what would you do?

now i will not name the company i work for or did,as not sure if i have a job after today,anyway last wednesday
one of the managers told me that they used to fiddle the tachos,hours,with the previous driver,not sure how it was done,something with altering his clocking in time,anyway was asked if i fancied doing it if running out of hours for example,i said no,anyway was on holiday from thurseday untill today,got to work and was told no work for me
i said why didnt you let me know either by phone call or text,manager said didnt want to disturb you while on holiday,anyway there is a young girl who works there who is also class2 who has recently passed her test so she has took the run out,she has told me she regular forgets to have her her breaks and that she gets confused about 6hr rule and so on.,i have never had anything happen like this before and seeing as i only started in april not sure of my rights if any if they get rid of me

Less than 1yrs employment so you have very little hope with a tribunal.

Walk away & put this one down to experience, what they were asking YOU to do would have consequences which could possibly mean YOU either losing YOUR licence or gaining enough points to make you unemployable in haulage.

Without your licence you can’t drive for them & you can’t drive for anyone else either !

Who would you rather drive for?

Get your kit and start running, you dont want to be involved with any of that! You worked hard for your license, we all did, no point in taking a risk.

i have took on board what you have said and thanks for the advice and yes i am going to get out
i suppose its better to be unemployed rather than unemployable,i have allready signed back on with a couple of
agencies i have used before although i have not left the company yet i dont think they will be calling me anytime soon

A call to VOSA might be in order btw you dont have to give your name or details :bulb:

Like animal says i would get out but make shure you cover your own backside . If the girl forgets her tacho breaks hrs ect they are just using her and sooner or later she will be surplus to requirmens (when she gets caught ) they will put it down to her :open_mouth: as they would with you if you agree to break the tacho rules…
No Job is worth loosing you Licence over … EVER … :laughing:

well they phoned me today to say was not enough work for me so laying me off,i have asked them to put it in writing which i will collect from them tomorrow,so at least while looking for another job i can at least sign on
i have never been so pleased to to have lost my job,seems like a whole lot of weight has been lifted from my shoulders

You’ve done the right thing and I hope you find another job very soon! What part of the world are you in?

I wouldn’t call VOSA, but a name and shame if they lay you off would help other drivers who are put under the same pressures.

Wheel Nut:
I wouldn’t call VOSA, but a name and shame if they lay you off would help other drivers who are put under the same pressures.

Yep VOSA as they will start stopping there lorry & will soon get a visit depends on there TC :wink:

Wheel Nut:
I wouldn’t call VOSA, but a name and shame if they lay you off would help other drivers who are put under the same pressures.


I think we should be careful with name-and-shame, because people will only be able to read one side of an unverified story.

Just to be clear, I’m not suggesting for a moment that the OP isn’t to be believed.


Wheel Nut:
I wouldn’t call VOSA, but a name and shame if they lay you off would help other drivers who are put under the same pressures.


I think we should be careful with name-and-shame, because people will only be able to read one side of an unverified story.

Just to be clear, I’m not suggesting for a moment that the OP isn’t to be believed.

Nothing against the OP being cryptic in his naming and shaming. :bulb:

first of all i have no reason to lie,i will not name and shame at this present time as i am waiting for my letter of
redundancy (not sure i have spelt that correct) the young girl is not employed at the company as a driver,the dole put her through the test in january ,she has another job within the company and she covered for me if on holiday for
example.the company has one truck and one driver which was me at the time.company has plenty of orders on the books,had to go in yesterday to pick some of my stuff up,all my stuff was on managers desk,young girl was on a run to liverpool,also there is a board in the managers office with the runs on and it looked pretty full.anyway i know what he asked me and when i said no,suddenly i had no work,