What does the collective think?

What does the collective think■■?

Nah, bollox, I usually call the customer to confirm address etc. But it was too dam dark to handball 120 bales of woodshavings and I had been on the road since 6 AM and was beginning to feel tired, mistakes are easily made at this point…I could be wrong, but I would rather be safe.
See what tomorrow brings :laughing: :laughing:
The boss has the socail skills of a rabid leper on acid, so it could be interesting. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

If we all had the balls to do this,
Transport Clerks might actually improve.

My favourite was a driver who phoned up for a delivery address,
and got the usual stupid comments ,
just put in the postcode and you,ll find it etc…
its not complicated blah,blah blah

So when Mrs Tomtom said
“you have reached your destination”
he had a look around ,
no sign of building so
just returned on his 150 mile journey home.

Why should he try and find the address,
when the office staff were unhelpfull
If they treat him like a moron he might as well act like one

Macka Packa:
If we all had the balls to do this,
Transport Clerks might actually improve.

My favourite was a driver who phoned up for a delivery address,
and got the usual stupid comments ,
just put in the postcode and you,ll find it etc…
its not complicated blah,blah blah

So when Mrs Tomtom said
“you have reached your destination”
he had a look around ,
no sign of building so
just returned on his 150 mile journey home.

Why should he try and find the address,
when the office staff were unhelpfull
If they treat him like a moron he might as well act like one

:laughing: :laughing: The transport clerk is the bosses wife!! :laughing: :laughing:
Nice little family firm…When you stop at a snack van the other drivers ask you how you put up with it…May give you some indication of what it is like working for this lot!! I strangely enjoy it though, nice to see people who are more emotionally disturbed than myself, kindas makes me feel normal… :laughing: :laughing:

Nah, bollox, I usually call the customer to confirm address etc. But it was too dam dark to handball 120 bales of woodshavings and I had been on the road since 6 AM and was beginning to feel tired, mistakes are easily made at this point…I could be wrong, but I would rather be safe.
See what tomorrow brings :laughing: :laughing:
The boss has the socail skills of a rabid leper on acid, so it could be interesting. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

I think you should come to work with me for the day.
A) find the truck in a layby at night- with no sidelights or indicators.
B)Location given covers a 9 mile stretch of road
C)Tiddling down with rain and you’ve got to lay in the road to get the wagon hooked up or fixed.
D)Driver doesn’t speak a word of English.
E) Whilst laying on an icy road your face gets peppered by grit from a passing gritter ( this hurts, trust me).
These are just a few issues anyone who drives a wrecker can come across. I’ve even gone as far as having to dismantle parts of my wagon to allow me to tow another truck. But i love my job so i’m not complaining, I just reckon that handballing 120 bales of wood shavings off in the dark sounds ■■■■ easy to me. :smiley:

i’d have phoned the boss and got him to tell me to go back to the depot.
As i’ve pointed to him before i’m not qualified or equiped to think for myself.

Macka Packa:
If we all had the balls to do this,
Transport Clerks might actually improve.

My favourite was a driver who phoned up for a delivery address,
and got the usual stupid comments ,
just put in the postcode and you,ll find it etc…
its not complicated blah,blah blah

So when Mrs Tomtom said
“you have reached your destination”
he had a look around ,
no sign of building so
just returned on his 150 mile journey home.
would this be your answer on a job application form as well? :unamused:
Why should he try and find the address,
when the office staff were unhelpfull
If they treat him like a moron he might as well act like one

personally i would of rung 118 / internet on phone to get a number of the deliveries and confirm post code directions with them if they were in. if i couldn’t make contact with them i’d ring the boss, only after a good few attempts of making contact with deliveries / boss before i’d start to bring it back. what distance from base are we talking as thats going to influence it aswel?

if you’d not done something along the lines of the above and i was the boss, i wouldn’t be impressed.

sorry dude but you did ask


I’m with Stevieboy on this one, though because of the short distances involved the old hearty laugher may be in a forgiving mood…

I would have got out of the cab and asked a local where the farm is.

The chances are, he or she would be related to the farmer.

“att” you’re going to get your arse kicked by your boss.
take a crow bar to work with you, it will help ease out his size 10 from your spinkter :laughing: .

Well, turns out the first one I could not find was a wrong address and postcode!!! It was for Millwards, not Millwoods and the code was wrong…

The second one I could not find because the guy has his own business based at his home/smallholding and advertises his services in the local press, so he has taken all indicators of where he lives away, so the local ■■■■■■ cant find him :confused: .....I think I could be a ■■■■■, he didnt even answer his phone :confused: Stealth Tree Surgery…

Boss was fine, infact he was bloody nice to be honest :open_mouth:

Oh yeah, no need for a crowbar here, fully conversant in the joys of hand to hand combat via two methods of martial arts :wink: And a spell of Thai KickBoxing at a competative level. :wink: …So I can run like ■■■■… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: