Whats the best one to use.Tend to get Gastric Oespheugal Reflux Dissorder with the famous one with a bull picture on the can.The green tin called V is strong on the gastic juices.Or good old fashioned coffee for a night shift or long run.Does anyone get insominia with any high caffeine drinks.Lot of folks prefer the cheap one at Lidl
s for about 39 pence.
Addicted to Red Bull unfortunatly and It may sound weird but I cant go to my bunk without having a cup of coffee first.
See or used to see lots of German and Dutch drivers with large coffee percolators and machines of that nature in their windsreen,on top of dash boards,etc.Looked like a mobile Starbucks or Costa a lotta shop on wheels.Portuguese would knock back 20 expressos a day,and drive like loonies.Eyes blood shot,and wired up all day.
irn bru is my choice haha
giz a boatlt a ginger pal
tim williams:
What`s the best one to use.Tend to get Gastric Oespheugal Reflux Dissorder with the famous one with a bull picture on the can.
have you ever thought of joining these tim?
Cannot function in the morning till I have had two very strong coffee’s, through out the day about another 1.5 liters…
Sometime have them on the night shift if I have had a crap sleep in the day.
Don’t have them near the end of the shift as insomnia kicks in when I get home.
Thus starting the cycle of living on the horrible tasting crap
My choice is the relentless or the Rockst*r cans.
Got to agree with having Coffee, I also function best with regular doses of it.
Changing the subject slightly, what was the name of that stuff you could get in Luxembourg in little yellow bottles ?
Relentless is good stuff and certainly does the trick!
I’m for Relentless too, only for the taste though. It’s the only one that doesn’t taste like horrible sour sherbert, and now they’ve got some new flavours out which are even better. I drink it after I’ve had my 45 mins or a nap, but I can’t drink a whole can at once though. I cover it with cling film and drink the other half the next day.
I’m a bit of a caffiene lightweight!
I’m lucky, I don’t need to have any drinks to keep me going, but I do love the flavour of red bull and tescos Kick and all that lot…shame they don’t make a non-energy version of it for people who like the taste, but don’t want to be bouncing off the cab walls! If there’s a coffee machine with free drinks then I may have a coffee or two, but I’ll either go hot chocolate or Mocha, classy I know
The only problem with these drinks is as well as being high in caffien,they’'re high in sugar.
I find a couple of Pro Plus pills is the best pick me up.
Relentless for me too…
Tesco’s own brand low cal is my usual one, with Lidls sometimes (which is very nice) or coffee.
In Belgium it’s one called Burn, in Holland it’s “Go Fast” which is also very pleasant, both with nice fruit flavours that actually taste of fruit.
expresso and red bull does the trick
nescafe express in germany
For me its I really needed Relentless, but I’d rather go for a couple of strong coffees.
On a side note, I’m getting a free sample of that 925 sent out as seen advertised in T&D I’ll let you know what its like
For me its I really needed Relentless, but I’d rather go for a couple of strong coffees.On a side note, I’m getting a free sample of that 925 sent out as seen advertised in T&D I’ll let you know what its like
ITS BLOODY LOVELY, black cherry flavour, only just drank it so dont know what effects are like, one think worries me that I read on the bottle:
Vitamin B-12
833 mcg per serving 13883% of RDA
get free sample email name and address to mark@925energy.com
website is www.925energy.com where you can get all details etc
For me its I really needed Relentless, but I’d rather go for a couple of strong coffees.On a side note, I’m getting a free sample of that 925 sent out as seen advertised in T&D I’ll let you know what its like
ITS BLOODY LOVELY, black cherry flavour, only just drank it so dont know what effects are like, one think worries me that I read on the bottle:
Vitamin B-12
833 mcg per serving 13883% of RDAget free sample email name and address to mark@925energy.com
website is 925energy.com where you can get all details etc
You sure you got that right…Thirteen Thousand, Eight Hundred and Eighty Three percent 13,883%■■? Thats crazy man, CRAZY!!!
That ■■■■■…just E-mailed 925 and they’re not giving out free samples any more