What colour??

Anyone else get caught up in the nightmare on the M6 on Tuesday? I managed to travel a whole 37kms in 4 hours. I was in a rental wagon so didn’t have my CB to find out best routes around or what was going on.

Still don’t know what colour the paint that got spilt was - anyone??

Not seen it myself mate, but i was talkin to a fella this afternoon who’s been past it four times since and he reckons it’s a whole mixture of colours, quite spectacular! All across the carriageway, up the armco and everywhere! Best to leave it alone and let it wear down i reckon! I’d imagine it looks a bit more interesting than the paint trials on the A11 north at Newmarket!

Was it one of Kalon’s :question:

Anyone else get caught up in the nightmare on the M6 on Tuesday? I managed to travel a whole 37kms in 4 hours. I was in a rental wagon so didn’t have my CB to find out best routes around or what was going on.

Still don’t know what colour the paint that got spilt was - anyone??

It was red and blue and left everybody marooned for miles around :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: groan

If I hear that “joke” on the radio again I’ll scream - mind you as my Iveco’s radio is broken I can’t hear anything on the radio… :cry: :cry:

Driving in the dark


…mind you as my Iveco’s radio is broken I can’t hear anything on the radio…

Are you sure the radio is broken :question: It’s probably working fine but with it being an Iveco you can’t hear it over the din the engine makes :laughing:

I’m getting to know all the noises made by the engine after having no radio all week. God it’s boring with no music, and I never thought I’d be missing the Archers… :laughing:

The bad bit about having no radio, is no traffic news, eg paint spills on the M6


Where was this red paint then? What i saw was mainly white with a bit of blue on the verge. Well spread about though!!!

I must have passed you going Northbound with a Laura Ashley step trailer on. Went down their about 2 o’clock. Traffic was a mare the other way as a tipper driver had turned spilt a load of coal over the A50 into Stoke. Then their was a I think Kingsmill step trailer on it’s side just before you get onto the M6. Funnily enough the VI were on the M6 in Scotland on the way back Wednesday checking everyones load for security. Wonder why :laughing: .

Yep, I was in it…managed to use up five and a quarter hours driving going from Hull to Crewe… :unamused:

I was driving south down the M6 last Saturday. Halfway between Keele MSA and J15, there’s shed loads of paint splattered on the hard-shoulder, on the barrier and in the bushes by that “CameraAware” place set back from the motorway.

No one will know what colour the paint was,apparently the whole incident has been “glossed over” by the local police… :confused: :confused: :blush: :blush: :unamused: :unamused: :wink:
