I work a 5 day Thursday to Monday shift.
My company uses Tachomaster which only understands a Sunday to Sunday working week, which leaves me open to signing off infringements for taking too many reducers throughout a Sunday to Sunday period.
My company bosses can’t give me a straight answer, so can anyone else please enlighten me as to what is my LEGAL working week, as far as VOSA would be concerned.
Is my week Thursday to Monday, or is it midnight Sunday to midnight Sunday. If I reduce over 3 three times Sunday to Sunday, but only three times or less Thursday to Monday, then where do I stand legally.
Any help greatly appreciated as everyone seems to have a different answer to this question.
Thanks again,
I work a 5 day Thursday to Monday shift.
My company uses Tachomaster which only understands a Sunday to Sunday working week, which leaves me open to signing off infringements for taking too many reducers throughout a Sunday to Sunday period.
My company bosses can’t give me a straight answer, so can anyone else please enlighten me as to what is my LEGAL working week, as far as VOSA would be concerned.
Is my week Thursday to Monday, or is it midnight Sunday to midnight Sunday. If I reduce over 3 three times Sunday to Sunday, but only three times or less Thursday to Monday, then where do I stand legally.
Any help greatly appreciated as everyone seems to have a different answer to this question.
Thanks again,
If your company bosses cannot give you a straight answer, they should not be company bosses at all.
A week means the period of time between 00.00 on Monday and 24.00 on Sunday;
A fixed week for tachograph regulations is 00:00 Monday to 24:00 Sunday but I think you know that
If you mean that you get infringements for too many reduced daily rest periods then you can have 3 reduced daily rest periods between two weekly rest periods, the fixed week doesn’t come into it.
If you work Thursday to Monday then you can have 3 reduced daily rest periods in that time.
Lets say you have a reduced daily rest period on Monday followed by a weekly rest period on Tuesday/Wednesday, you can then legally have reduced daily rest periods on Thursday Friday and Saturday if you wish, that’s 4 reduced daily rest periods in a fixed week but only 3 between weekly rest periods so it’s legal.
It’s possible to have 6 reduced daily rest periods during the fixed week if you have a reduced weekly rest period at some point in the week.
I agree with Wheel Nut that if your boss couldn’t tell you that he/she should not be running a road transport business, and for that matter if Tachomaster can’t differentiate between the fixed week and the period between weekly rest periods they need to re-write their software.
You haven’t asked this but to save any confusion I should point out that when it comes to increasing your driving to 10 hours between daily rest periods it can only be legally done two times in the fixed week Monday to Sunday.
I can’t post a link because I’m having problems with my Internet connection but in the Safety and Law forum you’ll see a sticky to the tachograph regulations booklet GV262 (VOSAs guide to the drivers hours and tachograph regulations) read page 16 and show it to your boss
Here’s the link I mentioned above
Drivers hours and tachograph regulations
Your boss is a jumpy, tachomaster can be set to the shift patterns of each individual driver. Tell him to read the help file, or call tachomaster helpline
Question resolved, so thank you all very much indeed!
I agree with Wheel Nut that if your boss couldn’t tell you that he/she should not be running a road transport business, and for that matter if Tachomaster can’t differentiate between the fixed week and the period between weekly rest periods they need to re-write their software.
Too be honest it’s a case of the blind leading the blind…i work with Paul and trust me it’s not a road transport business,it’s a dept in a food manufacturing group