What was wrong,

with the safe ■■■ thread.

There was no ■■■■■■, no bad language, it wasn’t " 'orrible", it wasn’t aimed at anybody.

If anything they were educational aswell as being amusing.

Or are condoms rude all of a sudden.

No wonder their are so many teenage pregnancies with the supressive attitude of some people

I believe it was re-moved by Rikki

It went because it was over the line for this forum, as will any others you or anyone else posts that in my judgement are.

However if all the other mods and admins review it and decide my judgement call was wrong it will be reinstated.

Luckily on the new platform we have the opportunity to set different users different permissions, and those who have trouble working out what is acceptable can get some assistance from the admin team as we can make their posts in certain forums pre-moderated and check them out for them before they are posted.- Let us know if this would be of assistance to you once we have upgraded

So in your view, practising safe ■■■, which prevents STD’s unwanted pregnancies is over the line.

But violence as shown in this thread,


is ok.

If that is so, it really frightens me.

You have your answer above,
You have stated that you post to push the boundaries and wonder why some are deemed over the line and removed ? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing:

So your attitude is your right even when it is clear that your wrong,

For someone who runs a forum, you ought to take a good look at yourself and your ideas about morality.

If you really think the two videos are in bad taste, I think you need some help.

I think you need some help.

thats why we have the rest of the Admin team to review decisions made …and as I said above luckily under the new forum set up we can extend that service to those members that have trouble understanding what we find acceptable.
Will make life much easier for us all :laughing: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


I think you need some help.

thats why we have the rest of the Admin team to review decisions made …and as I said above luckily under the new forum set up we can extend that service to those members that have trouble understanding what we find acceptable.
Will make life much easier for us all :laughing: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Just explain what you found unacceptable about the videos about condoms and why you find a video with violence acceptable.

I have explained why I found them ok but the your explanation stinks of fascism

I have already answered that in my judgement it was inappropriate, and normally I would leave it at that. but as I have a couple minutes free between doing something more intersting than bantering with you.

The video showed animated simulated ■■■ including ■■■■■■■■■… although animated it was not appropriate on here. If you want to watch ■■■ video’s animated or otherwise then Google is your friend :slight_smile:

As has been pointed out before you can always go to other websites that have less restrictive posting policies but you seem to want to post them on here simply because you know it will get a reaction(removal) so you can have a moan.

You were a member here under your previous username long enough to know where the boundaries are, and are aso a member of enough of the other forums to know what is acceptable on theirs.

Now I have spent more than enough time on this… you have your answers. Have a nice day now.
Im off to do something far more inetersting :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Im off to do something far more inetersting :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Googling? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Im off to do something far more inetersting :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Googling? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nope I am trolling on a gaming forum I belong too… :wink: :wink: :wink: :laughing:
(The admins there hate me too :laughing: :laughing: )
Unfortunatly they dont have a feedback forum and a strict no discussion of moderation rule, so trolling there takes a little more finesse :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Nope I am trolling on a gaming forum I belong too… :wink: :wink: :wink: :laughing:
(The admins there hate me too :laughing: :laughing: )
Unfortunatly they dont have a feedback forum and a strict no discussion of moderation rule, so trolling there takes a little more finesse :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Sounds a bit like Gamekeeper turned poacher… :laughing: :laughing: I’ll come quitely Guv, no need for the cuffs :laughing: :laughing: