What kit to take!?

I think I saw a thread on this a few weeks back! I start my new tramping job on Monday so just wondering what the essentials are that I’ll need with me obviously know the basics but anything else that will be usefull I would be glad to know about! Thanks guys

A valid credit/debit card with at least one year left before expiry date, however, if you do not have this you can carry cash (at least £50).


Mobile telephone, though this is able to replaced by a valid internet and skype account.

A valid credit/debit card with at least one year left before expiry date

Jesus that’s a hell of a tramping job if he’s out for a year at a time.


A valid credit/debit card with at least one year left before expiry date

Jesus that’s a hell of a tramping job if he’s out for a year at a time.

I blame the planners…!

A valid credit/debit card with at least one year left before expiry date, however, if you do not have this you can carry cash (at least £50).

What is the point in that? :unamused:


A valid credit/debit card with at least one year left before expiry date, however, if you do not have this you can carry cash (at least £50).

What is the point in that? :unamused:

It just has to be in date, it doesn’t need a year left.

selection of things i keep in cab when tramping in case i’m forced to park up in a lay by and have a high value load :frowning: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

gloves, bags to go over my shoes,thin piece of rope, fishing line,shovel, mop and bucket.,crossbow, baseball bat (and ball) phone number of my lawyer.

and for basic maintenance on the truck till i get back to yard

welder,soldering iron,acetylene torch,Haynes Manual to repairing your truck on the go blue-peter style,sledge and small hammer, large cable ties,duct tape



A valid credit/debit card with at least one year left before expiry date, however, if you do not have this you can carry cash (at least £50).

What is the point in that? :unamused:

It just has to be in date, it doesn’t need a year left.

Ahhh cheers, I am still using the Feb edition of the VOSA manual, I guess you have been given the June one with the updates already?

Jesus that’s a hell of a tramping job if he’s out for a year at a time.

Probably tramping around the isle of wight! Lol

best thing to take , well in my humble opinion …is a sense of humour , cause like my office boy he will have you laughing all day , my office gimp thinks my trailer is the bloody tardis … best of all enjoy

A top quality Fridge! If you can afford it! :open_mouth:
You can never have enough Wet Wipes!(useful for wiping down the cab if you smoke) Gas burner and Gas ( to use in a Layby/industrial estate)
Immodium tabs,headache tabs they are a lot cheaper to buy in a Supermarket! Very strong holdalls for your kit aswell! (useful when moving gear from one truck to another/going home/back to work)

foam ear plugs for noisy lay bys,you can steal them from factories,or buy some at the builders merchants.
Take plenty of water,cheapest is the multi packs from Lidl.

On my first ever night out back in 1989 I had the following…

Sleeping Bag

That was heading for Italy :exclamation:

Nowadays Im just in UK and have at most 3 nights out in a week more often than not its only 1 or none at all
I now carry…

Quilt / Sheet / Pillows
Cooker and Gas
Box full of food
DVD player and stack of DVDs from carboot sale (£1 each)
Laptop and mobile dongle
Lots of CDs and books

Just take the basics for your first few nights till you work out what you need.
Wilkos and Argos do a cheap single burner cooker for emergencys and eBay is cheap for gas.

condoms :smiley:

Water! Get a decent 5 litre water container. First night out I had to wash my cooking stuff up in window cleaner and brush my teeth in coke zero. Tastes foul.

To be honest all you really need is water and wet wipes. Food and entertainment can be found away from the cab.

Also, don’t park on a downhill slope. You spend all night rolling out of the bunk :frowning: (i’m in class 2 without the luxury of leveling suspension)

Edit … and preferably a duvet instead of sleeping bag. And check your inverter can handle the wattage of your laptop … Yes my first night out was ■■■■■

Water! Get a decent 5 litre water container. First night out I had to wash my cooking stuff up in window cleaner and brush my teeth in coke zero. Tastes foul.

Most of the supermarkets sell a 5 litre bottle of mineral water for about £2 - £3, just keep refilling it until the plastic looks a bit worn then replace it (usually last a good 20 refills)

Squiddy, its a good job you got the window cleaner and coke the right way round… :cry:

I paid 8 quid for a jerry can with a tap for washing my hands and water for washing pots. Water at tesco asda etc is 18p for 2ltr I start the week with 5. Spare fuses and bulbs come in handy, we carry a spare set of lines and suzzies to and spanners to change. I also have toilet roll, kitchen roll, rope, bungee cords, rubber band(for number plate when trailer is shagged, a torch, duct tape, pens, marker, straps and rachets, stapler(for paperwork), clip board, air freshener to keep cab smelling nice :smiley:
Quite a few bits, not saying you need em all but come in handy for me. A fridge would be a great investment unless like me your boss fits one in every wagon :sunglasses: saves me a fortune in breakfast and lunch and he pays meal voucher on parking so I’ve got lazy and stopped cooking unless I need to :unamused:

as your already driving you should have a stock of nig nags
so just for starters
washing gear and quilt