What is the problem?

Further to Lucys comment, it is also worth noting that news for drivers is done by the journalists at Roadtransport.com. If the news editors feel that a story is newsworthy I have no doubt it will appear in the drivers news section.

Funnily enough you lot are doing a damm good job of not answering questions…

You sure this is not a labour party website in disguise… :unamused:

Not for me to say about your issues with Barry, but I know i would help him out with something that he has worked so hard on… Esp as the guy is 100% reliable. And with no skeletons lol :wink: :wink: :wink: So where is the forgive and forget aspect that you preach?

I can’t answer questions when I don’t actually know what the answer is! Would you rather I just made up any old crap? :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’m really NOT going to get into a discussion about Barrie. It isn’t my place to do so, and isn’t actually anyone else’s business. But I will say that you can only forgive and forget so many times - as the saying goes, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

OK So what is the problem with posting links to other Truck Drivers sites then?

Does Tesco’s have adverts for Asda in their shops, etc ■■

with respect simon your wrong :laughing: im always looking at signs in shops/ papers etc with adverts showing lower prices and naming the rival supermarkets


OK So what is the problem with posting links to other Truck Drivers sites then?

Does Tesco’s have adverts for Asda in their shops, etc ■■

with respect simon your wrong :laughing: im always looking at signs in shops/ papers etc with adverts showing lower prices and naming the rival supermarkets

And Tesco’s are out to screw as much money as they can out of punters, can hardly say that about here can we lol :grimacing: :grimacing:

Simon, I actually found your original answers to Coddy quite condescending.
I belong to here, TW and the LDF.
Now I have been very controversial on here more than once (remember Ian Young and his burning house) yet never ever once have I been put on Pre Mod. It seems lately that only certain people get put on PMod no matter what they do.
Simon, how the hell you can talk about people behaving like “professional drivers” on here? We have someone like Gogzy who has shown everyone the type of professional driver he is!!
So we all have to bend the knee and bow and scrape to be allowed on here now? I can remember when this was a good site.
I rarely post on here nowadays as it seems to me that a majority of the ‘good’ posters seemed to have drifted away. Like you, I tramp round Europe etc and I get on for a few hours on a Friday night. Do you think I want to sit here and trawl through loads of posts made by muppets who think it is quite ok to defect a motor for a tail light out … then come on here telling everyone how clever they have been and then to cap it all, “Were they right to do so?”
Or the ‘driver’, and I use that term loosely concerning some of the clowns on here, that sits there and spends 30 minutes typing out all about the big nasty naughty lorry driver that came off the slip road at him on the M6 today. What utter garbage!!! I actually sympathise with you lot for having to trawl through it!!
I actually stopped using the so called ‘Professional Drivers Forum’ as my opinion of a good few of the drivers on there didn’t quite tally with their own opinion. Nowadays I stick to just the Euro Forum and sometimes the Newbies one to see if someone is asking about anything that I could help them with.

Just over two years ago, there was a spell of stupid posts about compensation. I duly made a post taking the mick
Have a read of it, Simon … look at some of the classic replies that had me and good few others in stitches. Very rare you get posts like that now.
Even one of my heroes, Coffee, rarely posts on here now!!!

I have never been able to quite work out WHY other trucking websites are not allowed to be mentioned on here. Personally I can’t see any harm in talking about different places to see something. I always used to say I came on here if I had a serious question that required a serious answer and the LDF if I wanted a bit of peetaking and banter. Nowadays, there are enough good and experienced drivers on there that tis very very rare I need to ask on here. Perhaps that’s the difference, 80% of the members on the LDF are long time experienced drivers. On here?? Well …

What is a forum ■■?

basically nothing more than a virtual transport cafe or for those who cannot remember what one is a truckstop which you access via the internet.

In a transport cafe the conversation as always will generally revolve around work as most of those who work in the transport industry have nowt else better to go on about until of course the joker of the evening comes along and the jokes and banter start which then usually revolve around racism, ■■■ and generally extracting the urine and everyone having a good old laugh.

Unfortunately these days everyone takes the forums far too seriously and the multitude of dare i say it ■■? morons who have absolutely no life away from the forums stand out like a belisha beacon.

There are serious posts where people ask and usually get the appropriate answers just like in any drivers get together, there also some really braindead posts as Bear has said from some of the more mentally challenged who think it is fun to defect a vehicle for a broken bulb rather than change it themselves and then have nowt better to do than brag about how clever they have been, come out with summat like that in a cafe and you are going to get the ■■■■ taken out of you with no mercy shown at all, in that case why should a forum be any different ? lets be honest this kind of pondlife does need putting in their place before the disease that they have spreads throughout the whole industry.

Rivalry between various forums will always exist and then disappear as the needs and interests of the various forums/owners change, let us just take the title of this thread as an example

at the moment the enemy of the day is TW and LDF, not so long ago it was the PDA and the mere mention of the name was considered scandalous now these forums promote a PDA initiative, nothing wrong with that at all but it just goes to show how things can and do change over a period of time.

Forums I use them yes on some I post more than on others, all of them are slightly different and as a reasonably sound of mind semi normal human being I do not always agree with the various things that are done on all of them or with the various politics that go on, but then again am I really that bothered ? usually no, the only one where I have a real axe to grind is the PDA but we do not need to delve in to that right now. Trucknet I have met Rikki and Lucy and have no problems with either of them we dont always agree on everything but then again who does, Truckersworld never met Barry his causes are laudable but 99% of them will never come to anything not his fault but the general lethargy within the industry in general puts the mockers on most of his ideas (if only the unions were half so active), Online Truckers I have met most of them and no problems there not everyones kind of thing but then again everyone is different. LDF have only one or two of the victims on there but there at least a point of view can be put forward and a thread can go off topic without the planet grinding to a halt.

Every forum has it´s own way of looking at things and which way they decide to go is obviously the prerogative of the owner never will any forum keep everyone happy.

But as said earlier who really cares that much remember there is a life outside in the real world

Simon, I actually found your original answers to Coddy quite condescending.
I belong to here, TW and the LDF.
Now I have been very controversial on here more than once (remember Ian Young and his burning house) yet never ever once have I been put on Pre Mod. It seems lately that only certain people get put on PMod no matter what they do.
Simon, how the hell you can talk about people behaving like “professional drivers” on here? We have someone like Gogzy who has shown everyone the type of professional driver he is!!
So we all have to bend the knee and bow and scrape to be allowed on here now? I can remember when this was a good site.
I rarely post on here nowadays as it seems to me that a majority of the ‘good’ posters seemed to have drifted away. Like you, I tramp round Europe etc and I get on for a few hours on a Friday night. Do you think I want to sit here and trawl through loads of posts made by muppets who think it is quite ok to defect a motor for a tail light out … then come on here telling everyone how clever they have been and then to cap it all, “Were they right to do so?”
Or the ‘driver’, and I use that term loosely concerning some of the clowns on here, that sits there and spends 30 minutes typing out all about the big nasty naughty lorry driver that came off the slip road at him on the M6 today. What utter garbage!!! I actually sympathise with you lot for having to trawl through it!!
I actually stopped using the so called ‘Professional Drivers Forum’ as my opinion of a good few of the drivers on there didn’t quite tally with their own opinion. Nowadays I stick to just the Euro Forum and sometimes the Newbies one to see if someone is asking about anything that I could help them with.

Just over two years ago, there was a spell of stupid posts about compensation. I duly made a post taking the mick
Have a read of it, Simon … look at some of the classic replies that had me and good few others in stitches. Very rare you get posts like that now.
Even one of my heroes, Coffee, rarely posts on here now!!!

I have never been able to quite work out WHY other trucking websites are not allowed to be mentioned on here. Personally I can’t see any harm in talking about different places to see something. I always used to say I came on here if I had a serious question that required a serious answer and the LDF if I wanted a bit of peetaking and banter. Nowadays, there are enough good and experienced drivers on there that tis very very rare I need to ask on here. Perhaps that’s the difference, 80% of the members on the LDF are long time experienced drivers. On here?? Well …

let me put a few things straight here

YOU dont know me
YO’U have never met me
YOU were not on the u2 tour when all this garbage about me was said
YOU only heard 3rd hand story from some ■■■■ on ldf or whatnot.
YOU are taking the scots stereotype against me, i barely drink ffs and if you were on that tour you would have known that.out of 30 double drivers only me and another guy barely drank while the rest got slaughtered.

but too be perfectly honest i really dont care what you think of me cause ill never see you so its fine, hate me all you want but there is a good number of people on here who know me and know the truth,even one transam guy knows the truth but hes staying out of it because hes stuck in the middle which is fine by me.

A word to the wise, Gogs. The more you rise to this stuff and bite on it, the longer it’ll be dragged up for. Bite your lip and keep quiet and they’ll forget about it 'cos it’ll be boring. :wink:

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again and again, It’s an internet forum, it aint the real world and in the grand scheme of things it really aint that important

Ok. Hands up. I dropped a bollock

lucy is there something you are not telling us about :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Did I say anything about the bollock I dropped belonging to me? :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :sunglasses:

I take it then that Simon has been put on pre mod for his little and very unproffesional for a mod outburst…

Have to say thanks for all the feedback, questions have been asked and not answered, which we knew would happen…

Will leave you to the What i have lost and What sweeties do you eat posts, rivitting stuff eh? :unamused: :unamused:

I ahve got to agree with Vas and Bear about most if not all their observations,and I agree with a few of Rikkis and Lucy too.
I am a member of T/W and LDF but to be honest I feel they fulfil more of my desires more than Trucknet. I find most posts on here a bit of “more holier than thou” and I have found,over the years that this kind of atitude comes from relativly inexperienced drivers.
I have been in this game for over 40 and find that my experience counts for a lot on LDF and T/W,but I viewed on here as a pain in the backside,therefore I am in need of premod.Which I might add,no one has the decency to email me or pm me about,breaking own rules i suspect
What Pees me off is your need to completely control content to the Nth degree.I made a post re: Member Migration and you didn’t put it up on the board despite it not being controversial. Why? WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again and again, It’s an internet forum, it aint the real world and in the grand scheme of things it really aint that important

A few wise words indeed

Did I say anything about the bollock I dropped belonging to me? :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :sunglasses:

Oh Rikki you poor man I hope you did not suffer too much :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The Road to Sanity…

Web link removed…now you knew that was going to happen! :unamused: Colingl

Web link removed AGAIN…now you knew that was going to happen! :unamused: Colingl

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again and again, It’s an internet forum, it aint the real world and in the grand scheme of things it really aint that important

totally agree with that one as i said that already on ldf its a forum not real,But only have said it in defferent words.


Did I say anything about the bollock I dropped belonging to me? :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :sunglasses:

Oh Rikki you poor man I hope you did not suffer too much :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Bet he sold the other one for cash!! :wink: :wink:

Nowt wrong with this post is there mods, its a laugh, nothing sinister or accusing… :grimacing:

probabaly more appropriate humourwise on other forums than here :wink: but you knew that anyway :unamused: :smiley:

I am still interested tho why, if you dislike this forum, the way it is run and its policies and members some of you spend so much time here, especially as the majority of that time is complaining and little else :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I have always said the different websites have different flavours, and thats good for the webuser as they get a choice, by complaining we do not do things the way other websites do, or follow what they allow, you are arguing that they all should be the same. that takes away the choice.

the reason some other websites are gaining members is because their content policies appeal to some people, good job, it means that those areas of content we dont allow and they do have somewhwere to be expressed.

If people followed our rules, used the other websites for content that we dont allow, and didnt co-ordinate attempts to rile up other members here, or make extra work for the mod team then their would be very few, if any, people who needed their posting monitored.

the problem is when people stop posting to make discussion and start posting simply to try to get a reaction, they get all upset when life is made a bit more difficult for them to do so…

Give you a tip, its not THAT difficult to understand, use this forum under the guidelines the forum owners wish it to be used, and use other forums if you want to go further than we allow. then perhaps peace and harmony will reign. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :unamused:

Bet he sold the other one for cash!! :wink: :wink:

Sorry to dissappoint But not mine, - given Lucy’s well known patience with overbearing security guards and impolite/discourteous goods in clerks I would suggest next time your booking in somewhere and the man answers politely in a rather high pitched voice ask if they have met her and see if they quiver in terror :slight_smile: