what a good idea


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

great idea till one gets FLATTENED,then everyone will now its fake.

I’ve seen things like that used in Germany, they also park old police cars at teh start of roadworks which tends to stop people cutting in at the last second and slows thenm down on the approach.

But this isnt the point of all these speed partnerships, how are they supposed to be able to fine you with a bit or cardboard? :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

It stands on 3 legs so as you approach it it would look like a Robin Reliant (younger viewers search on Google) so you might be scared of getting a ticket from a 3 wheeler and even funnier getting chased by one.

I can remember the case of a guy (about 15 years ago now) who got done for speeding in a reliant robin.

He was clocked at 108Mph! :open_mouth:

I have actually driven one, utter pile of crap, but surprisingly nippy and the engine itself is fine peice of engineering, very advanced. Why they put it in such a pile of turd i dont know! :laughing: Still it was better than the MK3 fiesta i had a go in once, sad thing is the fiesta was as good as it came out of the show room :unamused:

how are they supposed to be able to fine you with a bit or cardboard?

Surely sending it to you on paper is sufficient, imagine how much the postage would be on cardboard :laughing:

I’ve seen things like that used in Germany, they also park old police cars at teh start of roadworks which tends to stop people cutting in at the last second and slows thenm down on the approach.

If you did that in certain parts of the UK, it would be stripped for parts in a couple of hours.

It stands on 3 legs so as you approach it it would look like a Robin Reliant (younger viewers search on Google) so you might be scared of getting a ticket from a 3 wheeler and even funnier getting chased by one.

Funnily enough where I lived Reliant Robins were known as “Plastic Pigs”…how ironic.

i am sure it was the Regal which looked like a pig the name was then carried over to the Robin

Also virtually all 3 wheelers are called Robins, hence everyone will tell you Del Boy drives a robin reliant, actually it was a Reliant Regal. They then bought out the boxy 80’s reliant called the Rialto they eventually gave up calling it the Rialto and changed the name back to Robin.

Anyone remember the Reliant Scimitar? How different from the robin could you get!

Funnily enough where I lived Reliant Robins were known as “Plastic Pigs”…how ironic.

I thought a plastic pig was an ERF

Denis F:

Funnily enough where I lived Reliant Robins were known as “Plastic Pigs”…how ironic.

I thought a plastic pig was an ERF

Where I come from a “plastic pig” is a traffic warden or “community safety officer” (as in plastic gangster :laughing:

The problem with this idea is in this country if there’s a copper parked at the side of the motorway then you end up with a 5 mile jam leading up to it as everybody tries to see sombody’s severed limbs from tne accident!

north surrey haulage:
Where I come from a “plastic pig” is a traffic warden or “community safety officer” (as in plastic gangster :laughing:

we have other words for those…

I would think that the sign is more of a deterrant.

I saw a police car parked in some roadworks today and it was surprising the amount of people who slowed down for them. 50 limit on the M5. This morning everyone streamed past as if there was no limit. Other side coming back with the 50 limit everyone streamed past until they spotted the police car and slowed to 45mph…

So it is obvious that no one gives a toss about speedlimits, including professional drivers…

:unamused: :unamused: :open_mouth: :unamused:

I would think that the sign is more of a deterrant.

So it is obvious that no one gives a toss about speedlimits, including professional drivers…

:unamused: :unamused: :open_mouth: :unamused:

How could someone in Whitehall possibly know what size engine I have in my car,how fast I like to drive or what appointments I need to keep during the day. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

How could someone in Whitehall possibly know what size engine I have in my car,

Very easily, from the V5. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: