Three teenage GIRLS kill a random pensioner of 74.
Wtf has happened to teaching respect and values to kids nowadays?
It would be bad enough if it was 3 lads…but girls?
I was not an angel as a teenager, neither were my kids…but attacking somebody for nothing a pensioner…let alone killing him.
I just dont get it, especially being a parent myself.
With you all the way on that Rob, it’s a sad state of affairs. Maybe bringing back the birch might make a difference-didn’t seem to do me much harm in the long term!
theres always been these cases -quite recently i read about a lodger who killed 2 kids he was babysitting and put their heads on a fence this was in the 60s . Its because the media is hell bent on promoting bad news. Back in the day news ended with a feel good story , no reason why not to do that now.
I can not remember hearing anything about that case, aint saying it aint true either.
But I would have thought at that time the 60s it would have been high profile,.especially with the macarbe connotaions.
That is the thing though stuff like today like the case I brought up is almost commonplace, . so is not reported nationally, and no longer has the ‘shock factor’.
I think it’s because we are been bombarded with so much shock and horror news almost daily now, that we forget what happened before.
For instance, that psychotic killer in Nottingham who murdered Barnaby Webber, Grace O’Malley-Kumar, and Ian Coates we all remember for the time being.
But do you recall the murder of Alex Robinson which happened just 10 years ago?
I’ll give you a damning press quote which could easily have been about Calocane, but wasn’t.
"A dangerous, mentally ill man was hurriedly discharged from hospital into the community because of his repeated violent behaviour on the ward.
This an interesting site.
It gives total number of homicides back to Victorian times, and also the rate of homicide from 1970.
Looks like a peak around 2003, but currently no more homicide per capita, than 1974 -ish.
As already said the reporting is different now and many cases of “domestic violence” do not make the national papers, but they never did.
When I were a lad an old lady was murdered just up the road, it made the local newspapers a lot but wasn’t on the TV or anything, There were fewer channels and we were listening out for it.
Forgot the link
Going back when I was in 20s fella next door just flpped for no reason and killed his 2 kids with a hammer.
Didn’t get much of a sentence as he claimed had voices in his head telling him to do it mental problem’s etc. yet he seemed a decent enough bloke.
Worst part was as this was before mobile phones etc so didn’t get much medie coverage…and because of this the kids mum who was at work couldn’t be contacted as nobody knew where she worked she found out about watching the news at work before the police could get to her work place and inform her
On tv news this morning it was revealed that 85% of school headmasters had been assaulted either verbally or physically by pupils or their parents.My neighbour’s grandson from 4 doors away has been excluded from school at age 13 for ■■■■■■ at a teacher.His father can’t work because he is in armley prison. again.On the roads,why are so many people so angry? Our culture and society is beyond salvation.
women being “the weaker sex” have flown under the radar until recently. You say
“domestic violence” and 99% of you will think man on woman violence, though around 25% of violence is woman on man. Prisons are 95% men and just 5% women.
But some really brave young women are fighting to correct that last statistic: