Welsh Border and Mid Wales Hauliers 1950's onwards

Another Ford D series,seen at Welland.

Dave the Renegade:

Another Ford D series,seen at Welland.

Hi Dave,
That Ford reg might get Dennis’s brain into gear as it is a old local number
for his area.
Cheers Malc

malc step:

Dave the Renegade:

Another Ford D series,seen at Welland.

Hi Dave,
That Ford reg might get Dennis’s brain into gear as it is a old local number
for his area.
Cheers Malc

Is it Malc,wouldn’t know. I only know the numbers from down this way. As you say Dennis will possibly know the lorry.
Cheers Dave.

A heavy haulage Scammell,seen here at Welland.

A nice looking ERF A series flatbed,seen at Welland.

Austin FFK seen at Welland.

Nice little O type Bedford tipper,seen again at Welland.

Bedford TK tractor unit,don’t think this one ran at 32 ton gross.

Dave the Renegade:

A very early Albion,seen at Welland,near Malvern Worcestershire.

hi Dave,just got back from a few days in Singapore,that Air-Con on the old Albion would go down well there!..chris

I expect it would Chris :laughing: :laughing:

A tidy short flatbed ERF seen at Welland.

My guess is that this Austin is owned by one of the Read family from the Forest of Dean,which is not far from Welland.

A van load of sweets for everyone.

Saw this Dodge at Gaydon,this year.Seen here at Welland a couple of years ago.

Ford Thames,seen at Welland.

Nice Foden breakdown wagon,seen at Welland.

Scammell Scarab railway artic,seen at Welland.

AEC Mercury with what looks like a K series Austin on the back.

A perkins badge on the front of this one.

A Thames Trader tipper,seen at Welland.