What a bloody mess!

Look at the discourse this new discourse forum has been bringing. Yes I know you saw what I did there.

Ok here is my pennies worth about the site. I have been hesitant to say much because i get the strong impression that the admins have been left holding the proverbial bag and have put a lot of work in behind the scenes.

I also get the impression that while the site was up but were unable to sign in and post very little alpha testing has been done and as said has been left to the admins to deal with.

the whole site has a feel of being cobbled together from some bit of software that lets you choose various functions and puts them together for you like Lego bricks.

the prompts are in your face the whole time telling me i should be doing this that or the other rather than replying to an individual post all in the name of generating traffic to the site in the last 24 hours or so i have had 15 emails from this site because someone has responded to a post i looked at for more than 5 mins.

Even the simple stuff has been made complicated rather than having one reply button lets have two with the one to the right of the posts being a reasonable assumption that it is to reply to that post ie quote it. But no you then have to click on a speech bubble to quote it oh and if you just wanted to quote a portion of what ever was said you cant just edit the quote as before because of the totally unnecessary codes which incidentally suggest that the forum is on multiple servers. All this to say why have 11 switches to turn on a light when 1 will do.

It almost feels like the web biased software was bolted on to be all modern and work off an app just for the sheer hell of it as far as i can see.

just to add a more specific bug bear when designing a colour banner to notify people on how to log in. put it in a colour so that all the information can be read ie the e-mail address on who to contact if there is an issue. Also when this is raised don’t just remove the email address.

Just tried to get on to the old truck side of tn, to the Saviem page, cant see any of the thousands of photos Ive put up…WTF has happend, have i lost them all, or doing something wrong
Also no spell checker

@simcor As i called you out on here and reported the post i will do you the courtesy of explaining why on here.

firstly i genuinely did not know it would remove the post when i reported it as inappropriate so i apologize that was not my intention i thought it would of just sent a message to the admin of this section. I cannot see a way to unreport it so im sorry it is in the hands of the admins

secondly as to why i reported it you seemed to be saying that it was only the older people that were complaining and they didn’t matter because the would die soon.

I agree things change we are the same age and i remember only to well the embarrassment of trying to whisper sweet nothings to my girlfriend with the phone fixed to the kitchen wall while my mother was cooking the dinner or washing up. However, things don’t need to change for the sake of change and i think that is the crux of most peoples issue

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apparently the photos are being added slowly as to the spell check its in american english

Cheers Cooper, i cant even get the spell checker up, how do you get it to work ?


i just get a red squiggle under any word i have miss-spelt right click on it and select the appropriate spelling/word don’t mean to teach you to ■■■■ eggs but i don’t have any other way

No harm done and not overly bothered by it either, like I said I was genuinely curious as to why you found it offensive. Like I said I have thick skin and sometimes could word things better but tbh that takes up more time so sometimes I post in haste. Which could add to how my posts are read sometimes.

hummm i guess that’s another word that’s on the naughty list… anyone want to explain the combustion cycle of a internal combustion engine

■■■■ Bang Blow

Can`t understand why the censor did not block out all three?
Or does it not do innuendo?

you forgot squeeze but that was the point i was making (rather badly it seems)

Well done… yes that too!

wasn’t it you the other day that had an equally silly one




[quote=“simcor, post:35, topic:237521”][quote=“simcor, post:35, topic:237521, full:true”]
Like I said from my perspective, I do think older people get grumpy and frustrated sometimes for no reason, I know I do now more so than when I was in my 20’s.

The older you get the less inhibited you get and the more likely to speak out and make a scene, again part of life. It is anyway in my experience.

Yes everything is open to discussion and interpretation, I also don’t overly like labels like snowflake and stuff like that but it’s become part of life as have many other things. So you just have to sometimes accept things for what they are. Complaining about things only gets you so far and a lot of time maks zero difference anyway.

And I do say there is more to life than a forum/social media and some word someone types online, if it is genuinely hateful or derogatory etc fair enough it should be challenged and or delt with. But people are far too quick to read something with zero body language or facial expressions to read it and interpret it in the way they read it when it often isn’t meant in the way they read it.

:sweat_smile:I do think older people get grumpy and frustrated sometimes for no reason
Having been older for a while now simcor it’s ■■■■■■ hard at times not to be grumpy(aches and pains), as for navigating this new setup I was a bit dubious of how it would pan out, was going to give it a month or two this I guess mostly because of missing the other members who are finding it difficult to come to terms with quite a change and giving it the I’m gone attitude applying to old and not so old.

I totally agree and understand, like I say I’m not saying it’s all the older guys moaning but that’s the impression I’m getting wrongly or rightly. Again maybe plenty of younger guys moaning as well, but some of the older guys are persevering with navigating around the forum.

I hope lots of the older guys stay as their input is a valuable resource, I’ve had many an older driver or even just an solder person impart useful knowledge to me. Younger people need someone to learn things from. Sadly none of us will be here forever and out time will come and be gone.

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What a sucker you are :joy: did you see what I did there?

Sucker bang blow ok more than 20 characters ok then how’s that forum software settings. Common thing mind on a lot of forums to avoid very short posts with little content aka people posting +1 and very short replies like that.

Yes, the new lay-out takes a bit of getting used to, but most of us, who aren’t IT experts I assume, got the hang of it (with some help here and there) and can post pic’s and such on here now.
As Buzzer said, try and error.