What happens to the positive Covid cases?

So, since the beginning of the pandemic we’ve had how many people test positive for the virus? And considering that more people will have caught it, than have been tested (positive) (particularlyin the early months), the actual number of people who have (had) covid, is in the millions. But how are they influencing the stats? You only ever hear about the 50000 new positive test this week or last week, but nothing about the 49500 people three weeks ago who have not gone to hospital, not fallen (seriously) I’ll, or who didnt die.
How do they fit in? Are they no longer at risk? Do they have immunity? Can they still carry and spread it?
What about households where one or more have contracted covid? Did others in the household catch it? Did anybody catch it again?

Had to laugh yesterday when radio 5 lead headline was 3 million people have tested positive for covid in the UK, was yesterday or the day before, no it was since March hardly relevant since two weeks after getting it most will have recovered, also does that mean that those 3 million don’t need the vaccine as they say it’s rare to get it twice.

When Lewis Hamilton or even Valentino Rossi famously contracted covid did anyone hand on heart think “oh no, there’s a chance he’ll die now”? Or did you merely think “well that’s two races he’ll miss”?

The 6 of us in my family had it in March along with hundreds of thousands of others at that time but unless hospitalised the greater majority never got tested (ONS estimates 100,000 a day at peak)

From the world stats and the media reports it seems that only about a dozen people in the world have had it twice (Unless anyone can find differently)

From that we can deduce that having it once and storing that virus info in the body memory system means that those of us that had it are super unlikely to get it again - Unless a new super mutated version comes along

That is somewhat speculation but seems logical using a common sense approach
Scientists will say otherwise because that only go on hard facts

I wish we had a blood test that could show who has had the virus so we do not waste the vaccine on them at least until the rest have had their shots

JVT on TV said those who have had the virus could use the vaccine as a booster!

ADD - I forgot to mention a minority who suffer from what we term as long covid

Had to laugh yesterday when radio 5 lead headline was 3 million people have tested positive for covid in the UK, was yesterday or the day before, no it was since March hardly relevant since two weeks after getting it most will have recovered, also does that mean that those 3 million don’t need the vaccine as they say it’s rare to get it twice.

They haven’t committed themselves from the start of it as to the definition of ‘recovery’ nor provided the recovered count v cases let alone whether that means immunity.
They also seem to be saying that ‘recovery’ won’t mean no need for vaccination.
So let’s get this right.
They are saying ‘recovery’ doesn’t mean natural immunity.
Reinfection can and has occurred in known cases.
Which means the body doesn’t create any immunity in the form of a successful anti body response to it either way.
How does a vaccine supposedly work in that case.
A vaccine is only there to prime the body’s recognition and anti body response.
Reinfection after ‘recovery’ says no chance.

Moreover, what about travelling to testing sites? Surely the best thing to do if you have symptoms is just to stay at home. Surely going out at all is risking people’s lives. What if you are involved in a car crash and the emergency services come into contact with you? What about the workers at the testing sites? What about the staff at the services when people going to get tested stop there? It was a completely unnecessary journey to be making to simply tick a box to say you have the virus. I understand doctors and nurses who need to get back to work getting tested, fair enough, but joe punter can go out and walk the streets with Covid-19 because he/she needs to get tested.

From the world stats and the media reports it seems that only about a dozen people in the world have had it twice (Unless anyone can find differently)

From that we can deduce that having it once and storing that virus info in the body memory system means that those of us that had it are super unlikely to get it again - Unless a new super mutated version comes along

That is somewhat speculation but seems logical using a common sense approach
Scientists will say otherwise because that only go on hard facts

I wish we had a blood test that could show who has had the virus so we do not waste the vaccine on them at least until the rest have had their shots

Firstly it doesn’t matter ‘how many’ caught it again after ‘recovery’.Any at all is sufficient proof that ‘recovery’ and anti bodies don’t mean immunity with this thing.There is no anti body ‘memory’.

There is an anti body blood test it’s just that the government won’t provide it free.You have to pay for it.The results, like recoveries, aren’t counted regardless.So they don’t actually know exactly how many have ‘caught it twice’ or if ‘recovery’ just means ‘remission’.

Probably because, like providing ‘recovery’ figures, they know the results will provide an inconvenient truth.
That 1 recovery and anti bodies don’t mean immunity.
2 that raises even more obvious inconvenient questions regarding the idea of any vaccine.
Such as I’ve had measles and I’ve never had or needed a vaccine to ‘boost’ the natural immunity that resulted from my recovery.What’s different about this.
Why would ‘recovered’ patients still require vaccination and what good will it do regardless ?. :bulb:

there will never be 0 cases, if thats their goal…we are all fckd!

I wish we had a blood test that could show who has had the virus so we do not waste the vaccine on them at least until the rest have had their shots

One exists, it looks for T cells. I keep getting asked if I’ve had one when I’m getting one of my regular tests for the ONS study into infection in the community.

You’d still need to give people the vaccine though as there’s no guarantee as to how long natural immunity after recovering from it lasts. And as we know from getting flu and colds, just because you’ve had it once doesn’t mean you can’t get it again.

Moreover, what about travelling to testing sites? Surely the best thing to do if you have symptoms is just to stay at home. Surely going out at all is risking people’s lives. What if you are involved in a car crash and the emergency services come into contact with you? What about the workers at the testing sites? What about the staff at the services when people going to get tested stop there? It was a completely unnecessary journey to be making to simply tick a box to say you have the virus. I understand doctors and nurses who need to get back to work getting tested, fair enough, but joe punter can go out and walk the streets with Covid-19 because he/she needs to get tested.

I hope you’re not working, you’re having your shopping delivered in hermetically sealed packaging which you leave outside for 3 days before bringing it in and individually disinfecting every single part of it and everything in it whilst wearing a fulll hazmat suit with that level of fear.

Lets address the handwringing point by point…

  1. The vast majority of people will be driving to the test centre. They come into contact with nobody en-route. They shouldn’t be stopping at services because there should be no need to travel on a motorway to get to a test centre.
  2. The chances of them being in an accident are infintessimal and if they are the emergency services have protective gear they wear to prevent them from catching it. They were doing that from the start of the first lockdown. I remember passing an incident on the A1M at Peterborough on the other carriageway. Van parked on hard shoulder, hazmat tent put up, road fully closed from the junction before to the one after.
  3. At the testing sites all of the staff tell you to keep the windows shut, they hold up signs. The only time you open your window is to be handed the test and to give it back and that’s to someone fully masked up so they can’t get it.
  4. It’s not an unnecessary journey just to tick a box to say you’ve got the virus. First of all if you’ve got it they can then do contact tracing to find others who’ve been in contact with you so they can self isolate and reduce the chance of it spreading. If you’ve not got it it allows you to go back to work which if you’re a key worker, especially if you’re a care worker, an emergency worker, NHS staff etc means that those employers who desperately need staff aren’t struggling because of a shortage of it because people who don’t need to isolate are just in case they have it.

Just think whilst you’re sat at home with the tin foil on the windows because you don’t want to catch radiation from the 5G signals that you should be thanking the hundreds of years of scientific advances we’ve had because once upon a time Darwinism would’ve ridden the gene pool of people as stupid as you. It’s only because of those advances you didn’t die years ago.

Track and Trace works. The stepson was complaining about loss of smell and taste and had a test from work, the results came back positive, so now we are all in isolation. The death rate will rise suddenly because I will kill him if I get it

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Wheel Nut:
. The death rate will rise suddenly because I will kill him if I get it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Isn’t that why we have social distancing? So you can’t lay hands on him?


I wish we had a blood test that could show who has had the virus so we do not waste the vaccine on them at least until the rest have had their shots

One exists, it looks for T cells. I keep getting asked if I’ve had one when I’m getting one of my regular tests for the ONS study into infection in the community.

You’d still need to give people the vaccine though as there’s no guarantee as to how long natural immunity after recovering from it lasts. And as we know from getting flu and colds, just because you’ve had it once doesn’t mean you can’t get it again.

So how does a ‘vaccine’ fix that.It can only artificially kick off the same useless anti body response that catching the virus naturally does.

‘T cell’ test is just anti body test as opposed to antigen.The government won’t arrange or pay for the former or count the result.I wonder why.

Hi Conor. The joys of spring have come early for you I see.

Thanks for lumping me in with the conspiracists, where did that one come from?

It seems like your image of all testing centres is a drive-through arrangement and that everyone surely must have a car in this day and age, right? Well…

Hi Conor. The joys of spring have come early for you I see.

Thanks for lumping me in with the conspiracists, where did that one come from?

Your post which is a direct almost verbatim pile of crap I’ve seen posted by countless morons on social media.

It seems like your image of all testing centres is a drive-through arrangement and that everyone surely must have a car in this day and age, right? Well…

We’ve got an almost permanent one on the outskirts of my town which, like the majority of them, is a place away from private housing not in a place you’d typically walk to. As you’re staying at home and not venturing out unlike the rest of us you won’t have driven past loads of others as you’re out and about doing your deliveries. I like most of us on here have driven past them all over the country, the one overwhelming thing they have in common is the coned off part of the road to create a lane for all the cars that go there with people wanting testing. Whilst you may get the odd one or two walking there the vast majority by far are driving there in a car not interacting with anyone outside of it until they get there.

But by all means continue to believe the crap spouted on Facespace. No doubt you also believe all the hospitals are empty too given how many videos of empty corridors are doing the rounds on social media.

Hi again Conor

Saw your were online, so the riposte was surely to come.

You seem to be making assumptions based on your pigeon-holing technique, which seems to be off the mark. Bad day?

Currently on four days off, last week over 50 hours. You can take your assumptions and accusations and shove them. You post a lot of uninformed drivel at the best of times and the personal attacks are a bit out of order. It has been said before, but you take no heed clearly.

You post a lot of uninformed drivel at the best of times

Given what you’ve posted above you’re the last person who has any right to call anyone for posting drivel. That is epic levels of drivel so bad that on last nights government briefing when a journalist repeated basically the crap you posted when he asked “how many people have caught covid whilst travelling to a vaccination centre” that Matt Hancock just stood there shaking his head in disbelief and almost did a facepalm.

That is the epic level of stupidity of your post, that the majority of people who read it would sit there facepalming. It’s so right up there on the level of stupid it would be the kind of thing you’d expect Baldrick to come out with in a comedy sketch.

Hi Conor

Let me attempt to guide you.

I was talking about people who suspect they may have Covid-19 going out and travelling, by whichever means, but definitely including to walk-in / mobile test centres (yes they do exist).

You are mentioning a question that was asked about people catching Covid-19 on the way to getting vaccinated if I understand correctly. I haven’t said anything at all about this.

By the way, I did sign up to Facebook about ten years ago. However, I have done very little with the account and I haven’t logged in years. My profile isn’t active and I never visit the site.

You seem to wish to tell me what I probably think. I think it would probably be best to base your responses on what I do say rather than what you think I think or any random pigeon-hole you have put me in in your head.