 40 years ago!

Aye and you can see that it never did him any harm did it. :laughing: