What is it with RDC's etc calling you "drive"

I like 2 be called your lordship personally !

i think it probably originated with the scousers , when i started going to liverpool docks back in the 60s we all got called drive . it was too much of a strain for them to grunt one more syllable .

With how the young’uns speak today, we will some be getting called " blud " in a fake blackmans accent.

One of the regular places I go to the manager used to address me as driver even though after the tip he would ask and then write my name on the paperwork.

So everytime he said “put it on bay 2 driver” I responded with “certainly office wallah”

Didn’t take him long to start calling me Mr ■■?


When its actually a 26t rigid LOL

Surely “258 come to pick up your keys please” is worst of all…

Especially when you’re standing up in the corner (there being nowhere to actually sit!) in the “cooler” portacabin driver’s waiting room… :frowning:

…And your number is 874. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

Aye pet hate to should use the Dutch system where they call you Mr. followed by the name of your company

In Devon and Cornwall when we get of a bus we always say " thank you drivuuuuuur " its a well used phrase down ere

I was down in the smoke looking for an address. I stopped and called out, eyup John, do you know where Smiths is?

He replied, hey drive, how did you know my name was John?

I guessed I lied.

Well guess your zb way to Smiths then! :stuck_out_tongue:

Aye pet hate to should use the Dutch system where they call you Mr. followed by the name of your company

That doesn’t always work :stuck_out_tongue:

Retired Old ■■■■:
Wonder what plod would think if you called him “office” or “constab”?

When I get pulled I just say “can I help you const” :slight_smile:


Retired Old ■■■■:
Wonder what plod would think if you called him “office” or “constab”?

When I get pulled I just say “can I help you const” :slight_smile:

or Cunst even :slight_smile:

One site I’ve been going to a for while the agent calls me Clive, he’s called me that for years but I only recently realised he wasn’t saying drive :smiley: :smiley:

I think it’s quite funny, no idea why he thinks I’m called Clive but I just carry on anyway. I’ve been called worse…

i hate drive, but it beats being called mr stobart, or steady eddie


Retired Old ■■■■:
Wonder what plod would think if you called him “office” or “constab”?

When I get pulled I just say “can I help you const” :slight_smile:

I’d say “ooh missus”

Wheel Nut:

Aye pet hate to should use the Dutch system where they call you Mr. followed by the name of your company

That doesn’t always work :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol very good perhaps you could tell them on the way in that your first name is Big

I can’t see a problem with being called “Drive” where the people at a company don’t know your name, it’s not meant in an offensive way so why bother about it.

“Drive” is fine by me also been called, “Shag”, “Geezer”, “Dude”, “Sir” (very rare though), “stud muffin” (even rarer).

This wife does call me “Brad” during moments of heightened pleasure- which I realise is her Brad Pit fantasy kicking in and she assures me doesn’t relate to our postman who is also called Brad. :confused:

For the last year or two I find I’m getting called,“Young man”,by customers and some of our staff.
Are they taking the pi$$,or are they being flattering?,as I am now turned 70!

“Drive” is fine by me also been called, “Shag”, “Geezer”, “Dude”, “Sir” (very rare though), “stud muffin” (even rarer).

This wife does call me “Brad” during moments of heightened pleasure- which I realise is her Brad Pit fantasy kicking in and she assures me doesn’t relate to our postman who is also called Brad. :confused:


:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

JLS Driver SOS:


Retired Old ■■■■:
Wonder what plod would think if you called him “office” or “constab”?

When I get pulled I just say “can I help you const” :slight_smile:

or Cunst even :slight_smile:

Reminds me of one occasion I was was stopped by plod.

‘Have you been drinking sir?’
‘I haven’t had a cont all day drinkstable’