What was that about? "We shall remember them" when posting?

Dunno if that was a website crash, or some kind of DNS…

Anyone else experience any hoohar?

Yes, I did a few times even after closing down and restarting. Cleared after a while.

Dunno if that was a website crash, or some kind of DNS…

Anyone else experience any hoohar?

It was an error on my part, every year on remembrance the website is taken offline for 2 minutes and that message is shown.
Today I was adding some software that should help with the spam attacks the site is receiving, while installing the software the website had to go offline for a short period and I hadn’t updated the offline message since last november

Careful Rikki you know this industry is perfect and not known for admitting to our own mistakes :smiley:
Well done that man-keep up the good work.


Dunno if that was a website crash, or some kind of DNS…

Anyone else experience any hoohar?

It was an error on my part, every year on remembrance the website is taken offline for 2 minutes and that message is shown.
Today I was adding some software that should help with the spam attacks the site is receiving, while installing the software the website had to go offline for a short period and I hadn’t updated the offline message since last november

Ok, fair enough. There was me worried that I’d been IP blocked or something, because it came up the moment I posted, rather than when I went to the main forum page on the website…
I’ve not seen any of these spam messages mentioned yet - but surely we treat all those blighters that start being pushy with their very first post upon creating their account - with equal contempt already hmm?

… I’ve not seen any of these spam messages mentioned yet - but surely we treat all those blighters that start being pushy with their very first post upon creating their account - with equal contempt already hmm?

Hi Winseer,

The spammers that I think Rikki is referring to are the ones who would join simply to fill the forums with such things as ‘buy from this online pharmacy’ or ‘buy a fake ID’ etc which we try our best to intercept and deal with at the application stage, hence you not (or very rarely) seeing that type of post. It’s the back office kind of work that goes on unseen and which contributes (hopefully) to the membership not having to see such crap.
TBF, we do get this right about 99% of the time and your comment (Thanks!!) seems to back this up. :smiley:

The other spammers you mention are more accurately called trolls, and yes there are few of them taking advantage of TN’s allowance of multiple IDs to be antagonistic as discussed in another topic in here, but I can tell everybody that we’re working on that too and so a few wings have already been clipped.

I’d like to say at this point… There’s a LOT of work involved for the volunteer Mod/Admin Team hence our (being polite here :wink: ) disappointment = contempt of the disruptive posters you’ve described.

Funnily enough I had just updated my email address and in doing so found a lot of old lorry pictures on Photobucket. I thought I had broken it, but the email change is fine and I am again seeing pictures from 2004.