What a driver should carry in his bag!

Hey all this may of been asked before but i cant find it if it has!

Been wondering for a while what i should have in my bag for when i start driving! Got my class 1 training in a weeks time and my test in 2 weeks so thought it might pay to ask on here.

So all you very experienced people out there can you help me out with what you carry in your bag or give me any ideas.

Thought this might be good for other newbies aswell like myself just starting out

Thanks all


it really depends what sort of driving you’re doing, a bag for a day driver will be completely different than for a tramper !

there’s a thread on here somewhere, I’ll see if I can find it :wink:

Denis F:
it really depends what sort of driving you’re doing, a bag for a day driver will be completely different than for a tramper !

Yep What I carry for the day is totally different to what I carry for a few days

oh all so confusing lol ok lets base it for the moment on day work or night work no tramping just to give me an idea as im not planning on tramping for a while

Thanks all


try these for starters



oh all so confusing lol ok lets base it for the moment on day work or night work no tramping just to give me an idea as im not planning on tramping for a while

Thanks all


Ok, you could start with;-

Phone & Charger
Spare clothes
Toilet roll

the biggest problem is taking too much stuff so it won’t fit in a bag :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Money /cards
Hi vis
Book to read / paper
Diary ( to write work down just in case )

From bitter experience, make sure you’re prepared for a night out even when there is no doubt at all you’ll be back in your hours. It’s simple, to the list above just add toothbrush, toothpaste, grundies, shirt. I know those who never go out without a condom - but hey ho!

The alternative view is lay out everything you can’t possibly manage without and then take half of it. It’s an old biking tip but you’ve more room in a truck.

Good luck, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Hi mate
i use a pilots case i cen get most things in there . i.e A folder with all my docs and paper work in it licence /passport / certificates / tachos /box of parracetamol / a torch ./ screw driver socket set / knife folk and spoon set / clipboard / loads of pens/ sat nav /24V TO 12 V Reduser/ phone holder / blue tooth earpeice / note book / sunglasses and most important mi FLASK and heated cup ect ect
Then i have a overnight or tramping bag that sits in the hallway near the door for when neaded ./7" TV sleeping bag / small gas ring / camping pans / first aid box /clean underware / spare driving pants / couple of shirts /
washing tackle /toothbrush paste / ect ect the list just goes on . in fact if im nights out i nead a truck to get my gear to the truck lol :open_mouth: :laughing: but I now work for 4 agancies so never know where im going till they phone me …ive even bought a bike now because i ended up parked up in a yard 4 mile from the nearest shops 2 week ago so if i go there again thats comming with mi lol my motto all ways expect the unexpected … :laughing:

I’m on day work and i carry

Hard hat
hi-viz coat
cash (often the only place to stop is burger vans)
maps (enough money to buy another one if you go to a new area)
license, cpc card, digi card
bottle of water
reading material
cab phone and charger
clip board for paper work
daily check sheets
lots of spare tachos
glass cleaner and rags + dirty rag for checking oil
2litres of water for engine coolant
brush and wet wipes for cleaning

Then there are things i keep in my lorry for the job:
towing eye hook
bar for tilting cab
spare rear lenses
rachet straps
slings of various length (for craning)
pads (for crane legs)
large net
good bits of wood used for bearers
shrink wrap

Probably missed bits but gives you an idea.

I also make sure I have spare bootlaces, it’s a bugger having a flappy boot all day!!!

I also make sure I have spare bootlaces, it’s a bugger having a flappy boot all day!!!

:confused: lol

Mylee Syrus DVD and tissues.


I NEVER leave anything in my cab that I’m not prepared to lose so everything lives in my bag.

I’m a day driver & rarely venture further than the city limits & in my bag is :

Sat Nav, local street map, national road atlas, pack of wet wipes (baby bottom wipes, much cheaper), tea towel (I’m not made of sugar & actually venture outside the cab in rain, smaller than a hand towel but just as good for drying off), 2l bottle of water, snap box, Leatherman multi-tool, spare pair of gloves, Stanley knife, roll of tape.

I smoke roll ups so in the side pockets I always have 2x packets of Rizla’s & a spare lighter.

I’m permanent now but got in the habit of keeping EVERYTHING in my bag when working the agencies, sooner or later you’ll leave something in truck & lose it for ever.

Day worker, my bag consists of:

Sat Nav,
UK road atlas,
Clip board,
Loads of pens,
about a tenner in change,
mug (don’t like the little flask cups),
glass cleaner,
clean rag,
dirty rag,
high vis,
screwdriver set w/torx attachments,
few standard indicator bulbs,
toilet roll (better to be safe than sorry),
wet wipes for cleaning cab,
phone charger,
couple of ratchet straps.

Licenses and other cards live in my wallet, except paper counterpart which stays at home.

Think thats it. My bags pretty heavy :laughing: Being on rigids I never leave anything in the cab, if it ends up going out without you then its goodbye to anything you left in.

Only ever take my gear out if its going to ivecos’, too much hassle but we have our “own” lorry so no one drives other than the shunter if we ask for it to be put inside, i.e stacked up with timber etc.

super gue for mending them small things that you prang into
colored marker pens for colouring in the small thins that have been broken or scratched

tape measure, torch to see list of things to put in your bag at 3am

Distilled water for the batteries,when was the last time you took the cover off and inspected how much acid was in the batteries.?

Distilled water for the batteries,when was the last time you took the cover off and inspected how much acid was in the batteries.?

1978 when they started fitting sealed batteries (battery’s) :stuck_out_tongue: