what would you do?

Then all we need is a member of her majesties Police Force to come on here and tell everyone they will not get done and any problems regarding getting out the way will not end up in court 100% no problems will you have. I do think though people with right of way will sue you from something or other. In the day and age of electronic wizardry and technical infer-structure the ability of emergency services to automatically trigger a green light would be possible or at least worth funding a 2 million pound research paper of the feasibility of a feasibility study to determine the feasibility of such a device. A light sensor that reacts to blue LED light, of course then the uphill gardeners would also get a green light all the time.

Its a bit difficult sometimes, I was coming through some roadworks near Skipton last year, traffic control and single way only, just me in a puddle jumper and a car behind me, saw some flashing lights of a ambulance passing the waiting traffic the other side, stuck my hazards for the fella behind and we both tucked into the roadworks to allow free passage, only to have the ambulance stop and beckon us to come through :open_mouth: Well we both did and then had to squeeze past one waiting ambulance and a wall and she waved her thanks and sped off. I do while in Britain think turning the brain off and trusting in the life saving power of the Hi Vis vest is the only way.

Then all we need is a member of her majesties Police Force to come on here and tell everyone they will not get done and any problems regarding getting out the way will not end up in court

A police officer seeing you SAFELY move out the way for a blue light WILL NOT charge you but that is not the issue here.
A police officer CANNOT determine what a court will say or do.
What you need to answer your question is for the lord lords to come on here and give you an answer - a bit unlikely IMO

One other course of action to get a definitive answer is to contact your MP who has the option to apply to the law lords to give such a ruling - this may take some time though…

‘…Then all we need is a member of her majesties Police Force to come on here and tell everyone they will not get done…’

Er, like we’d all trust it? I’m once bitten & am now rather shy of 'em.


Then all we need is a member of her majesties Police Force to come on here and tell everyone they will not get done and any problems regarding getting out the way will not end up in court

A police officer seeing you SAFELY move out the way for a blue light WILL NOT charge you but that is not the issue here.
A police officer CANNOT determine what a court will say or do.
What you need to answer your question is for the lord lords to come on here and give you an answer - a bit unlikely IMO

One other course of action to get a definitive answer is to contact your MP who has the option to apply to the law lords to give such a ruling - this may take some time though…

So no one is actually sure of the outcome and the ones that do know are probably too busy to comment here… I will stay put then

I will stay put then

Would you stay put if you knew it was your nearest and dearest in the ambulance behind you and those seconds could be the difference Between them living or dying :question:


I will stay put then

Would you stay put if you knew it was your nearest and dearest in the ambulance behind you and those seconds could be the difference Between them living or dying :question:

I understand this argument you and others put, but I do think not, if you go across a redlight and it triggers a NIP then its against the law, then you have to take time off to fight this with no guarantee of a favorable outcome. Trying to tug at heart strings does not really sway me. I could pull out into the traffic deeming it safe to do so and someone is not looking and there you go, of course the Policeman or whomever trying to get by might then decide to have a go at obstruction, so multiple choice decisions. I still say no, not worth the risk of a NIP arriving and the palaver of explaining it all to a judge.

No its not real bother in the scheme of things as I do not live in Britain and were I do live, common sense is to get out the way wherever you are and no one is going to sue anyone because thats not what happens here. The UK has eroded commons sense, ze law is ze law.

Try another senario -

You and your mate are driving seperate trucks with you a little way behind him.
He is stopped at a red light which has a camera
An ambulance with blue lights on gets passed you but cannot get passed your mate
Your mate does not move even though he could do so safely
You later find out that your kid was in that ambulance and because it was delayed your kid died
Those few seconds, perhaps up to a minute, that your mate delayed the ambulance would have made the difference.

Is the other driver still your mate :question:

Try another senario -

You and your mate are driving seperate trucks with you a little way behind him.
He is stopped at a red light which has a camera
An ambulance with blue lights on gets passed you but cannot get passed your mate
Your mate does not move even though he could do so safely
You later find out that your kid was in that ambulance and because it was delayed your kid died
Those few seconds, perhaps up to a minute, that your mate delayed the ambulance would have made the difference.

Is the other driver still your mate :question:

No Idea Rog, I would have to wait for that to happen. It seems to me that if you do then you have to go to court, lets say that happens and the outcome is unknown because we are not sure if the judge is in a bad trucking mood or not. If the top dog comes on here or the law lets it be known that yes get out the way, the camera flashes we will not do you for it, then fine, I will obey. until then I am staying put, I could say that perhaps the person in the ambulance might be someone I don’t like.

You could pull into the oncoming traffic and thats safe, then find they have tried to get around the other side of the road and are now stuck in the traffic you stopped, to many ifs Rog, gotta stay put still.

why don’t some one ask the question to a police man of email some one about this to see if there a definitive answer i would but i a social out cast and only know my computer and he as not got a clue :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

If you are blocking the road, move the zb thing, it’s an emergency ffs.

Someone will say they are not going to break the law because the ambulance has no tax :laughing:

why don’t some one ask the question to a police man

Think I answered this -

A police officer seeing you SAFELY move out the way for a blue light WILL NOT charge you but that is not the issue here.
A police officer CANNOT determine what a court will say or do.
What you need to answer your question is for the lord lords to come on here and give you an answer - a bit unlikely IMO

One other course of action to get a definitive answer is to contact your MP who has the option to apply to the law lords to give such a ruling - this may take some time though…

I had a thought on this and think that the courts would still prosecute you for going though a red light, cos if there let you off for the reasons of move for an emergency vehicle,it could be others use this for just going though a red light and saying there was a emergency vehicle trying to get though in a court of law you have to prove you did not do it with intent if you have no proof of what happen how could a court say anything but guilty,

I had a thought on this and think that the courts would still prosecute you for going though a red light, cos if there let you off for the reasons of move for an emergency vehicle,it could be others use this for just going though a red light and saying there was a emergency vehicle trying to get though in a court of law you have to prove you did not do it with intent if you have no proof of what happen how could a court say anything but guilty,

A bit difficult to perhaps do at the time but get the registration of the vehicle on B&Ts as evidence.

I don’t think this thread is going to provide any definitive answers - there will be some who would move and some who would not.

From IAM website:

Don’t cross red traffic lights or speed to get out of the way. The emergency driver has training and legal exemptions that you don’t have. Bus lanes and box junctions can be problems too, but let them resolve the problem of breaking the rules — not you. (the bit in bold is their bold)

In any given situation, the driver will do whatever the driver thinks right at the time. But there’s no way you’ll get police officers or anyone else coming on here and saying ‘it’s ok to go through a red light if we’re behind you with blues and twos’. Why not? For several reasons:

Several posters have said they’d do it if safe. What is ‘safe’? If the police suggested it was OK to move and that became generally known, many less skilled drivers might do it when it is NOT safe to do so.

If you start to dilute the law and say it’s OK to go through a red light to let an emergency vehicle through, then other laws will become equally ‘flexible’. It would be OK to break the speed limit ‘if safe’ to allow passage of an emergency vehicle through roadworks if that was the only option, for example.

And if obeying the law becomes secondary to the driver’s assessment of what is ‘safe’ in an emergency…then what about when I’m overtaking an artic on a DC and the artic starts weaving about when I’m halfway up the trailer? I might think it’s the safest bet to put my foot down to pass the artic as quickly as possible. If I do that and break the speed limit just as I come up to a camera, will the courts say ‘ok, it was an emergency’? I don’t think so…and if they did, and it became accepted practice, then SpeedyBoyRacer will pass every artic at 95mph and, if caught, claim that the lorry was weaving (similar to what delboy said).

Also, there are several organisations, including HMRC, that have vehicles with blue lights, not just the three main emergency services. Should you break red lights for all of them?

The heartstrings argument about letting an ambulance through. The ambulance might need to make rapid progress, but it might not literally be a matter of life and death in the context of the few seconds delay at the red light. What about police and fire engines? They might, or might not, be on a mission where seconds will count. Should we let them through as well?

And if it’s about ‘emergencies’…what about doctors travelling to an RTA or a suspected heart attack victim with the ‘green’ flashing light on…or HA heading to an incident with amber lights flashing?

Nobody is going to give an official sanction, so each driver will have to make their own decision about what to do - but on the understanding that if they break the law they may have to take the consequences.

Emergency vehicle drivers are highly trained and are exempt from certain motoring regulations. Leave them to sort out the problems.


ROG, you’ve made it perfectly clear what you would do, just except the fact that not everyone’s like you. Don’t forget, your no truck driver. What you do in your car is your business, you have more spare time on your hands than you know what to do with. No doubt a few weeks appealing against a fine and time spent in court is right up your street. Truck drivers, the ones still in work anyway, have between little and no time to argue with the authorities.

The light is red. The law says STOP until it goes green again. Instead of keeping this thread going on pointless arguments, why don’t you fill your time petitioning the government about it instead.

i always leave a bit of room between me and the line as i have experienced being in an ambulance while its had sirens and its lights flashing we came to a set of TL’s which were on red which we had to go through(on the wrong side of the carriageway) we had to swerve to avoid bein hit by a car from the right handside … my step son was in a critical way . I always leave a bit of a space between the front of the car and the line, so if i have to move the space is there.

it appears that there are too many children driving trucks nowadays, and not enough Men/strong women.

the attitude of some of you lot should be enough to take you off the road for good.


In this kind of situation ive never had to move or had the chance to move because usually the ambulance/fire engine etc switch to the opposite side of the road and get the oncoming traffic to move over.

Wheel Nut:
If you are blocking the road, move the zb thing, it’s an emergency ffs.

Spot on Wheelnut.

Let the poor ■■■■ in the BACK of the ambulance through :exclamation: :exclamation: Deal with any fallout later. :unamused:

I didn’t realise this was such a big issue to some people.

Mind you I suppose on the flip side it might one of our overlords from Whitehall in the Blood wagon !!! :grimacing:

Can of worms,what if you are able to move and let ambulance through and it has accident with another vehicle