if you were in your truck all week or longer?
strallis every time …ty
merc megaspace
merc megaspace
Hmmm, now let me see…
scanny do u carry that number plate every where with ya agy driver ffs
scanny do u carry that number plate every where with ya agy driver ffs
It’s just to help with speed cameras Carl
i must admit, its a little strange seeing a plate that says scanny in a merc. lol
I have voted scania
look out for a truck have Jenny for the window
I have voted scanialook out for a truck have Jenny for the window
I voted Volvo because I’m a lazy driver and auto+exhaust break means you can literally drive with one pedal for miles. I’d forgotten this until I got back in one after being with a fleet of Mercs and Mans for 14 months. It had a stick but taking it from Hereford to Worcester was so simple. My current workplace has Volvo’s, Man/Erf’s
and, oh God, nooooooooooooooooooooo!.. I’ll let you guess Jen.
No option there Terry for ‘anything’ as i couldn’t careless , and thats a valid choice !!!
same as Mike dont give a damm as long as it does’nt have lots of spotlights and shinny wheels will drive anything legal (except a renault manager !!)
Same as the two above but only if the money is good
Anything that doesn’t have a “How’s my Driving” sticker on the back
Much easier to choose what I wouldn’t want to drive -
Scania and Renault.
The rest I wouldn’t have any real problem with any. There’s good and bad points amongst them all. If you include in there the Mercedes Actros I’ll take my chance with any.
Not arsed really as its the wages that pay my mortgage and feed the kids.
i must admit, its a little strange seeing a plate that says scanny in a merc. lol
i drive a volvo now
scanny do u carry that number plate every where with ya agy driver ffs
of course i do. whats the point in having a name plate if you leave it at home
scania v8
M-B Actros MegaSpace.
But if I was working for some stingy bugger who only bought a high roof sleeper - i.e. little Actros or Axor, then I would have an FH G/T XL or a Topline.
I do four or five nights out a week, and to be honest, I’m more interested in the interior cab height than the badge on the grille.