I am in a bit of a dilemma.
At the moment I am stuck shore side in the navy as I damaged my knee quite a while ago (while playing football in Gibraltar) and now when I go up and down ladders on warships the pain is excruciating, it does not hurt any other time, not even when jumoing in and out of cabs/trailers. The navy is looking to send me to a medical board of survey in May with the possibility of discharge with a pension and pay off. I will have done over 18 years mans time when I get to the medical board so I won’t miss out much on my full pension and gratuity.
Now the question I want to put to you is that fact that I may be looking at losing my naval career but would it be worthwhile asking for discharge as I hate being stuck in an office and not able to go to sea. I want to be a wagon driver and have the possibility of a job trunking artics if the company I work for on weekends does manage to stay afloat until that kicks in (which I think it will). If it was you, would you say goodbye to the navy and hope for the best on the job front or would you try to stay in a job you don’t like and see it out until the end?
I’m not asking you to tell me what to do, I’m just asking what would you do with the economy being what it is today and if you think we will see a rise in the amount of work by the middle to end of next year (2009).
The Pros I have to stay in the navy are (in no particular order)
Very good job security.
Guaranteed wage of over £2000 a month whether I work or off sick or on leave
Subsidised housing
Free health and dental care
Approx 36 official days off per year(do get more on the quiet)
Cons to stay in the navy(in no particular order)
Hate office jobs, which is all they will give me at the moment
I really want to drive for a living and have done since I was about 10.
Job satisfaction, I really don’t like my job anymore, it bores the boobies off me
Quite a stressful job (don’t ever get stressed on the road)
Job security in the outside world.
If I stay in they may (and it’s a good possibility) they will send me to Scotland or Cornwall (so I won’t be able to drive on weekends, which I love doing) and I will be away from my family but instead of sleeping in a wagon, earning money, I will be in a single room that I will have to pay for.
Travelling costs
Additional rent to pay for housing (won’t get benefit because if pay out)
I miss going to sea and having a laugh in foreign places.
As a foot note I only have another four years left so I would I be better getting into the job market next year when it hopefully picks up a bit or do I wait 4 years and try to get a job when I am over 40 ( I know it shouldn’t matter but it looks better on a CV if you are 36 rather than 41)
My wife doesn’t mind me being away from home as she is used to it (have done numerous 6 month tours while together) so the tramping won’t be a problem, and if I land the right job the money will be about the same
What are your views and what would you do if you were in this situation?