What is the problem?

A word to the wise, Gogs. The more you rise to this stuff and bite on it, the longer it’ll be dragged up for. Bite your lip and keep quiet and they’ll forget about it 'cos it’ll be boring. :wink:

Ah, but you see, Lucy, I have the memory of an elephant! I never forget but to be truthful, I am not particulary bothered about Gogzy and his terrible drinking habits. I found it quite funny that he should think I want to hate him?? You’re right though … every time he pops his head above the parapet, I shall think of him with all those glasses of beer. Hey Ho

Of course the thing that really ■■■■■■ me off is that I know people like you, Rikki, Coffee et al have a sense of humour but because of this stinking (IMO) situation you have got into, you are not allowed to express yourselves. Rikki has to follow the company policy whether he likes it or not. Therefore no way is he allowed to abuse someone BUT I bet there is many a time he wants to scream at something totally stupid someone has posted. Tis a shame really because in all honesty, there is more than enough room for all the sites to exist together. Nearly everyone on LDF or TW are a genuine member of here or another. LDF has NEVER been interested in nicking people from here … we only want fun lovers over there and not the do gooders brigade … you’re more than welcome to them!!! We do have a serious side which showed through magnificently when poor Steve had his troubles and his daughter came on the site (as she did this one) and thanked us all for helping to make his last days a tad easier. We can do serious but we don’t want to unless it is 100% neccesary.

so is this finish now my kids as mummy jenny says it

and yes you can have your trains back tomorrow :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

A word to the wise, Gogs. The more you rise to this stuff and bite on it, the longer it’ll be dragged up for. Bite your lip and keep quiet and they’ll forget about it 'cos it’ll be boring. :wink:

Actually don’t really know why he’s trying to defend himself, whats wrong with enjoying a drink, a couple of piccies and having a laugh?

Scots stereotype? Whats up never seen an Englishman drink?

The signature has been removed and he apologised on the ldf forum which he is a member of.

So as Jen says how about getting our trains back tomorrow and get off this premod, that way we can have a decent discussion in real time rather than waiting a shift and the reply buried where no one can read it :grimacing:

If people followed our rules, used the other websites for content that we dont allow, and didnt co-ordinate attempts to rile up other members here, or make extra work for the mod team then their would be very few, if any, people who needed their posting monitored.

As I said earlier, :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: simply use our forum, within the rules and guidelines the people who own it ask people too and very quickly the need to pre mod is … gone

saves us work, saves those on pre mod waiting for their posts to appear… win win situation :grimacing:

Does Tesco’s have adverts for Asda in their shops, etc ■■

Does Asda have adverts for Sainsburys in its shops ■■

asda said tesco are cheaper
youtube.com/watch?v=OIIRmIQVXrE :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Does Tesco’s have adverts for Asda in their shops, etc ■■

Does Asda have adverts for Sainsburys in its shops ■■

asda said tesco are cheaper
youtube.com/watch?v=OIIRmIQVXrE :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: hilarious

I am not particulary bothered about Gogzy and his terrible drinking habits. I found it quite funny that he should think I want to hate him?? You’re right though … every time he pops his head above the parapet, I shall think of him with all those glasses of beer. Hey Ho


If we can’t get on in cyber-space then as a profession we will never get on in real life.
I post on TNUK,TW and LDF, not a lot of posts but at the same time I enjoy what the 3 different sites have to offer.
No wonder our industry is so fragmented, if we can’t get on, then the only winners will be the bosses,the government and the EU because whatever [zb] they throw at us we will have to take.

Unless I’ve missed something would it be possible for TNUK to support the TTTA which has finally got industry recognition.


I am not particulary bothered about Gogzy and his terrible drinking habits. I found it quite funny that he should think I want to hate him?? You’re right though … every time he pops his head above the parapet, I shall think of him with all those glasses of beer. Hey Ho


sorry gogz but i do as well. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: